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Ol Skool Bluelight vs Nu Skool Bluelight


Bluelight Crew
Oct 2, 2000
Are you an Ol Skool Bluelighter? Why would you wanna be? I reckon the Nu Skool Bluelight (post 2000) is better. Here are just 3 reasons why:
1. Drug Discussion works. Previous to DD 2001, it was a complete shitfight trying to get into the damn thing
2. There's a better spread of people on the board - less Melbourne centric now.
3. It's a much nicer place!
I think the last reason is the one of the best reasons. There was so much angst and agro before in Social that you'd almost be afraid to post something in fear of having people jump down your throat. Witness the RATM thread, or the S11 or Techno Lovers 1/2/3/4 as proof. I haven't seen a Fuck FutureEntertainment thread for ages. Not one bitch, not one about Two Tribes or Gods Kitchen. A heap of new Bluelighters came back from those parties and had fun and didn't have any probs with the people, the price of water or the music! Compare that to the GateCrasher and Welcome 2001 threads from last year and you can see my point. I mean, we even haven't had an Apology thread from a Bluelighter or a 'Will E Tell sucks' thread this year! Maybe all this talk about PLUR is growing on people
- or maybe not. Either way, Nu Skool roolz.
Ol Skool? Ol news. Join the New Rave Generation.
CEO of N.R.G
New Rave Generation
Are you worthy of orange glowsticks......?
nezo: You're not ACTUALLY CEO of NRG are you? That horrible party the kandykrew are putting on? (no offence, just not my thing)
Um...Jan - May 1999. My favourite time on the board, I learnt so much, and made some amazing friends.
Still, you're right nezo, now is a much nicer time than 4 or 5 months ago...
Yeh my fave time on the board was the first 5 or 6 months i was on it. Around feb - august last year. Learnt a lot which was the only reason i first joined up, but then as an extra bonus ended up meeting some very good friends out of it.
But after you see see the same topics and fights had over and over again you start to lose interest. I also preferred having a smaller group of people on the board. Its cool when you know everyone or talk to them all on icq.
I didn't realise how many people there were on bluelight until kryal. That meetup was huge. I sorta just stumbled into it and i was like 'hmm well i hardly know anyone here at all' , and there were thousands of you bastards around
. Im just way to lazy to make the effort to talk to so many new ppl i guess, especially when im trying to catch up with some old ppl i hadnt seen for ages.
Also another thing that bothers me is the 'what pills you've had' conversation. I know that when you are first on bluelight it is one of the fave convo's going around. Its like 'ahh cool, im informed about this this and this so i wanna talk about it'. Which is cool. It certainly was a good conversation starter for me(and a lot of others) last year
. Now tho that question just shits me up the wall cause it seems such an easy and cheap way of starting up a conversation. Everytime i hear it i go 'arghhhhhhhhhh no not this again!!!' and instantly think the person is a bit simple in the head hehe
Anyway i go now to make toast. Toast good.
I must say that I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a book.
nah Horsey - I'm just taking the piss out of a whole grouple people - ol skoolers, nrg lovers, glostick wavvy people, myself...
Yeah, Search was very useful...but we're managing...
i'm nu skool and proud of it... mainly because i'm NOT old skool... however if i was old skool i'd be proud to be one of them and not one of the nu skool...
go figure...

and yeah nezo you're right... for all the whacking of PLUR, it does seem to grow on people...
"Try combining a childlike wonder at the beauty of the world with cynicism at the state it's in, and stay sane... it isn't easy" - Me
awww but come on..... willetell DOES suck


...got a place for watching that will paint pictures and colour lights...
fuck plur
oh and the you will be hearing "DO A SEARCH!" again reeeal soon, i promise
Old Skool New Skool I love you all

(just felt like posting since I haven't for soooo long)
*shrug* ...I've enjoyed it all the way through...
BTW nezo, the old drug discussion was fine when I started, so in the true Old School Bluelight (ie before my time) Drug Discussion was fine...
And there's still a bit of agro around... Look at what happened to my Alternative to 'smacky' thread
Nothing wrong with the new but i prefer the old.
the "old" BL was a place where we only had 2 forums and social was squeezed in somewhere in between and mods had a hard time moderating the place (kind of...back when Johnboy was still a mod)
I can't say which is nicer...but well...i kind of miss the old bluelight, small community, personal jokes and all that. I mean, c'mon, Munke Vs Piggy? and THAT's only one of them that i can remember.
but i guess its also my fault since i didn't keep up with BL since i left australia.
Well, i'm here to stay so, UNLESS someone forces me off or closes this down, i'm here to stay doods!!!

oh yeah...hello all out there!! *waves*
i hope... as i knew skool bl... i can still be seen as having something valuable to offer. i know some of you guys/girls have had access to this page as a regular user for quite some time, however.... many of the old skool bl are obviously relatively new skool clubbers/pillers/ravers/doofers.....
let's just drop the whole school approach before it gets ugly
<--- november 1st, 1999
then the board crashed, and i had to re-register with this name.. dec. 22, 1999
but im american, so i dont count, do i?
See! The American -v- Australian war isn't always started by us...

P.S. Mid-skool rools!!! I came in just as the oldskoolers were starting to get jaded and the newskoolers hadn't arrived!
Hmm I reckon I have been here since Jan 2000 at least , but I am a chameleon always changing my nick so that my bluelight stalker can not find me he he he ...
Actually Chameleon is a good Nick...
I am not sure what the competition is about though?
The S11 thread was one of my favourites. We actually had to think about what we believed in and why we believed it, BEFORE we posted.

And the RATM thread... well I think it was the first one I closed as a mod! I did give you 2 weeks to mourn their passing.

Another one of my faves was Atomica's thread about junkies breaking into her house. I guess I like the threads that cause us to reflect upon what is important to us.
I still love bluelight. I'm just too damn busy these days to read or contribute as much as I'd like to.
Jaded..... nah!
Well well Nezo... my version of old school and your version of old school differ somewhat...
I remember when there WAS no Drug Discussion section... just one simple little forum that we used to access through the ecstasy.org site, yeeess.. the MDMA Clearinghouse
There were about 5 aussies (all Sydneyites mind you - before the Melbourne "invasion"
), 3 Brits and about 20 Americans...
Of course my most prosperous time was when i first came to Bluelight (as i think it is many people's) because by god did I learn so much. I was only able to meet a few people because only afew actually resided in Australia! (but i think I met most of 'em), but I forged fast friendships with some of the yanks (pyro dear
, aahh deep, a very well publicised love/hate relationship, and my one and only Skydnacer.. so many more, too many to mention).
As time draws on, new people bring new experience and new knowledge, and yeah - ive met HEAPS of you now. I go through my stages of loving Bluelight and then kind of going off it for a while (usually when i havent logged on in a while and then I look down the list of subject headings and realise i dont recognise any names) but I get over it and start posting manaically all over again.
Anyway, i realise this thread isn't about being old or new school.. it really makes no difference to me.. the best thing is that people still find Bluelight as educational, inspiring, friendly and fun as I did when I first started.
Honestly tho, the only thing that pisses the absolute fuck out of me about the "new school" Bluelight, is the no search function.
I don' think people realise that aybe if it were brought back it would slow down alot of the same ol' same ol' shyte that gets posted everytime a new influx of greenies come in.
yeah we've been fixing things for a while now huh??