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Stimulants Looking for the best "No-Go" pill to go to sleep after amphetamines


Mar 11, 2011
I take dexedrine for my ADHD. One of the biggest issues is that if I want the effect to last up to the evening, I need a way to stop the effect abruptly when I go to sleep. I also take memantine to counter the tolerance issue.

The U.S. military use Zolpidem as an No-Go pill but from what I read it seems as bad as benzos. A cocktail of clonazepam, lyrica and herbal teas (valerian, passiflore, etc) kind of help but it's not super effective. I wonder if switching to a benzo with a shorter half-life would be more efficient. Basically, I need a benzo that is highly hypnotic, short-acting and with low tolerance build-up.

I'm looking for a long term solution. Something I could keep using for years (assuming I take brake once in a while to avoid tolerance).
I suspect one of the antipsychotics might do it for ya, hardcore, as well as helping w/situations such as mild amphetamine psychosis. Dopamine blocked... *thump*, out like a light. Couldn't recommend anything in particular, though. I've taken Seroquel a few times in conjunction with MDPV, and do seem to remember it being like shutting the whole game down all at once.

for a while, I'd take 10-20mg cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) to cool down / prematurely end an amp high. it worked surprisingly well.
I need a way to stop the effect abruptly when I go to sleep.

I wonder if switching to a benzo with a shorter half-life would be more efficient. Basically, I need a benzo that is highly hypnotic, short-acting and with low tolerance build-up.

I'm looking for a long term solution. Something I could keep using for years (assuming I take brake once in a while to avoid tolerance).

Temazepam is a classic 'No-go' & was used by the military i believe. Very mild in lower doses, but that doesn't mean weak. 20-60 mg will effectively neutralize a stimulant without having the weird effects z-drugs do.

Effective within 20 mins & lasting 6 hours, temazepam is a highly useful hypnotic, however it certainly isn't a long-term solution. Good luck finding a highly effective sedative that builds no tolerance & can be used long term.

Then again there's melatonin. Do your own reaseach on that one but i can tell you it works within an hour & tolerance doesn't seem to build. I can't say it would counter an amphetamine well though but for you it may.

All the best.

p.s promethazine (phenergan) may work, but it's long half life leaves one groggy the nexy day ( as do many antipsychotics ) & it may not be easy to obtain depending on where you live.

for a while, I'd take 10-20mg cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) to cool down / prematurely end an amp high. it worked surprisingly well.

Zopiclone zopiclone zopiclone.

It's the most hypnotic thing I've ever ingested and it's not very fun so you probably wont end up abusing it and getting hooked like you (and certainly I) might with benzos.
It has a short half life too so it's unlikely you'll wake up groggy.
Zopiclone and the hypnotic benzos will both result in tolerance and dependence even with short-term usage. This doesn't stop the military from using them, but you should still be forewarned.

As others have mentioned, antipsychotics such as Seroquel and promethazine (neither of which are OTC in the U.S.) work wonders. I myself have had positive experiences using diphenhydramine and melatonin (which are OTC in the U.S.) to end amphetamine's effects and get to sleep. However, Seroquel and promethazine are much more effective, they don't dull the effects, they just turn off your brain.

I know this wasn't mentioned before, but hydroxyzine (another sedating antihistamine) works quite well and doesn't have the tolerance issues that the Z-drugs/benzodiazepines do.

Cyclobenzaprine, as danceofdays mentioned, is also effective, but it is more hit-and-miss. May be effective as part of a cocktail though.
Flexeril may work for some, but it definitely hit or miss. Unfortunately for me it is pretty miss. I'm currently going through methadone withdrawal, it's been fucking 13 days and still going. Anyways, flexeril definitely helps with minor RLS and muscle aches/pains, but to stop a stimulant in its tracks is asking a bit much. Diphenhydramine would be about as effective as flexeril, both having anti-cholinergic properties in higher doses.

Zopiclone is a good idea, less habit forming than benzos. But if you were to go the benzo route, temazepam(restoril) would be a great choice. Triazolam also would be great but the half-life is only ~2 hours or so, so it may not keep you asleep all night. It also is rarely prescribed in the U.S.

I think your best bet would be zopiclone or temazepam. I don't know if you can just 'get whatever you want' or what, but barring your availability status those would be my picks.

And if you can't get your hands on that...

zolpidem / zalepolon / eszopiclone (b/c I don't think zopiclone is available in the US...although I could be wrong)

temazepam / alprazolam / midazolam / Flunitrazepam / Nimetazepam / Triazolam

Seroquel / Zyprexa / Abilify

oohh did not see you said for long term... then definitely NOT any benzo's or z-drugs. absolutely not, withdrawal/addiction to them is HELL. Stick with antihistamines (diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine) or atypical anti-psychotics (but stay on low doses b/c they can cause to tardive dykensia)
Thanks guys! That's a lot of suggestions. I'm going to read about each of those and suggest a few to my doctor depending on was is available in Canada. I expect to be on dexedrine for pretty much the rest of my life (unless some new molecule come out) so I'm in the process of finding out a long term cocktail.
Not a problem man. Make sure to discuss all treatment options with your doctor, it will be easier for both you and him now that you've started doing research. :)
The US military (air force in particular) gives temazepam as "stop" pills. With a regiment of "go" pills in the morning.

