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Is the "Drug Culture" Sub-forum too revealing?


Jan 19, 2012

This is very revealing. I don't see a general feeling that this is "harm reduction."

A lot of it seems unsafe.
If you look through the more active threads you'll see a lot of posters looking out for one another.

Very frequently there will also be advice given, like "you should micron filter that" or "heads up that's serotonin syndrome territory" et cetera

In addition, many posters will have a caveat addendum to their post if they are aware that what they are ingesting would typically be very unsafe. And multiple posters tend to include vitals that theyve checked when posting about large combinations, which is nice.

I'm not trying to claim that we are all people of 100% safe drug taking, only pointing out that in general users in this subforum look out for each other.

And questioning safe use by others is never taken in bad form.... Someone might say "yo man that is super dangerous, watch out!" And I've never seen a person being talked to like that respond with a "yo fuck you man!". Surprisingly this is the least toxic subforum on the site. Personal opinion there of course.
it's not supposed to be HR. If you're looking for harm reduction, check out Other Drugs, Basic Drug Discussion, and the various specialized subforums.
I agree with what the mod and STH said, plus: when you know what you're doing is unsafe - and say so - then it's not totally unsafe - not as unsafe as it could be at least lol. I also suspect there is some twisted bragging/exaggeration here and there concerning amounts of quality hard drugs used...8( just an impression.
I consider this sub-forum as well as The Lounge to be places of fellowship between fellow druggies/people in general. Here we can lay back and shoot the shit about anything (drugs mostly ;)). And I feel like all of us in Drug Culture know each other pretty well from the posts we make and all have a cool mutual respect for each other. That's something I honestly don't find even in most everyday/real life group situations. It honestly speaks a lot about this whole website and people who use drugs in general IMO.

And we still care plenty about harm reduction here. Sometimes we're just a little blunt about our drug use lol.
Just shot a gram of heroin guys think imma fixing to do a bellringer next.

Maybe pop some triples Cs with my morning E pill to go along with the typical coffee yo.


This is very revealing. I don't see a general feeling that this is "harm reduction."

A lot of it seems unsafe.

If people are bordering on the unsafe, someone else will usually step in and call them on it. In general this subforum is for lighthearted discussion... people here don't take themselves too seriously.

I'd rather people be out and open about their drug methods, even if unsafe, than feel shamed into hiding them, which puts them even more at risk.
I have wondered about this too. Drug dicksizing can be dangerous, and certainly happens in this forum. I worry that someone could read about a dosage that a bluelighter claims to have took, and use this to rationalize taking more of a substance even though they can feel they are at their own bodies limit.
But i can see the arguments for allowing it too. The looser forums like this one make this place more human and might make young reckless types more likely to join and post, and wind up getting a lot of good info on harm reduction in the process.
But if i imagine how someone with old school status quo views on drugs would see this form, it would probably look more like an orgy of indulgence. How important is the image that bluelight actually has to people like that? That i am much less sure of
Well...this is what goes on in the culture of drugs and what happens to the people and what people do while taking them,so it's fine.
To me an open and educated drug culture IS harm reduction.

Thats true. Especially with heroin and opiates. But what about all the what are you on, whats in your stash, what age did you try what?

Ever heard of pleading the fifth? Lol.

Too open imo.
But what about all the what are you on, whats in your stash, what age did you try what?

Ever heard of pleading the fifth? Lol.

Too open imo.

But if it is light hearted convocation then there is no risk. Truth is that no one cares about any of that stuff, at least to any degree that matters. As far as HR most issues get addressed as they arise so its not really lacking in harm reduction it is just not as serious a discussion.
Just shot a gram of heroin guys think imma fixing to do a bellringer next.

Maybe pop some triples Cs with my morning E pill to go along with the typical coffee yo.

I fly high, you know damn well I'm in ;)!
Thats true. Especially with heroin and opiates. But what about all the what are you on, whats in your stash, what age did you try what?

Ever heard of pleading the fifth? Lol.

Too open imo.
Why do you care? If we post about it, we post about it. I can say I'm superman IRL, doesn't make it true. Pretty sure someone said this before, and I'm pretty sure I said for all they knew we were all compulsive liars fulfilling our urges to bullshit. Maybe you're looking out, then again maybe not. We have a great community with a lot of educated people, harma is absolutely correct (As are the majority who have posted thus far).. If you think it's too much, don't post in DC, we're just a group who enjoys chatting about the things we like.
I think that quote doesn't really help your argument, unless you're initiating a red herring logical fallacy.