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Oct 27, 2002
In the first tute in my "Youth culture and Risk" class at uni the teacher asked how many women identified as a feminist. Only about four women raised their hands which lead to a discussion as to why. Most young women (in their 20's and younger) said that today in comes with negative images of "hairy angry man hating lesbians" which i think is kinda disapointing.

If you are female do you identify as a feminist?
What does this word today mean to you? (open to both genders)
Why do you think (apart from above) it comes with neagtive images?
Do you think there is a need for feminism?
Are women "equal" with men in society?
Is there a gender reversal? i.e women have MORE rights then men today and have it easier because men feel they have been "over powered" by the women's movement?

A topic i'm very interested in :)

I can predict how it's going to go though.....
here we go again, a female thinking she has something 'important' to say
get the fuck back in the kitchen, leave the deep thinking for the males
I fucking hate feminist more than anyone else on this earth.

I am not joking.
preacha said:
here we go again, a female thinking she has something 'important' to say
get the fuck back in the kitchen, leave the deep thinking for the males

hahaha that actually made me laugh! =D

breaka - I know how you feel about it but maybe you would like to explain a little WHY here? i.e maybe answers some of the questions etc :)
because men and women are not equal. the idea ludicurious. One is not better than the other.


I am also high intoxicated. Therefore not able tpo conduct conversation now.


Haha, I just realised the irony of the word 'Queen' In your name.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Explain this irony :p <I wish that thing was more cheeky looking then angry (maybe when you're less intoxicated ;) )

re assignment- I have written one paragragh and have done some readings. It's getting there... slowly :/
the feminism movement had a place in the mid 20th century as there was a massive divide between the options available to women in order to forge a successful life for themselves when compared to their male counterparts. to me, first-wave feminism is the only form of feminism that actually counts.

the main problem i see with modern feminists is that they are removing themselves what makes them different in the first place: femininity. the same females that state 'women should be allowed to be on the front lines in war; women should be able to do jobs that require extreme physical exertion' also expect for their feminine side to be catered to as well (now this may be a large generalisation, but this is what i've experienced).

"females are not equal with men in society". agreed, however it is rare that anyone looks upon this statement as a positive one. when i open a door for a lady, it is not to be condescending. that's just the morals that were instilled in me. in addition, i have never hit a girl when they engage in a violent altercation, nor would i want to. in a business point-of-view, the gap between men and women is extremely minute, but out of the office these small differences in how we treat the opposite sex will be the first to leave should the womyn's movement get their way.

while i hardly feel threatened by the 'women's movement', i do get quite annoyed when they wish to have their cake and eat it too.

and doofqueen, if you thought for a moment that i was being serious in the above statement, thus having to point out how humourous it was, you have set your womyn's movement back another 50 yrs.
I didn't think you were being serious preacha which is WHY i thought it was funny. I'm surprised you gave me a decent reply. Thankyou :)
I'm fine with feminism as long as it is aimed towards equality. Feminazi bullshit is just as annoying as chauvinism.
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I just wanted to see what the general BL view was. No biggie. I think it's pretty obvious by me starting the thread and saying it's important to me that i identify as a feminist. Or isn't it?
I think generally you should just put your opinion out there straight up. Otherwise bias is going to affect your argument and you're going to revise it. MAN up. (that's a joke).

And predict this... You're a cunt.
ok fair enough, I agree, not fair asking for opinions when I don't give my own :)

If you are female do you identify as a feminist? yes

What does this word today mean to you? A woman who is proud to be female and sticks up for women's rights

Why do you think (apart from above) it comes with neagtive images? I can't think of any others apart from what I gave i.e that women don't want to be grouped as hairy angry man hating lesbians

Do you think there is a need for feminism? yes in some things such as where women still don't get equal pay etc

Are women "equal" with men in society? yes i think so. In most things but not all. Women should have more rights when it comes to childcare and maternity leave and so forth. They should be able to be 'allowed' to raise a family and take time off when new children come into their lives and know that when they want to return to work their job is secure

Is there a gender reversal? i.e women have MORE rights then men today and have it easier because men feel they have been "over powered" by the women's movement? Sometimes there is. I have had many conversations with men saying that they are unsure of their gender roles in relationships for example. They are confused as to what women want. Worried that if they open a car door for someone they will get called a chavanist etc and if they don't they will be looked upon as impolite and so forth.

