Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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Does it ever get better? I have been off it for almost a month and still have no energy. My new doc says it's still in my system.
Did u hear of it lowering anyone's IQ because my dad keeps telling me how dumb I am and saying i have a low iQ and I have always been really smart. Does your IQ go back to normal because I have heard not u stay dumb.
I hate this so much. I’m going out with my boyfriend tonight and I feel like shit all damn day long 24/7 sleep is shit to. I love him so much but it sucks not being able to feel emotions. I swear this is beyond torture. I care so much about him and I want him to know the real me not the invega version but me. When will god let me show him just how much he means to me. I swear I’m a boring sick fucking person and this isn’t right at all. I want to feel his love damn it damn it damn it. Anyways just wanted to vent. I’m so extremely sad guys. Man tomorrow is another day of hell wow I can’t take it much longer. I wish I would sleep and never wake up anymore. Sorry guys for being negative but I’m really not strong right now. I’ve lost hope.
I havent felt love since i was off invega
I wouldn't I would rather have my intelligence
100% agree. Did you get one shot or more? & what dosage(s)?

Two years and a half off, it feels much better, sometimes I feel strong emotions also sometimes I have libido, I enjoy a lot going out and I feel good when I sunbathe.

But you guys need to understand after the first year off you will get your original symptoms back, I was very lucky and I'm thankful to god because niacin actually worked for me, I'm completely sane. You should Google about Abram Hoffer and niacin, it doesn't work for anybody, from what I understand there are way more chances it works if your mental problems started not so long time ago, I mean if you have been ill for years probably niacin won't work. I wish good luck to anybody.
Thanks for posting. Did/do you experience cognitive impairments? If so how long did it take to improve?
I haven’t relapsed yet. I’m about a year off, I also did acid a few times smoked a ton and did adderal without relapsing. I believe my diagnosis was drug induced.
Yes. Was trippy asf much euphoria. I did it twice in two days. But the second trip was fine until I smoked some weed then I basically went into an extremely scary and badtrip. I took Xanax and seroquel and passed out then woke up fine. This was a few months ago.
100% agree. Did you get one shot or more? & what dosage(s)?

Thanks for posting. Did/do you experience cognitive impairments? If so how long did it take to improve?
I got 8 shots in total. Started out on the 200 something my shot then the117 finally down to the lowest mg. I'm no polar but the assholes at the hospital diagnosed every one skitso affective disorder which I'm not at all. I have never hallucinat ed or anything like that plus no other symptoms.
I got 8 shots in total. Started out on the 200 something my shot then the117 finally down to the lowest mg. I'm no polar but the assholes at the hospital diagnosed every one skitso affective disorder which I'm not at all. I have never hallucinat ed or anything like that plus no other symptoms.
I was blind after I took my first shot. I walked into bui!dings and parked cars. Was almost hit by a car I couldn't see. That lasted about a week. I have gained 80 pounds. I can't get out of bed anymore and my mind is blank. If anyone has had luck with supplements please tell me. It also lowered my iq. I'm about to go back on my adderall which I hate but I have to lose the weight.
So I said a while back that I felt recovered, and I'm here to say I even had a manic episode recently. I felt excitement for 3 days straight couldn't sleep, just listening to music and dancing around my house. I cried a good amount and even cried a few hours ago. Anhedonia was my biggest concern by far and I feel 90 % recovered from that. Just waiting for my sex drive to be back to a 100%, I can feel arousal and I can ejaculate...but can't get rock hard erections yet and my sperm is still liquidy and the color is off. Just ordered Ashwaganda I'm hoping that will help me in that department.

Just to let you know I had been taking magnesium, zinc, and fish oil for a couple months prior to my recovery. But I think jogging is what really helped fix me the most, I really recommend it. I never jogged pre-invega but it's a great and even promotes neurogensis.
So I said a while back that I felt recovered, and I'm here to say I even had a manic episode recently. I felt excitement for 3 days straight couldn't sleep, just listening to music and dancing around my house. I cried a good amount and even cried a few hours ago. Anhedonia was my biggest concern by far and I feel 90 % recovered from that. Just waiting for my sex drive to be back to a 100%, I can feel arousal and I can ejaculate...but can't get rock hard erections yet and my sperm is still liquidy and the color is off. Just ordered Ashwaganda I'm hoping that will help me in that department.

