Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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Jai recu 2 injection de xeplion Donc Je te parle en tant que frere
Mais moi aussi je galere comme toi mais je me sens mieux relativise gros arrete de te plaindre tkt je tai vu sur doctissimo inchallah tu aille mieux tkt sa va Aller avec le temp sois fort
Yes but i lose hope ... its horrible, and 1 month for you, lol 1 month its a easy easy game you dont understand experience of the all guy who complain in this forum, you don't understand everything.. day by day month by month the same attitude horrible no life, no mindset .. take your bullshit for you.. but i wish you the best for your life im not a asshole like you.
Ps: your stategie in good for you, but not for everybody. And if si so easy, everybody will have done
J'espere que ça l'ami comme tu dit inchallah, prend soin de toi
Ecoute mes conseil man ne sois pas pessimiste

je vois tes deseperer comme moi je lai etait mes des emotions tu en as tu ten rend pas compte je sais tu as que 20 ans c dur comme epreuve mais sois fort il est possible de sen sortir ne tinquiete pas
lets keep the posts in english please so that everyone can participate.
Hello all. Day 331. No improvements. Mind still blank, no emotions, or libido. I don’t understand how so many have recovered at this point but I haven’t. It definitely depresses me. I haven’t felt reality in so long, I have just been in this maze. I really would like to feel better so that I could move forward with life. It has taken a toll on my mom and I don’t know what to do at this point. Is there anything different that you guys did that helped with recovery? & when you recovered, was it just like everything went back to normal in a moment or was it gradual?

I don’t like coming on the forum with nothing positive and I really wanted to be a recovery story at this point. But that’s just not my reality. I try to be positive everyday but at this point I really want to just die. No human deserves to be in this situation. It’s taken a toll on myself but also my family. I need some solutions seriously bc I’m almost at 11 months with no improvement and this just doesn’t seem real. There no way something should have this effect on you almost a year later.

I did the half life calculator and at this stage I should have 1.08 of invega left in my system. I thought by 2.0 the effects would go away. I don’t want to end up like rosi, and I always feared that when I joined this forum (no disrespect to her, it’s not her fault; and I believe she is doing better) but I want to return to a functional life.

I miss working, communicating with friends, smoking marijuana, working on my business, having a social life, so many things I’m missing out on from day to day. I’m tired of being in bed rest. I REALLY don’t know how much longer I can watch others live their lives while I suffer. I just dont see this as God’s Will for my life. & I pray that he would forgive me if I decide to take myself out of this life.
People in this forum just complain but you have brain no ?thinking what you fucking brain all the people in this forum just thinking bad no emotion blablabla you have some emotion don't worry me I have 2 injection after I stop me too sometimes Im depress but not like in here if you don't get better don't text in this forum and shut up some people have more probleme in this world me too first month I'm not good stay in room do nothing step by step now I watch film smile found flat for work do some goal in my life psychiatrist people they fucking psychopath you cant come back in the past you need be positive me I start feel good step by step I have libido I can walk run I don't have side effect except insomnia sometimes so you need be positive !!and smart the only solution is chemical eliminate palmitate that it
Everyone is allowed to voice their opinion and feelings in this forum negative or positive. Please dont be so judgmental.
@lifeline the story recovery dépends, i see a lot of succes stories. Some people recover progressively with waves, waves stop and waves again, waves stop and again and other suddenly all the sensation became suddenly in 5 days he heal its crazy… Look page 17 of the forum SkavrsXeplion in 5 days suddenly whereas one weeks before he live in the shit … me too no improvement at all i have just 1 injection and 4 weeks pills at this stage lots of person know the waves.. you and me no ..
Malakoff, there's no secret cure to this man. It's just waiting it out, simple as that. First four months it disperses from the crystal thingies. Next 6 to 8 months the actual drug slowly hydrolyzes in the blood. That's it! We just gotta wait till all the drug hydrolyzes and gets shit or pissed out unchanged. Then wait like another 2 to 4 weeks for the receptors to recycle. Yes even the "irreversibly antagonized" ones. Like another month and you get new ones anyway.
Malakoff, there's no secret cure to this man. It's just waiting it out, simple as that. First four months it disperses from the crystal thingies. Next 6 to 8 months the actual drug slowly hydrolyzes in the blood. That's it! We just gotta wait till all the drug hydrolyzes and gets shit or pissed out unchanged. Then wait like another 2 to 4 weeks for the receptors to recycle. Yes even the "irreversibly antagonized" ones. Like another month and you get new ones anyway.
This should be a sticky.
I’m new to this but it’s crazy how this drug makes you feel even after it’s stopped and it’s like no one has the answers or understands
I got the first two shots it’s been two months and I don’t feel the same physically or mentally do you really ever end up like yourself again? And why is this even happening I’ve read through these forums but I just need some support right now
You have blank mindset ? no inner monologue ?
Guy who have this side effect is so much dangerous

I still dissociate, sometimes. That's the whole "numb" "stoned out" feeling, and it is trauma related, and it goes away. Although in my case it could be drug use as well that complicated it.

