• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Has Yohimbine actually worked for anyone?


May 11, 2016
It works as a potent alpha 2 blocker, right?

Or did I read somewhere it also work on NET?

Anyways - noradrenergic mediated enhanced of sexual function, is supposedly one of its effects; as seems to be the case with most noradrenergic implicating drugs.

Given it's pharmacodynamic profile, it would function as an anti-depressant where noradrenaline is the implicated neurotransmitter, right?

Has it worked for anyone?

I know it's readily available in the US.
In the UK - not so much, but I could go to some lengths to get my hands on it.

Has it actually been effective for anyone?

I came across one clinical trial testing it but, the results were not posted.
I am quite possiby biased against, but alpha2 antagonists can at least have the potential, if you are unlucky, to be used as implements of torture, were someone so minded to do it. I'd sooner have my fingers broken with a claw hammer, slowly, one by one than come into contact with that filthy stuff ever again. I'd about as soon work with sarin, if I'm quite honest. At least that way your dead in a hurry. With yohimbine, you just wish you were. Would never voluntarily have ingested it after what happened to me with mirtazepine, but had not realized it was a constituent of Iporuru, (Alchornea species, a genus within the Euphorbiales, although devoid of the corrosive phorbol esters in at least I.floribunda and E.castaneifolia.) and had a pretty horrific surprise as a result.
I'd be willing to experiment with it, although I'd prefer the pharmaceutical yohimbine pills. Yohimbe root is just too difficult to dose, and when the alkaloid is dosed in milligram amounts, I'd rather not risk having my blood pressure set new records.
It wasn't yohimbe root I experimented with, it was with Iporuru, at the time, some ethnobotanist hints had pointed at its being a possible iboga substitute, and used by some for similar purposes, also sought after and dug up by gorillas, apparently, who then go mental under its influence, but never managed o take it that far, due to the presence of such filth, poison, sewage, dog muck incarnate, whatever, all the latter descriptions can apply to yohimbine.

And I would advise anyone experimenting with it have clonidine in their possession as a reversal agent (indeed yohimbine is used to reverse dexmedetomidine general anaesthesia, at least in vetinary medicine, so should work the other way around, or at least alleviate the living hell the stuff packs within itself (yohimbine that is, clonidine is lovely stuff. Could eat those like candies if only a little flavouring were added. Clonidine parma violets...now that would be most appealing :p)
Used to take it before lifting weights, comedown sucked. I stay away from it now. Better alternatives.
It wasn't yohimbe root I experimented with, it was with Iporuru, at the time, some ethnobotanist hints had pointed at its being a possible iboga substitute, and used by some for similar purposes, also sought after and dug up by gorillas, apparently, who then go mental under its influence, but never managed o take it that far, due to the presence of such filth, poison, sewage, dog muck incarnate, whatever, all the latter descriptions can apply to yohimbine.

And I would advise anyone experimenting with it have clonidine in their possession as a reversal agent (indeed yohimbine is used to reverse dexmedetomidine general anaesthesia, at least in vetinary medicine, so should work the other way around, or at least alleviate the living hell the stuff packs within itself (yohimbine that is, clonidine is lovely stuff. Could eat those like candies if only a little flavouring were added. Clonidine parma violets...now that would be most appealing :p)
How do you know it was yohimbine at all that caused the problem? The plant you tried could contain unchharacterized MOR antagonists. Coffee contains such compounds--other plants could contain stronger derivatives or high enough concentrations to put someone in withdrawal. I've heard of yohimbine not playing well with people with opioid PAWS, but someone actively taking opioids should be protected.
I dont take opiates but taking yohimbine felt like amphetamine without the euphoria. Seemed reason at increasing erections. However, it also made me feel gross. I felt shaky and generally like garbage like when your trying to go about your day but really your anxious and got that weak knees and buterflies in stomach over something like your family relative just was send to the hospital and that sick feeling when your waiting for the call they are stable. Idk if that makes sense but thats the closest way I can describe it
Tbh I get much better results with coffee or green tea. Im not sure if its just the caffeine or the mixture of caffeine with the antioxidents but I can have four orgasms no problem after a fairly large amount and it doesnt give me that sick feeling of yohimbine.
True serotonin2A, it could. But suspicion is that it doesn't, because it wasn't accompanied by some of the features of MOR agonist withdrawal such as lachrymation and the 'flu-like' lurgy that one gets with MOR agonist withdrawal (presumably due to immunomodulatory functions of opiates in a supressive way, and rebound upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine release? )

