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'How E traps kids' (or.. 'How the media peddles utter bullshit to the masses'


May 23, 2001
Well - the wonderful Herald-Sun has just demonstrated, once again, its incredibly accurate reporting style when it comes to 'the scene' and associated drug use. For those who haven't seen it, the article is on page 18 of today's edition.. it's managed to really piss me off, and I guess I _could_ launch into a line-by-line criticism of it here, but to be honest it's really not worth the energy.
If the effects of 'ecstacy' were "Constant hallucinations, strange sensations that would affect the head (hahaha), loss of hearing and sight, loss of mobility and other feelings I can't describe", a) the doofus who wrote the piece obviously gets really shit pills, and b) I highly doubt the drug would be as popular as it is. F'n media - yeah, let's make out that 'ecstacy' actually makes you feel really shithouse, and that therefore all of these demented 'young people' taking it are simply stupid, self-destructive fools. There couldn't _possibly_ be any more to 'raving' than that, could there?
Today a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration... that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively - there's no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves.. here's Tom with the weather!
[This message has been edited by lsd303 (edited 25 July 2001).]
I try not to read the paper. They never say 'the truth' only what sells.
anyone know if this article is online
to read anywhere?
I had a quick look at heraldsun.com.au
but no luck
The herald-sun webpage contains the title and author in a section saying "in today's print version". How E Traps Kids by Steve Price -- i don't think we'll see this online unless someone copies it.
Well - I dunno about there being any links to the article as yet, but I'm bored, so in the interests of community service, here it is:
"One man's story of how drug fun at rave dances began a descent into fear"
[preamble from columnist]
Every now and then you are exposed to something so clear, so well explained, you wonder why it has taken so long to make any sense. Use of ecstacy by young people at rave parties is something I have struggled to understand. Time and again people have tried to convince me the odd tablet does no harm. Lighten up they say; at least our young are not getting fall-down drunk. Following is a letter to me by a former fan of the E-culture. Every parent should read it and ask their teenage children to do the same. And it should be read in school classrooms.
[main text]
Dear Sir
I am 28 years old and first used ecstacy in early 1998.
At the time I was a regular nightclub goer who liked to dance, drink and have a great time without any drugs. [Let's all play spot the glaring contradiction - me]
Sure, I had smoked a few joints, but rarely.
A few of my friends had taken some ecstacy and said how fantastic it was. I thought I would try it.
The feeling of extreme excitement, the head rush, happiness, excess energy, the wonderful love you have for everyone around you is undoubtedly euphoric.
Unfortunately, the feeling can't last forever, and at the end of the day it was created by chemicals that, as you are aware, are not the best for the brain cells.
A regular night out for me would consist of this:
Imagine I was planning to go out on a Friday night and today is Monday. My week would entail me constantly calling my friends to call their friends to find out where we could get the best Es (ecstacy) and at the best price.
We would also be trying to score some speed. Eventually I had a contact who sold me pure speed and I was able to cut it down so it saved me money and I could sell it so I had free drugs.
Friday would come around and we all would be prepared, drugs and all. We would meet at someone's house for pre-club drinks to get in the mood about 9pm.
A few lines of speed, a few drinks and some upbeat music would get people in the mood.
We would pick a club that we knew played the best music and was drug-friendly.
In we would go about midnight, just before they would get really busy.
We would all get a drink from the bar, stand in our little corner and drop our E.
The effect would begin in about 30 minutes to an hour. We would all be saying to each other, "Can you feel anything yet?". The anticipation was enormous.
Eventually we would all be off the planet, dancing like lunatics on the dance floor to extremely fast techno music in a world of our own. Constant hallucinations, strange sensations that would affect the head, loss of hearing and sight, loss of mobility and other feelings I can't describe.
We would go to the toilets, guys or girls with each other, and snort a line of speed or cocaine off the toilet lid or toilet roll holder.
The first E may have worn off so it would be time for another rush.
During the night there would inevitably be someone who had freaked out or simply wasn't coping with the drugs they had used. This would cause chaos among us, as we would be so concerned for the other person.
Usually they would simply sit in the venue, either on the floor or somewhere comfortable.
Often the main problem was paranoia. You would be scared of someone you thought was constantly looking at you; you would think that people were making fun of you; your mind was racing.
I have felt the extreme paranoia of people wanting to get me, making faces as if they wanted to kill me and simply imitating the way I danced.
I am a 6ft 4in male who can certainly handle himself, but under the influences of these drugs I was reduced to absolute fear. Fear for my life and fear for the people I was with. [So why the fuck were you taking them in the first place?]
If we left a club when it closed we would simply go to someone's house, turn up the music (techno, of course) and prepare for the rest of the day. Once again just a few lines of speed each just to keep everyone going.