I do have my inner dialogue back now.
Hello all. Day 331. No improvements. Mind still blank, no emotions, or libido. I don’t understand how so many have recovered at this point but I haven’t. It definitely depresses me. I haven’t felt reality in so long, I have just been in this maze. I really would like to feel better so that I could move forward with life. It has taken a toll on my mom and I don’t know what to do at this point. Is there anything different that you guys did that helped with recovery? & when you recovered, was it just like everything went back to normal in a moment or was it gradual?

I don’t like coming on the forum with nothing positive and I really wanted to be a recovery story at this point. But that’s just not my reality. I try to be positive everyday but at this point I really want to just die. No human deserves to be in this situation. It’s taken a toll on myself but also my family. I need some solutions seriously bc I’m almost at 11 months with no improvement and this just doesn’t seem real. There no way something should have this effect on you almost a year later.

I did the half life calculator and at this stage I should have 1.08 of invega left in my system. I thought by 2.0 the effects would go away. I don’t want to end up like rosi, and I always feared that when I joined this forum (no disrespect to her, it’s not her fault; and I believe she is doing better) but I want to return to a functional life.

I miss working, communicating with friends, smoking marijuana, working on my business, having a social life, so many things I’m missing out on from day to day. I’m tired of being in bed rest. I REALLY don’t know how much longer I can watch others live their lives while I suffer. I just dont see this as God’s Will for my life. & I pray that he would forgive me if I decide to take myself out of this life.

Hey man, you keep worrying you're not better, or about the "whens", and you'll be in perpetual anxiety. The whole "blank mind" thing could be some underlying depression or trauma related illness. This shit scars you for life, man!

As for the staying in bed thing, I've found that I, too, have gained 26 pounds and become very bed-ridden. It's because you modified your behavior while you were on it to adjust to the lazy AP lifestyle, your brain is conditioned for that behavior and has adapted. You need to force your brain to come out of that and start waking up earlier slowly, day by day, start working out, lightly then build up, play mind games, etc

I got the first two shots it’s been two months and I don’t feel the same physically or mentally do you really ever end up like yourself again? And why is this even happening I’ve read through these forums but I just need some support right now

Yes, I got two shots as well. The first three months were the roughest, then it started getting a bit better. I'm about six months in and I do feel better. Music is certainly pleasant again. There are people who haven't recovered in over a year, but in those cases they were on it for longer.

What was the dosage of your two shots? I'm assuming 156mg was one of them.

It's happening because of big pharma's greed, and society's shit treatment of people with mental illness, and people not knowing what "consent" means and stuff.

Especially doctors in America who work the mental health field. They say, fuck consent, if there's no witnesses, there are certainly no cameras because that'd be a HIPAA violation, so the law is on their side. I was ordered to be restrained for refusing bloodwork. I can't prove that in court though, because guess what, no cameras, they only strip the psych patients of their belongings and their phone (warrantless search and seizure) for this exact reason. They also take you to a secret area so there are few witnesses (and not like any of the guards will testify in your favor in court. In short, if you work the health care industry, especially in psych, you're immortal from screwups. They're impossible to prove, nearly. So you can all say, hey, let's sue them, let's do this or that. But you can't win.
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Well just wanted say I had 7 shots of 156 dosage, don't remember my loading dose, 8 months and 6 days off, and I'm enjoying music again and plying video games again, I don't find movies and and music and fun activities pointless any more, i actually look forward to hanging out with friends and find movies interesting. And I find woman attractive and can get erections.. My emotions are still not as strong as they once were tho, and I still cant cry... I'm still not pre invega self yet.. But I'm hoping by 12 months I will snap back fully
Well just wanted say I had 7 shots of 156 dosage, don't remember my loading dose, 8 months and 6 days off, and I'm enjoying music again and plying video games again, I don't find movies and and music and fun activities pointless any more, i actually look forward to hanging out with friends and find movies interesting. And I find woman attractive and can get erections.. My emotions are still not as strong as they once were tho, and I still cant cry... I'm still not pre invega self yet.. But I'm hoping by 12 months I will snap back fully
Well just wanted say I had 7 shots of 156 dosage, don't remember my loading dose, 8 months and 6 days off, and I'm enjoying music again and plying video games again, I don't find movies and and music and fun activities pointless any more, i actually look forward to hanging out with friends and find movies interesting. And I find woman attractive and can get erections.. My emotions are still not as strong as they once were tho, and I still cant cry... I'm still not pre invega self yet.. But I'm hoping by 12 months I will snap back fully
Good luck
I have emotions no like before but I have i only have 2 shot I hope I recovery soon my cognitive was OK conversation OK enjoy was OK who have solution for insomnia melatonine work?
@Malakoff I too can have ok conversations I can form opinions again.. As for sleep I never had a problem with sleep, but when I do z quil works great.... O and off subject but hygein is easier I actually wanna shower and shit. It doesent seem like such a hassle.. If any one has issues with that
Ohh. And if it matters to anyone I can feel street drugs and alcohol...just don't smoke weed.. Weed put me on physcosis, I thought people could read My thoughts and shit, I just go to bed and wake up and o Damn I was trippin again, and I am good, out of physcoisis... Any way no pot for me thank u
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