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The Big and Dandy DMT Thread

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DMT and the Near Death Experience

I am aware of many people comparing the DMT experience to the near death experience. How valid is this connection, both subjectively and in terms of chemistry? Any personal insights would be much appreciated.
it felt like what i imagine smoking crack is like
you lost me there!
after what seemed like millions of years
i've read this several times but have a hard time imagining what it's like.
i would understand the notion of being out of time but not of such a lenght.
do you realize that it seems so "long"?
do you "feel yourself waiting"?
doesn't the fact that there are visuals help see the time pass?
are you self conscious enough to suffer from this lenght of time?
or is it only when you come down that it seems that you're coming out of a long period?
This hypothesis stems from the book DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman. I loaned the book to a friend, so I can't check it, but I'm pretty sure it's just hypothesis. He's not claiming similarity, he's claiming cause. DMT can be produced endogenously, and he guesses that the high stress levels associated with NDE's cause DMT to be released which produces the actual NDE.
Yes i've been inside my own personal hell for millions of years on several different occasions and although it is different being comletely warped out of reality i've still waited and waited being different things leading different lives and all so complex i wonder how my brain thinks and imagianes such things but to answer your question the time passes differently but yes when i came down i thought it had been millions of years and i remember each day so vividly i guess you could say my memory is long and complex from such an experience but it was all the same shit over and over again but i remember being in that space for atleast a million years if not more.
dexter666 umm hi.
umm that sounds like bullshit.
consitering uve spent 1 million yrs in dmt world than uve lived there more than u have on earth...
maybe u are an alian from dmt & smoked some earth. & maybe after 80 or so yrs u'll come down & wake back up in dmt world & only 10 mins have passed.
I think u may be overexadurating.. just a tad.
yeah i read somewhere that dmt can naturally be released.
an overwhelming, sudden feeling of shock...
something like that.
Okay. First of all, when on DMT it is very difficult to gauge time, for many many reasons. The sense of 'this will wear off soon' is not there at all. It's not like you can clock watch on a real DMT trip. So if the idea of a long trip scares you, steer clear of DMT, because even though the actual trip is only a couple of hours, it SEEMS much much longer than the longest acid trip.

That being said, I do not find DMT as unnerving as LSD, except at the very beginning of the trip. Now bear in mind I have only done DMT four times, and one was a dud.

First good one, I thought I had poisoned myself and died. I was simultaneously on a couch and on the floor and in an alternate space difficult to pin down.

Point is, I was absolutely terrified, but the sheer size of the trip actually dwarfed my terror and I acquiesced from the standpoint of there being no alternative.

DMT will push you around and strip you down to size right now. Not like LSD, where you can argue with yourself about certain aspects of tripping and drug use, etc...all the self trials that generally lead to a bad trip. DMT is FAST. You take in the smoke (tough to hold because it is dense and putrid), and just a few seconds later you are elsewhere, and I mean elsewhere.

Can you remember taking a drug? Yes. But you might not think of it as that when you are under the influence. You will most likely think of it as something else entirely.

It sounds like your primary condern is bad tripping. All I can say is that for me, a bad acid trip is WAY worse than than my most frightening times on DMT, and I cannot really give you a reason for that.

I can tell you that after around 200 LSD trips I am terrified of that drug, but after only 4 DMT experiences I am astonished and truly impressed.

I would say that where LSD might cause fear, DMT results in pure and simple AWE. The size might intimidate you at first, but the comedown from DMT is truly a rebirthing woth experiencing.

I recommend trying it if you get the chance, just be sure to have an experienced sitter there.

As far as wigging out and doing something stupid--like LSD freakout stuff--I don't really see that as a big possibility. You will be astonished into stillness rather than pure horror.

After you acclimate to the intensity, you will certainly enjoy yourself, I would think.
If you say you want to be launched into beautiful nothingness, I would recommend 5-meo-dmt, which for me has worked wonders in getting down to the most important thoughts in my head. I like the way it locks down my thinking, only leaving me with the voice of my subconscious talking to me. I have very little control over the experience, but it does not matter. I am going to try smoked dmt once, but I want to do ayahuasca first, I want to see how the MAOI`s influence the trip.
I'm busy with this book and fragbait is absolutely right how catecholamine (adreline and noradreline) are the stress hormones that are concerned in near death experiences. But it is a hypothesis like fragbait said. because Rick Strassman is saying that we know little about death itself, but if the pineal gland were producing DMT, however, that would certainly warrant its strategic location. A DMT release directly onto the visual, auditory, and emotional centers the pineal nearly touches would profoundly affect our inner experience. Would we see, hear, feel, and think things in a way unimaginable to consider for melatonin.

Because of its extraordinarily short life span of just a few minutes, DMT would also benefit from small distance, only millimetres wide, between the pineal and important brain structures. it could diffuse directly onto these brain sites by way of the cerebrospinal fluid, without first having to enter the blood circulation. If DMT first entered the blood, MAO enzymes would destroy it long before it returned to the brain to exert its profound mental effect.

These considerations also effectively dispense with one of the major objections to the DMT theory of psychosis: the lack of differences between DMT blood levels in normal volunteers and in patients with psychosis. We now see that DMT concentrations in forearm vein blood may have little to do with its effects at discrete brain sites, sites at which DMT is broken down nearly as quickly as it produced.