We would shower, drink vodka, beer and high-energy drinks and generally chill out while we waited for everyone to get ready.
Usually by now we would need more drugs so a couple of us would make the journey to the dealer's place to buy.
The recovery venues are open. The term recovery could not be further from the truth. It is hard-core dance music, drug consumption and alcohol.
The recovery would go all day until about 5 or 6pm. Similar situations: freak outs, drugs in the toilets.
However, all good things must come to an end [I thought this bozo just explained how _not_ good it was?!] and the club would be closing for the day.
Here we go again preparing for the next night out; once again showers, music, drugs and alcohol. We would party all night.
None of us would have eaten since Friday afternoon or evening if we were lucky. While taking these drugs, eating is just not a thought. Sleeping is impossible with the pseudoephedrine pulsing through your veins. [Perhaps that could be something to do with the meth you've been snorting all day?]
Sunday night. After all the highs, the emotions have run out. You are back to the same old you, only you feel like a bag of s--t.
You know that you have to work the next day. Your jaw is aching beyond belief after all the grinding of the teeth you have been doing and you need water, heaps of it.
Your ears are ringing from the constant thud of the music of the past two days, and your body is ready to shut down.
Off to sleep you go, occasionally waking up to a strange sound or weird hallucination.
It was always best not to come down alone.
The next day is work. You have just spent about $500 over two days and you need to earn more money for the next night out, which will be the very next week, same thing.
After the millenium New Years Eve, my now fiancee and I ceased taking these drugs, but the effects are still around.
During the new year we partied for a few days and eventually it caught up with us.
I began to get paranoid about a group of guys that I imagined thought I was a drug dealer, dealing in their venue, which I was not.
I thought I saw them put something in my drink and decided not to drink it. While I was talking to someone my fiancee came over and drank the drink without me knowing.
Later she went into a schizophrenic state. One moment she could not move, next she thought something was inside her, next she didn't know who I was.
This went on for about two hours. I have never been more scared.
We think ourselves lucky. We called that a wake-up call and stopped taking drugs from that moment. Imagine if something went wrong and she had of died [sic] while out with me.
What would I have told her parents? It is just too dangerous.
I come from a great family, private school education and I have a great job. Not the sort of person you would associate with drugs.
Every kid is a target for these drugs.
We are about to get married, we have saved a deposit for a house and life is fantastic without drugs. I hope that you can take what I have written for what it is worth [extended ROFLing]; I am not glorifying drug use. I just wanted to show you what my experience was and how glad I am not to be using.
Steve, I hope you can stop some kids going through what I went through.
[text ends]
Well.. there it is - sorry about the length. After going through it again a little more thoroughly, I'm now suss that it smells like an article written by a 'concerned adult' who actually has NFI what they're talking about and is trying really hard to write like a 'young drug user'.. [shrugs]
[This message has been edited by lsd303 (edited 25 July 2001).]
all i can say is 1) the person who wrote that went totally over the top and deserves all the bad karma (not to mention long term side effects) of their stupid drug abuse... talk about giving the rest of us a bad name!!! plus combining alcohol and E.... *slap!*
2) they know fuck all about what they're doing and if it was a post on BL, i'd scream TROLL!!!
the guy who was once
Plausible enough story I guess, could be easily true given the way some people throw themselves into the chemicals.
Eventually I had a contact who sold me pure speed and I was able to cut it down so it saved me money and I could sell it so I had free drugs.
The next day is work. You have just spent about $500 over two days and you need to earn more money for the next night out, which will be the very next week, same thing.
Not running a good business though... if the drugs are free and they still manage to spend $500 in a weekend.
Fair enough, the comedowns outweighed the highs for this person, so they quit. Good for them, I respect their choice. Like religion... I respect people's right to make the decision for themselves, but I believe they shouldn't force it down other people's throats. Other people should be able to take the responsibility to make that decision when they feel the need to do so.
I think this person was a drug taker not a raver so many differnces can result. Just remember that many clubs like Salt, Room, Viper, Heat (Melbourne) etc do play electronic musik but aren't the places we usually go to regulary. I thinking of writing an open letter to counter the argument.
Reality is for those that cannot handle drugs!
Hrmm they did have SOME details correct, however I dare say it has a rather fake ring to it.
Quite amusing really, what a fucking fool.
this is a common story, of a drug abuser who doesn't know when to stop, these people are very different to your average bluelighter (and to most drug takers for that matter).
Any drug can f$%& you up, and this guy shows what happens if you don't respect drugs. I think the story is actually fine, but it only shows one very extreme side. I could write the same article about how it has enhanced my life, how much fun I have and how I look after myself afterwards, but somehow I don't think the paper would print that, it just wouldn't sell.
thats guys a pussy and cant handle his drugs
he shouldnt of been taking them in the first place
he claims he was doing that all the time and disliked it soo much
so why the fuck was he doing it
what a chump
the secret to success is clean underwear and a good top hat
Just a couple of things..
