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Renewed Interest in Quaaludes due to The Wolf of Wall Street


Sep 18, 2009
Do you guys think interest among younger drug users who have never heard of Quaaludes will skyrocket due to their prominence in The Wolf of Wall Street? And that this demand could result in a clandestine supply?

*minor spoilers*

The "protagonist" speaks of his love of Quaaludes and even insists that YOU (the audience) can no longer find this wonderful drug. He paints the picture that this is a fantastic drug and his personal favorite.

There is also a prolonged sequence (10+ min) of the "protagonist" high as hell off of Quaaludes driving his car and crawling around on the floor. Not that it is glorified, but it sure as hell made me want to try some!

*End spoilers*

I know other movies have mentioned Quaaludes in the past, but this one puts the drug in the spotlight, throughout the film. I'm sure if underground methaqualone made its rounds, it would be expensive, but I'd pay some cash to try it. What do you all think?
I would like to try mehaqualone once simply to try it.
Although if it's weaker than etaqualone I dont think I'll get much from it.
Ive heard from older (in age, not length of time on the forum) posters who have tried it say its not all we crack it up to be, saying that just because its not available leads people to speak of it as some mythical drug.
Well its not like its going to become an issue anyway. They are barely prescribed so for most people unattainable.
I used to have a crooked dr write me a scrip for Qualudes every month...this was in the 70s. I loved them. You would remember everything, unlike phenobarbital, but your body would be wrecked like phenobarbital.
I'm to young to have tried it when it was around but I've heard about it and a lot of my managers talk about using them.
I doubt it was really that great, just like how old ravers think that mdma now can't be as good its not based on much besides nostalgia.

My girl has some old scripts for phenobarb/caffeine sittin around.. would it be worth a try or is it garbage?
I never liked phenpbarb myself Rapper but liked Qualudes alot. Pheno's always got me in trouble blacked out an such but the Ludes had a nice buzz. Seconals too, nice buzz.
Quaaludes are #1 on my "To Try List". Haven't seen TWoWS yet, looks entertaining enough. Doubt it'll revamp interest in 'ludes though. With all the benzos, z-drugs and new RCs out there I doubt people will be seeking out "Disco Biscuits"[?(too young to know for sure, think I got the slang proper, tho)].

Barbs have never impressed me, and I'm an Opiate/Benzo fanatic. But Methaqualone is not a barbiturate, just a common misconception.

I've read, heard, and seen footage of people in South Africa soaking their Cannabis in liquid Methaqualone. Evidently it is amazing. I'd go through a lot of trouble to try it. I'll say that.

Edit: In fact, I remember all the old heads at my Methadone Clinic waxin nostalgic about 'ludes, saying they were the perfect combo to that 70s cocaine. Some went so far as to say they preferred 'ludes to Smack. Who knows. But I'd sure like to find out.
I would be honored to try a real lude; Lemmon 714's!

My pops has some great stories about em'. The euphoria and body high from Methaqualone blows the subtle "mommy's little helper" buzz of benzodiazepines right outta the water from what he told me.
Well I personally wouldn't be as interested as if it were phenmetrazine, but you never know.
I never liked phenpbarb myself Rapper but liked Qualudes alot. Pheno's always got me in trouble blacked out an such but the Ludes had a nice buzz. Seconals too, nice buzz.

Thanks for the response shadows.
Well hopefully they reappear so we can all test then out I doubt it tho.
Seems it could be some what profitable lol
Probably better if they don't because they were the type of drug we all did continually thoughout the night, and quite a few times I remember driving on a major highway and opening my eyes and seeing my hands still in place on the wheel an being thankfull the road ran straight.
You know it was such a long time ago that I was trying to remember what the high was like and I really couldn't put my finger on it. I remember it was a happy high, a lot of laughing when we were under the influence, very similiar to alcohol in that regard and with coordination. My memory of those times as well were affected because PCP was on the scene then and was big in my area of Jersey. I do remember it was not like tuinals and seconals nor valium which were common. The phenobarbs nobody did if the others were around.
I believe Soma is as closest you can get (these days, realistically) to a proper barbiturate high, although Carisoprodol is not a barb, its active metabolite is very similar in structure to one.

Fiorcets are not recreational at all, phenobarbital lasts forever but is not recreational for most people, and Seconal is pretty much never scripted anymore.
It's funny, there are a small number of RC vendors are punting etaqualone, analogue to methaqualone or qualuude as they called them. Shits going for seriously cheap, I'm guessing to reduced demand. Maybe this whole Wall Street thing will generate a taste for an "RC Qualuude", and make it become a big seller. I really hope not, that drug group was notorious for addiction and overdose.
Yeah let's hope not. Loved the movie and the scene where they were whacked out, crawling around not even able to speak, was hilarious.. but that isn't something we need going around and getting popular again.

They aren't around anyway, even if people did want them, so it's whatever.