When it comes to sexual harrassment cases i'm sure their is alot of cases that are 'made up' and favoured towards women JUST because they are women and it's predicted that women are always the victim towards mens advances and some women use this to their advantage.

I personally don't think there is a need for radical feminism and women such as Germain Greer and the like take things a little far at times. Although when she wrote her first book it was needed in that era as it just the beginning of the women's movement but years later she wrote "The whole woman" in which she says this is a book that she hoped she would never have to write meaning that she doesn't think women have come as far in society as what they should have.

ps - I might have a cunt but i don't think i AM one :\ and cunt is supposed to be a good word and not derogatory as the origin of that word actually means to praise the vagina... but i'm pretty sure i have talked about that in an actual 'cunt' thread.
Personally I think Germain Greer just needs a good hard fuck but...

Sorry about the cunt thing, I have a fairly unevolved sense of humour, it was just funny to me.

doofqueen said:
I have had many conversations with men saying that they are unsure of their gender roles in relationships for example. They are confused as to what women want. Worried that if they open a car door for someone they will get called a chavanist etc and if they don't they will be looked upon as impolite and so forth.

this just comes down to the fact that women don't know what THEY want
crazy bitches
I think Preacha hit the nail on the head when he said that fighting for rights, which women can't physically do as a male's equal... is wrong. That said, if a women can do the job right, I see no problem as her standing beside a male as his equal.

Currently the ADF do expect [slightly] less of women when enlisting.

Feminists can shit me to some degree, they base their beliefs on the wonder that somehow... someday, we can all live happily ever after in equality [I used to believe the same rubbish.] This is naive and stupid, we are cultured to be dominated by power.

I'm not happy about this personally, but no point living in fairy land, even gods angels have a hierarchy ;). It's the only way the world can function...

Are women equal to males? Overall, no! But what does that really matter? Some women are more powerful than the majority of the opposite sex -- they may be corporative business executives, weight-lifters with a 7 black black dan in ninjitsu, or your more common-found women who carries herself with a sense of courage. She's feisty, she's tough, and she has no problems getting her hands dirty and changing a tyre. YET... she's precisely the type of women I wouldn't expect to be calling herself a 'feminist'. She scoffs at the thought of women still 'fighting for feminist rights', she herself, has never bothered. Instead of asking, she just [respectfully] did as she pleased, and people mutually respected that and didn't stand in her way.

This is the type of women who deserves to have the rules bent for her. She takes on roles females aren't typically associated with and proves she's capable. I'd envision this type of women fighting for her rights [what she's personally able to do,] as opposed to womans rights, if the need arised ;).

My personal experience with feminists, however, has been the opposite of that women... and has instead been resentful women, still trying to justify what an asshole their ex-husband is. It MUST be because males have too much power in the world. As if it could be her fault she'd allowed him to control their relationship. What was she supposed to do? Stand up to him? Leave him before he left her? What? With no-one to hold her hand? Well... to hell with that, she thinks as she reads a column in womans weekly about feminism. Later she'd email the editor and be put in touch with like-minded people.

Like-minded people who pretended, like her, to care how unfair it is that on average males still earn more than women. It didn't matter that she earned equally as much as males in her line of work. She was only suddenly concerned with this feminist movement in order to avoid facing her fears.

She was weak.
She stayed in a relationship with a man who treated her like shit, out of weakness.
Then he left her.
Out of boredom.

"ALL MEN ARE LIKE THIS," she told her friends... who [supportively ;)] agreed.

And so that was that. Instead of turning inwards [after the initial dissillussionment] and working out why he never respected her... she'd assume it had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with his gender.

She'd support feminism in order to be a part of an identified group, because she'd never had the courage to fight for her individual rights, the way the courageous chick who changed tyres did [of course this is just an expample and chicks don't have to know how to change tyres to be courageous ;).] She'd never realise that the rights she personally wanted and needed... were there already - ready for her to take. She just had to know her own inner-power... and she'd find that by confronting her fears.

FUCK I THINK THESE TWO GLASSES OF WINE HAVE GONE TO MY HEAD. Sorry about the entire story that I've invented.

Anyhow, yeah... my point is clearly that feminists are totally fucked in the head.



Of course, my entire post is a generalization that went way off the tracks and doesn't reflect all feminists ;).
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I should really delete my above post to save embarrassment.

But it took me too long to type.
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