And the G.I problems which MOR agonist withdrawal causes, nausea, vomiting, super-twitchy insides, severe GI cramps? that was absent also.

The awful effects were almost exactly those produced by half a 7.5mg mirtazepine tablet when they tried to have me taking same.
Yohimbine even at doses at GNC gave me nausea, tremor, and twitches too. For me it gave me about as much focus enhancement as someone pulled a gun on you. You can taken in alot more of what's going on around you but my focus would be impaired for complex thinking like when you feel scared and try to think. I would consider Tenex maybe it is a alpha 2 agonist and helps my focus much better without feeling like someone's out to kill me. Like I remember if you said my name id jump on yohimbine
Yohimbine literally forces your body to dump adrenaline and noradrenaline into the brain/body *all the damn time* - it jams the receptor that your body uses to keep track of adrenaline levels, so according to your normal regulatory systems, you are running a chronic adrenaline deficit and your adrenal glands should work overtime... so it makes complete sense to me that it's really not much different from being in extreme mental stress. I can only imagine what it's like to actually BE stressed and then take yohimbe...

Come to think of it - I've never met someone who can attest to ANY positive effects of yohimbine unless they're trying to sell you it...
That's exactly what it feels like to me keep in mind I'll take dextroamphetamine and find it relaxingly stimulanting or drink like a pot of coffee without issue. But yohimbine to me felt like when your with someone and they have a heart attack or something and you can't think your shaking your trying to call 911 your voice is trembling and you can't sit still and the pills were just from my local store I was amazed at how much they where like a real active drug if I wasn't young and healthy like they recommended it for older people with penile issues I'm sure I could of been in the er. IMO stay away you couldn't pay me to take it
I tried it exactly two times before workouts a few years ago. It felt like the nastiest sort of stimulation you could have. The second time it was so bad it was nausea inducing. It made DMAA seem like a clean stimulant in comparison. It feels essentially exactly like the mechanism of action sekio described. If you've ever felt like you're borderline about to have a panic attack or are under extreme stress, just imagine that for a few hours.
I would as soon gouge my eyes out with angry bullet ant swarms than ever take that fucking stuff. Probably less so.

Its about as pleasant as what I imagine injecting moderately concentrated KOH in hydroalcoholic solution into your scrotum until just a few units below what it would take for the pressure to rupture your ballsack whilst comitting suicide by massive, massive overdose of pseudoephedrine would be like.

In fact, when I recently got almost blinded in one eye by a tragic accident with a mixture of nasty basic wastes, ranging from NH3 production, to KOtBu and lithium amide, NAOH in the face along with superheated steam under sudden release of pressure, right in the eye. I'd take THAT over yohimbine. And I am not exaggerating. Not in the slightest.

I'd sooner plug my testicles into the mains supply after removing the circuit breakers from the house and replacing them with copper slugs. Combined with all or most of the above.

Its not just nasty stuff, its a chemical torture weapon. The nastiest thing bar none, possibly, just possibly excluding the getting blasted in the eye by boiling hot corrosive bases. I once cracked a bone in my wrist, after being attacked, and slugging a guy doing it hard enough to cause a hairline fracture of one or other bone in my wrist, was a long time ago and can't remember whether radius or ulna, but either way, it was very, very physically painful, but it has nothing in the slightest on what yohimbine does. Its not just anxiety, sickness, tremor, but akathisia so pronounced that give you a knife and you'd slit your own throat to end it. Even THINKING about it over a decade on, it still makes my skin crawl and my blood run ice cold.