Edit. After more thoroughly reading the thread I think temazepam is exactly what your lookiing for, short acting hypnotic.

Second Edit: Not reccomended for long term use do to tolerance building up, but still, any benzo will do that.
I've tried many different things and different combinations of things including: melatonin, diphenhydramine, valerian root, etc

I've found that the best thing that works (for me at least) is taking Benadryl Ultratabs (must be ultratab, the pill version doesn't work for me) or Wal-Som sleep aid (which is 50mg pills of diphenhydramine)

Also, xanax does the trick but I don't recommend it due to its withdrawal potentials
Doxylamine is a more effective hypnotic than diphenhydramine, and is available OTC in the USA.
I take dexedrine for my ADHD. One of the biggest issues is that if I want the effect to last up to the evening, I need a way to stop the effect abruptly when I go to sleep. I also take memantine to counter the tolerance issue.

The U.S. military use Zolpidem as an No-Go pill but from what I read it seems as bad as benzos. A cocktail of clonazepam, lyrica and herbal teas (valerian, passiflore, etc) kind of help but it's not super effective. I wonder if switching to a benzo with a shorter half-life would be more efficient. Basically, I need a benzo that is highly hypnotic, short-acting and with low tolerance build-up.

I'm looking for a long term solution. Something I could keep using for years (assuming I take brake once in a while to avoid tolerance).

If you have ADD then caffeine will probably do for you, with codeine too. The way it works is, caffeine is an overall stimulant. It lights up all parts of the brain. Dexedrine is a selective stimulant, meaning that it lights up the part of the brain you're using now, and darkens the others.

For example, if you're having sex, the pleasure part of your brain will be lighten up, so you'll hyper-focus on that part alone. If you take caffeine, you start losing the focus and combined with codeine it'll put you to sleep relatively fast. Amount wise...wouldn't go over 30mg codeine and 70mg caffeine.
I've been awake on dexedrine for 31 hours now by choice. I find that if you need to get asleep, zopiclone works wonders. It will take the edge right off the dexie and you'll be able to fall asleep... it may not be easy as if you were sober, but you can definitely get a decent sleep on zopiclone after you do dexie.

Zopiclone is different than Zolpidem, I believe it is meant to be less harmful. If you don't fall asleep after you take it though, you'll be in a hypnotic state and probably won't remember anything. Either way, if I take a lot of dexie and need to sleep, I've found zopiclone to be the best.

Btw Zopiclone is a non-benzo hypnotic
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^^ It is different than zolpidem... fwiw, the latter is one of my all time favorite highs (Ambien) for some strange reason, and I'd probably rather get high on it than amphetamines in the first place ;). Sadly, it's not too available.
Zopiclone has no recreational value, unless you're completely fucked in the head.
Well, as I'm crashing off this Vyvanse, I ate an advil PM, waited 30 minutes, then popped an ambien. I'm not feeling the effects what's so ever anymore, should be some good ass sleep tonight. My personal favorite is a high dose of Lyrica.. That shit KILLS a stim comedown for me.. 800mg of that and you'll be a fucking OK!
Midazolam(versed) would be perfect if you have access to it or triazolam(halcion). Following would be temazepam or bromazepam. Then would be the common benzodiazepines as clonazepam, alprazolam or diazepam.

Anti-psychotics such as seroquel, zyprexa or haloperidol would also be ideal due to there sedative side effects and there ability to modulate dopaminegic activity.

Barbiturates such as phenobarbital , amobarbital or pentobarbital are also a good alternative but harder to come by in the US. Easier in foreign nations other than the US.

Chloral Hydrate would be the best of all in my opinion but thats medical grade. Same as chlorophrom

Zolpidem or Zoplicone would be other non-benzodiazepine alternatives.

Natural, you can consider...cannabis, datur, kava or valerian, although there effectiveness can vary by dosage and personal physiology.
i echo the zopiclone/lunesta recommendation. unfortunately, i don't believe that any of the Z drugs will counteract the dexy effects.

ambien is, imo, far more effective than zopiclone, but is just soooo easy to abuse. i'm about to take a zopiclone pill right now, it definitely provides no euphoria, nothing really fun about, plus makes your mouth taste like ass, but it seems to be effective for sleep.

but then i'm not taking a potent stimulant either.

i'd think you'll need a xanax for that, and that's a drug fairly wrought with abusability. the fast acting benzos are just not practical. tolerance issues, side effects like memory loss, habit forming...

for the long term then, zopiclone is a great solution but it may not achieve the desired effect without some adjunctive change like lowering your dexy dose, religiously monitoring your caffeine intake, exercising regularly, or exploring a less potent stimulant.

good luck, i've struggled with these issues myself for most of my life.