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NASADD Social v. Might as well get a hand job if she wants you to wear a comdom.

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date of first post in old social:


date of last post in last social:


in the old days we would blast thru like 5 socials in that time.
Evening folks. Daylight savings time this weekend. Did you know that it actually happens at 2am? I always assumed it was at midnight.
it's cold and rainy

weather channel lied to me

fuck you weather channel

Yep. I always feel like shit for the first week of it. I get up at 630 during the week and there's a big fucking difference between that and 530.
Evening folks. Daylight savings time this weekend. Did you know that it actually happens at 2am? I always assumed it was at midnight.

I did know this, but I never really understood why.
We really don't have time figured out at all do we. That shit is so flawed.
Here's why. I just looked it up. Basically they figure most people will be home so it won't effect them and it's not midnight so that way it won't switch the date back a day for an hour.
Damn... I wish I had some pot. It would make my third day of withdrawal a bit easier. It would also make comedy central a bit funnier. I also wish "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" was on..... That and pot would make Comedy Central infinitely funnier.
Here's why. I just looked it up. Basically they figure most people will be home so it won't effect them and it's not midnight so that way it won't switch the date back a day for an hour.

Its this weekend right. Best weekend for me, because my usual 24 hour shift I work tomorrow will now only be 23 hours. But They pay be for the full 24. Also, they might not pay you for the extra hour worked when the clocks move fall forward That makes it even out but only if you work both Saturdays night that occur when the times are changed.
It's always sunny is on FX or FXX. One of those. It might be on demand if you have Comcast.
New social! Yay! Been a crazy week, but I finally feel like I'm getting my shit together at work (but work needs to get it's shit together, lol). At least I'm getting paid finally, being unemployed was starting to suck after like the 4-5 month point, haha.
And my parents have been visiting CA this week from the EC...

Daylight savings time this weekend. Did you know that it actually happens at 2am? I always assumed it was at midnight.

Yep. I was actually working Fall 2012 at a restaurant, closing at 2:30... We had to stay late. Not the full extra hour though, we revolted.
What do you guys think about going to a strip club during minor heroin withdrawal? Despite all the crazy shit I have done I have never been. Could be entertaining? My girl is out of town but if she found out I went to strip club, during Miercoles de ceniza none the less, I would be the cabrone forever.
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