• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Share your artwork v. BL's got talent

Another sketchy sketch

Loving your sketches, Albion. Especially the first one. :)

Every time I visit this thread I'm amazed at how much talent Bluelighters have and wish that I had just a bit of an artistic bone in my body. The most I can do is color in coloring books lol :D
Thanks ocean! :)

Albion, do I spy pieces of the cover of Musicophelia in the first pic?
Yup, I took loads of book covers by Oliver Sacks and basically surrounded him in them ;)
hrm, guess i cant really use dropbox for image hosting, my links keep breaking :(
^ That's odd, something to do with your privacy settings for it perhaps, or do you think it's an issue with the dropbox servers?
My habit for starting but not finishing art works must be pretty apparent by now lol,
The idea of this one is a mermaid, and there was to be like the rusty underneath bit of a boat and an anchor the chain of which the mermaid was to be grasping as she luers the viewer to the depths with her glance to die as in the traditional myth of mermaids. Oh and also there were to be lots more fish swiming around just because they are pretty no other reason. Although I think I fucked up because tropical fish don't live in the ocean do they... doh...


not sure :\ it seems to work temporarily. just cements the fact that i need to make a portfolio site!
this one should show, bc it's on facebook

flyer i finished last night:

We are currently having a rocks/minerals/gems lovefest over in the TDS photo thread so I thought I would share this here, too. It is a piece of soapstone that I carved after picking it up in eastern Oregon. The great thing about it is that those irises in the eyes that make it look like the face is looking off to the side just appeared naturally in the coloring of the stone. It makes me feel this was a face waiting to be found.
I call it mantis II, since I did a mantis fractal some time ago.