Just to let you know I had been taking magnesium, zinc, and fish oil for a couple months prior to my recovery. But I think jogging is what really helped fix me the most, I really recommend it. I never jogged pre-invega but it's a great and even promotes neurogensis.

Yeah the sexual department takes the biggest hit in alot of cases. Take care with that one buddy. Some kids on here were ready to kills themselves because of that.
But have you had issues with the invega being rereleased after a jog? I seen some people say they felt alot better and then worked out and all of the sudden they're back to square one. If you didn't, there's probably not enough invega stored in your fat cells which is a really good thing.
Yeah the sexual department takes the biggest hit in alot of cases. Take care with that one buddy. Some kids on here were ready to kills themselves because of that.
But have you had issues with the invega being rereleased after a jog? I seen some people say they felt alot better and then worked out and all of the sudden they're back to square one. If you didn't, there's probably not enough invega stored in your fat cells which is a really good thing.

Nope no issues after jogging. Just makes me feel rejuvenated. Sexual function was my second biggest concern for sure, but anhedonia was by far the largest. Like even if I can't have sex, at least I can masturbate and feel orgasms and enjoy everything else in life. But with anhedonia it's like I can't enjoy or feel anything, even sex wouldn't be pleasurable. I'm having a prolactin test in a few days...last time it was at 50 ng/ml which is high, that was 4 months ago. I'll update when I get my results back. I believe I'll be able to have sex eventually and hey....worst comes to shove there's always a penile implant option...not ideal but I would be able to get erect anytime and last as long as I want.
So I'm trying to talk my doctor into thinking I don't have psychosis and am more so having psychic issues. I'm being injected with risperdal and i was put under commitment for homicidal rage with a conclusion of psychosis for the stuff that goes on in my head. I typed out what i'm going to say and I want to hear what you guys think and if it's worth saying:
" I know I heard that psychosis mimics the people around you, and that's what would technically happen from a doctor's standpoint. But I'd get these thoughts of what people could say, and often times they'd repeat exactly what was said in my head. This stuff happened alot when I was a kid; sensing someone saying something not very kind to me, and then them actually saying the exact words I sensed. I'm a Pisces in astrology. It's said that we're psychic. When I first took a test and found out the probability of my mental health issue being psychosis, I instinctively thought it had similarities to psychic. That's why I believe medication doesn't work for me. Because it's quantum and not a chemical chemical imbalance which medication should solve in the blink of an eye.
And btw, risperdal antagonizes the 5HT serotonin receptor which can cause low serotonin in that department and low 5HT serotonin can make you irritable and prone to anger; so keep that in mind while you counterproductively continue to inject me to avoid any anger issues."
I doubt it'd work but I want it to be known at least.

I guess there's no harm in trying but I don't think this will accomplish much, unfortunately. From my experience psychiatrists have massive egos. Think about it, they consider themselves doctors and they spend 8+ years in education and training to get certified. They would think "what insolence from this mentally ill lunatic trying to educate me on psychiatry".

I drove my old psychiatrist nuts because I would dispute so much of the BS he says. At the time I was in a country where a psychiatrist can't force "medication" on anyone...I'm sorry for your situation, it's inhumane to force poisonous drugs on people and it's my firm belief that this is the most sinister "legal" thing that happens in developed countries. Blocking essential brain receptors is a fucking brutal thing to do to anyone, and psychiatry is evil.

No idea what your life situation is, but honestly if I was forced on medication I would leave the country immediately and never come back.
Does energy come back?
Does cognition?
Man these poisons block dopamine and serotonin...
What Is life without dopamine and serotinin...
Its suffering....
Pure suffering
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