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Camping Out on the Dance Floor


Feb 12, 2001
okay, this may seem like a strange post....
something i have been noticing heaps lately at raves are people "camping out" on the dancefloor.
u usually see a group of friends have jackets / bags / stuff etc placed in a heap near them.. this is ok...
wot i find strange is people who bring a rug, put it IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DANCE FLOOR and have a big group of them sit down on it like they are having a picnic or something.
wot annoys me is that when i dance, i have a tendency to move around the floor a lot. i'll be happily jigging away, and then CRUNCH! i've stepped on one of these campers...
does anyone have any answers as to why they do this??
... don't mind me, it's friday and i always get in funny moods...
the weather is peachy on planet muzby.
Well, thats my 2.2c worth (inc. GST). I'll be in the corner if anyone needs me....
Its kind of fun to sit down in the middle of a sea of people and just observe... But yes, at times it can be fricken annoying to others.
Yes....i find this quite annoying, dance floor's are meant for dancing, i have accidently trodded on bag's and people before, not a nice feeling at all.
For those who enjoy this practice find a nice quiet corner and leave the dance floor for what it's traditionally been used for.
i thought you were talking about dancing to handbag house with your top off(!)...
d a n c efloor
nuff said
They do this at American raves as well.
There are chill out areas to sit down in. Obviously they want to hear the loud music while sitting down which means they're LAZY!! Get up and DANCE!!!!
That's why it's a DANCE scene and why it's called DANCE music.
grr...sorry for the rant. it's just one of my pet hates. God if anyone sat down on the floor in the middle of the dancefloor at home they wouldn't come out of there alive.
I swear I'd just like to do a funky dance move and kick em in the head
*ooops, sorry. Didn't mean to do that! Are you OK? You'd better sit over there in case it happens again...Just to be safe OK!*
D A N C E floor... not S I T floor
Pardon me
sitting in the middle of dancefloors also strikes me as being extremely disrespectful to whoever's spinning.
But who needs a car, when you've got a pogo stick
pffft. ive never seen this on a sydney dancefloor and if i do, im not responsible for my actions.
i think its a common practise in england, to signal the dislike of a dj's set.
Easy solution...
Lighter + Rug/Human Hair = Solution
I could just swear i read that in one of Einstein's theory books!
I ain't feeling very P.L.U.R.R.Y. today.
You are living in the year 2001, possibly the greatest era for people our age to have fun. eNJOY!
I've stumbled into many a dancefloor sitter.
My response, no matter how chopped or loved up. "Sorry dude."
Then I just keep dancing, and probably step on them a few more times, requiring a few more "sorry dudes" and they eventually pack up and leave. Usually they are on prime real estate! MY FUCKING REAL ESTATE!
What cities does this happen in? I've never seen them - which is very good!
"Go peddle your kippers elsewhere clown" - Ren Hoek
I've seen it in Melbourne a few times... I don't like it, but I'm not too bothered by it... But I'm not too concerned if I accidentally step on or bump into one of them, I'll still apologise tho...
Sometimes tho, I'll be walking pretty fast through the crowd and if there's people sitting on the floor I prolly won't see them till I'm standing on top of them... They should be aware of the danger tho, and willing to accept the consequences...
I'm not fond of it, but the tolerance I've developed sees it by easily.
I can't understand people sleeping on the dance floor though. I've seen that a few times.
wisest is he who knows that he does not know...
yeah.. sometimes u just wanna sit, i go and sit on the sides, but these people are sitting on BLANKETS. wtf????
do they plan to do it or something???
[This message has been edited by muzby (edited 08 July 2001).]
allowance and joining of the one eternal rave whatever body position
Peace and Preparation
I am you the KAmper Dancer and you are me the KAmper dancer
straightedly with lilac FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get it or don't get it ;it's up to you
lmao Oceanboy, you come out with some crackers!
I hate circle dancers!!
usually a bunch of chicks shaking thier booties in a circle with all thier crap in the middle... its deadly!
Many a time when I have been missioning through a packed dancefloor I have seen what looked like a safe, less densely populated route through the crowd only to nearly break my neck tripping over handbags and coats!!
Don't think Ive ever seen dancefloor sitters though.
allowance and joining of the one eternal rave whatever body position
Peace and Preparation
I am you the KAmper Dancer and you are me the KAmper dancer
straightedly with lilac FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get it or don't get it ;it's up to you
So clear and to the point. I couldn't have put it better myself! All you amature wordsmiths out there should be taking lessons!