No borderline about it, its just like a massive, massive, MASSIVE dose of shit-grade racemic meth, without the slightest trace of the positive effects. And the comedown. All at the same time. Stress? you got no fucking idea, and I'd suggest you don't try to get one by any means other than reading or listening to accounts of other poor rotten bastards who have undergone the experience themselves and describe it to you. Even then, your likely to run screaming, and/or burst your eardrums and gouge your eyeballs from their sockets so you cannot any longer perceive the recounting of such a virulently foul experience.

Want to know what its like? cut yourself open after dosing about 10g of pseudoephedrine, then have a car run over your adrenal glands. Whilst looking at theresa may, arse bollock (and I'm sure she's likely got at least 3 of the latter organ) naked and covering yourself in several month old, severely decaying dog excrement. You will enjoy it more than your likely to enjoy yohimbine. IMO its borderline a poison rather than any medicine.

The ONLY positive use of the stuff IMO could be to reverse xylazine/romifidine/(dex)medetomidine post surgery. Personally I'd rather they left any of said drugs active, indeed I'd probably try and cadge the rest of the amp/s used on me and shoot those up again the moment I got home :p
Lol the funny thing is I can actually see how one could consider this torture. It does feel pretty bad I can't believe it's so widely sold ESP since they tend to target people with erection issues like old people who might have heart and vascular issues.
I am quite possiby biased against, but alpha2 antagonists can at least have the potential, if you are unlucky, to be used as implements of torture, were someone so minded to do it. I'd sooner have my fingers broken with a claw hammer, slowly, one by one than come into contact with that filthy stuff ever again. I'd about as soon work with sarin, if I'm quite honest. At least that way your dead in a hurry. With yohimbine, you just wish you were. Would never voluntarily have ingested it after what happened to me with mirtazepine, but had not realized it was a constituent of Iporuru, (Alchornea species, a genus within the Euphorbiales, although devoid of the corrosive phorbol esters in at least I.floribunda and E.castaneifolia.) and had a pretty horrific surprise as a result.
Can you give some more details on how it felt like an "implement of torture" to you? Was it panic attacks? Paranoia? Hallucinations?
Limpet, are you referring to the akathisia, cause that was the only near-torturous side-effect that I got from mirtazapine that made me give it up, but only after nearly a year or so, only really felt it when laying perfectly still / trying to sleep, which was kind of what I wanted it to help me with besides the appetite. Clearly not at a level as serious as you got it perhaps, if it had bothered me more I wouldn't have put up with it. But yeah, on the other hand akathisia can be really bad, just exhausting to have to tolerate that level of 'arousal', not the fun kind of arousal though, just fucked up stimulation.
In retrospect, not sure if there had been better mood-stabilizers for me to take at the time.
If it was only akathisia, wouldn't a muscle relaxant help or solve the problem?
I don't understand why though it didn't do anything to me worth taking. It just felt like stress in a pill
When I got stuffed by the mirtazepine, I was banged up at the time, and couldn't do anything about it. And at least personally, adrenergic releasers or reuptake inhibitors, at least unless its a minor effect paired with DA release/reuptake inhibition I can't stand. I don't even have to take any exogenous pharmaceuticals/recreationals for it to be too much.

And yes, solipsis, sort of, that and its stimulating properties generally speaking. Nasty as. Normally, that is, aside from the period I was locked up, I take a large dose of clonidine, and together with having to take tizanidine after a nerve injury left me with a permanent contraction in my calf and sometimes foot on the same side, that enhances the effects of the clonidine, working in the same way. The clonidine, I use for sensory overloading to block most of it out. Can't say there are many downsides to being spesh (classic autism in my case) but that is one of them. That and certain types of sound or texture that will send me running for the hills with my fingers in my ears until whatever caused it is over.