BT, you said:
> Fair enough, the comedowns outweighed the highs for this person, so they quit.
(I'll learn how to quote properly sooner or later
Um, yeah, I guess so - and agreed, that's a sensible decision to make. However, becoming a jaded 'drugs are shit!' ex-user who mails this sort of crap into a popular mainstream newspaper (assuming this article really _was_ based on a letter from someone) is a seriously fucked up decision to make, and as has been said already, may karma visit itself upon them soon! Personally, I've quit smoking dope, because I know that it fucks with my head, makes me really anxious for weeks after I have it and sets off all sorts of paranoia. I think quitting it for these reasons is sensible/justified, but at the same time there is no _way_ I'll go around preaching that marijuana is evil in the hope that "kids won't go through what I've gone through". It's subjective - _I_ had a problem, _I_ quit, and it doesn't apply to anyone else unless they begin experiencing the same things themself. I'm rambling.. my point is that sending this sort of 'scare fodder' into the mainstream media just because you had a bad time on drugs is a really idiotic & irresponsible thing to do.
Oh yeah, that was the other thing - it's really not surprising that the 'comedowns outweighed the highs' for this guy when you consider that the 'highs' consisted of "...absolute fear. Fear for my life and fear for the people that I was with.". I mean, for christ's sake - you'd think that if this was your response to 'party drugs', you'd just stay the hell away from them, yeah?
[sighs] I dunno.. I guess it just irks me that 'mainstream' people, who know no better than to believe what they read about drugs in the media (like my parents, who I've already spent too long ranting about this article to) will take this sort of bullshit on board as being the 'truth' about 'what happens at raves'.. if it was really that bad, the 'scene' would have died a loong time ago..
(btw, don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to sit at the other end of the spectrum and make out that there _are_ no negative consequences from 'E' use .. it's just that this sort of sensationalised and suspiciously fabricated crap really gets on my nerves!)
Today a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration... that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively - there's no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves.. here's Tom with the weather!
[This message has been edited by lsd303 (edited 25 July 2001).]
I also said that people who quit shouldn't push their views down other people's throats. I can't stand it when someone has a bad experience, swears off all substances, and then makes out like they're holier than thou.
the funniest part of the article was - "Sleeping is impossible with the pseudoephedrine pulsing through your veins"
Well then, we better put a ban on Sudafed!
There's use and abuse, sounds like this guy stepped over the mark quite a while ago.
It is soo obvious that this article was a total piece of fabricated utter BULLSHIT!!
And yeah, if it IS true then the guy who wrote it deserves every bit of that absolutely terrifying euphoria. I think the extreme paranoia would of been the amount of speed they seemingly kept taking (which I might add isn't exactly 'endorsed' by the rave scene), and the throwing up and feeling like shit would of been the alcohol. *gasp!* But NO! Alcohol wouldn't do that would it?! Of COURSE not! That person took E so it HAD to of been that...
I think that article should be an advertisment on how hard you shouldn't go and not about the evils of MDMA.
"Yes, I am one of the most despised and despicable of media monsters, that blight of corruption against morality and decency and law’n’order — one who chooses to partake of consciousness-altering flowering herbs and alchemical essences — a drug user!"
I wouldnt go arround shouting that this article is bullshit. I myself could have written the same thing, after a long weekend double dropping and snorting meth and coke all weekend who wouldnt think up something like that.
After a huge stint on the drugs week in week out for a few months I'm sure any one of us would feel the same way. Problem being they shouldnt publish someones comedown rants. I bet he wrote it on during his tuesday blues while he was going over and over in his head how much his life sucks and just knew he had to tell the world about it.
Thing is its all drug induced paranoia and stupidity. We all know your thoughts are all fucked up after a big weekend, pity the newspapers don't relise not to take a pillers thoughts as truth until at least a month off the gear or your not going to get any sense out of them just drug induced depressed bitching about how much the world hates them.
extreme case of a druggie, not a raver, fuckin lost the plot. This kind of shit really fuckin gets me man... I was really angry at work today after what i read, just utter bull shit..makes me wan to ....................................................................
"2am - Time for the next E: by now the first one has probably worn off"
further evidence to my mind that it wasn't E.
OK so reading that they got into the club at midnight ish, got a drink, then went "into a corner and had the E"... this means its.. what... say 12:30am (and thats assuming they go from lining up, to getting a drink and being in a corner, all in 0 minutes).
OK so 1am and it starts coming on.
so this guy peaked, plateued and started coming down in 1 hour??
.... excuse me for being a little skeptical.
[This message has been edited by HappyCamper (edited 26 July 2001).]