This reasoning further develops the idea that decomposing pineal tissue affects residual awareness after death. If this postmortem DMT emptied directly into the pineal fluid, simple diffusion is all it would take for it to attach to those sensory and emotional centers. A pumping heart would not be necessary.

He hypothesize that pineal DMT opens our sense of profound psychedelic experiences.

So fragbait is right about the hypothesis. But he isn't right that Rick Strassman isn't claiming similarity, because in his book are some reports from volunteers that are describing DMT as a birth and death experience, so I think that he isn't claiming cause. But for the people how are interested in this you can read his book 'DMT the spirit molecule'. I think it's really interesting and we can learn a lot from it.
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Yes i've been inside my own personal hell for millions of years on several different occasions
and don't you suffer from the lenght?
because i understand that someone will try again a difficult, but interesting experience again if he knows it's not going to last. but i've read several reports (mainly about 5-meo-dmt) talking about being in "hell" during an eternity. how doesn't this make you want to never try again?
"Eternity" or "a million years" is an exaggeration of the experience. Most people here have no idea what it is like to experience a million years in real time, much less 50 or 60. My experiences with DMT time have shown me how 10 minutes can FEEL like it takes forever (and by forever I mean a few hours), but it still only takes 10 minutes.
Perhaps 'the eternal afterlife' is a result of extreme time dialation due to a site specific DMT release in ones final moments.
Eternal life in your final moments!
i tend to think that time is immaterial and irrelevant in a "true" 4-dimensional sense

hint: the 4th dimension ain't time
It is all relative to space and distance in space.

Is that in DMT space or regular space? Or are we not talking about DMT time anymore ? ;)

hehe, just joshin' ya.
I tried smoking DMT this weekend.
I had about 80mg, I had read in numerous places that this dose was sufficient to breakthrough, but unfortunately, I didn't reach that level.
After the second inhalation, I experienced an intense buzzy feeling in my body that built up, and as it built, the world turned into the most amazing sight I have ever seen, it was still the forest, but the trees were cartoon-like and bright purple and seemed is if they were all part of the same organism, everything was just so strange looking, if I could only paint what I saw...
My friends faces were so strange too, but even though everything was so amazingly strange looking, and even though they were the most amazing visuals I have ever seen by a longshot, they were still just a (very) different version of what as actually there, no journey to hyperspace..
Still, it was extremely awe inspiring, utterly amazing.
But I want to break through.
Any tips on making sure my next experience is a breakthrough?
I'm thinking perhaps I'll just up the dosage to 100mg.

It is a real pain in the ass to breakthrough on standard DMT. I have only done this a few times, and it came as a result of the of the following:

1) Purify and re-crystallize your product, as it takes about 50-70 mg of PURE dmt to warrent a good breakthrough. If it is less than pure, you are only going to need more. You wont get it pure, but as long as you eliminate the color and it comes out as crystals and not goo or paste (if you use acid base extractions, usually the best you will get it will be light yellow crystals that form a light paste once scraped together). Remember, no goo or paste, you need clean crystals (otherwise you are looking at smoking 100+ mg of material).

2) smoking technique. I learned to smoke dmt from practicing with 5meoDMT for a year, it took me a while even with that to breakthrough. Get a good oil pipe with a large bubble (since you are smoking a lot) and heat the bottom with a *low flame bic*. Smoking dmt outdoors will almost certainly guaruntee against a break through, although it is still lots of fun. Remember to slowly twirl the pipe back and forth to evenly distribute the heat. Once you see the the vapor, exhale all the air you have and SLOWLY inhale the smoke whilst keeping the flame underneath the bubble and slowly twirling the pipe. Having a partner makes this a lot easier, as they can see where the liquid inside the pipe is and can adjust the flame accordingly. If you inhale anything harder than what it takes for the smoke to pull into your lungs, you are only cooling the chamber and making it more difficult to vaporize everything. Plus you are inhaling more regular air, wasting valuable lung space. Hopefully you can kill the bubble in one hit (if you're good), as this is the best way to get a breakthrough. However, if you cannot (as most people can't), try holding it in for only a little before blowing it out. The flame still needs to be on the bubble, otherwise you are gonna have to wait for the chamber to heat up again and by that time it will probably be too late. You need to finish the bubble by the second hit, and the whole smoking process can't take more than about a minute. Once you have a fat lungful of it all, hold it in as long as possible. If you did everything right, you should dissolve into dmt hyperspace in no time.

Oh and I forgot, close your eyes. That is where all the crazy shit is, if you keep them open you are only going to send signals from the real world to your occipital lobe and as a result you are gonna keep yourself stuck here in reality.
^Thanks for the tips, with any luck I'll be departing for hyperspace on the next bus =D
I'm not familiar with your prior drug use, but if you haven't already I would highly reccomend you try breaking through on 5meoDMT first (kinda late now, but better sooner than later). Not only is it readily available, but it is always fairly pure and it has a much higher potency per weight. This makes it much more ideal to experiment with, and better prepares you for DMT (which you and I both know is a pain in the ass to procure, thus making any waste that much more wasteful). I'm not talking about preparing for the actual experience by any means, but simply the technique needed to ensure a proper dose.
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