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'How E traps kids' (or.. 'How the media peddles utter bullshit to the masses'

I think this guy is suffering from the effects of having his spinal fluid leak out, along with all the glass and heroin that was in those "e" pills. Also, that pseudoephedrine in his veins would have caused a bunch of problems!!
Seriously, I suspect this story is probably true, but not from a raver, more like a Heat regular. All that acohol they drank is a dead giveaway.
The saddest thing about all of this, is that if you showed this to schoolkids (as suggested) they would just laugh. Instead of discouraging them from using drugs, they will think "well I would never use that much so I will be OK". Just like those stupid anti-drugs ads on the TV right now - who identifies with those?
youre right on there. All these drug campains on tv etc arent hitting the young people who do drugs, more likely the ones who havent, keeping them from starting.. The people who do take drugs, obviously know what happens to them (in terms of the feeling/high they get), If an ad was run showing what happens to the brain during a roll (e.g serotonin releasing ) then showing the receptors being flooded etc etc (dont quote me, think dance safe slide show) then go on to talk about how it *could* cause brain damage etc , maybe people would look into it more and read up.. as soon as an ad makes a blunt statement e.g death, drugs are bad.. people who like them dont listen anymore and instantly get defensive.. the ads showing death do not work because 1 in thousands have actually seen /heard of this happening to people close to them.. however on another note people can notice people changing from drugs etc (e.g moods, depression,paranoia etc.. this IS more common) maybe they should target this area... "why" is this happening?, it cant be good to be depressed/paranoid etc.. proving drugs cause this would (im my opinion) have a greater effect as people have seen this in their lives... i dunno...anyways.. just some thoughts...
my 2c
any comments?
Traps kids!!!???? Pfffftttttt I've never felt trapped.
HC who knows maybe the guy was greedy with his pills and didn't want the initial feeling of him peaking to go away?? My point is that he would have taken the pill at say 12:30 started peaking at 1:00 then when the feeling was starting to settle down just a tad (ie feeling nice, comfy, loved up etc etc etc) the fuckwit thought he was totally coming down so he drops another pill.
Either that or his seretonin levels were so low that he did come down in that short amount of time???.... again fuckwit!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice how there isn't any mention about how many pills he had on the Sat nights!!!!!! if any at all. If he did have pills on the Sat night it would explain a hell of a lot.
Now everyone be honest here!!! How many of you go out every Friday night, go to a recovery Sat, go out Sat night, dont eat at all EVERY WEEKEND and spend $500 worth of drugs + get more drugs because you're selling??????
Sounds like this person had a bit of a problem with Meth and other drugs here not neccesarily E. Mix copious amounts of drugs and do them every weekend and of course you're going to have a problem.
Summary If this story is by any small chance true (which I'm undecided about), then I have absolutely no sympathy for this person whatsoever. Drugs can be a positive experience in your life if you know how to handle them, what you're doing, take the right precautions and most importantly do them in moderation. Going to the extent that this fuckwit did will destroy you!!!!!!!
clickity clack
clickity clack
i found this article really amusing actually. i have my doubts as to whether its genuine.
See! (pokes tongue at Fry-d-) :p
I'm actually a little insulted that you'd think that I was implying that article was fake simply because he didn't enjoy his drug spree. I was saying that because the way the whole thing is written! It SERIOUSLY does appear to me that it's a load of crap written by someone who did their homework.
BMRADIO, I felt the exact same way. I just REALLY wanted to break something! I STILL DO!! How about this pencil?!
<(__Z Z___()
Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do to the little white lie telling velcro-addicted rancid-butter-eatin' washing machine-riding penis-puller if I ever find out who it is!!
At least he didn't say the pills were smacky...
If he'd said the pills were smacky then it might have been a bit more plausible... 'cos then I'd know the writer was just a moron who dived in, went way too hard, had no real idea what he was doing, and fucked himself up in the process, then decided it was because ecstacy is evil, and not because he had no self-control...
No I totally agree with the author. I think we are playing with very dangerous chemicals here and we are sure to all end up dealing and taking $500 worth of drugs in a weekend. I know that if I drop a pill at 12.30 it's time for another by 2 because the effects have completely worn off and I usually triple drop at 2 and then quintuple drop at 4am. Then in the morning I fill my veins up with pseudoephidrine because my dealer is selling me 'pure speed' that I cut with ratsak and glass to sell to other kiddies to pay for the other 16 pills I take on Saturday night just to get that 'tingle' in my toes.
One time someone suggested I should try sticking pills up my bum, they called it arse raping or something. So I did a headstand and got a mate to shove a funnel up my arse and pour 32 pills down there, plus a few grams of 'pure speed' for good measure. The effects wore off after a couple of hours, so I never tried it again.
So the moral of the story is dont touch drugs otherwise you'll end up like me and have a funnel stuck up your arse.
Good work mate!
Personally I HATE going to clubs 'cause my drink always gets spiked with acid...

How many of you even take acid to clubs? I harldy even know anyone who takes acid to RAVES.
"How many of you take acid"... etc ..
[raises hand]
If you couldn't tell from my username, I f'n _love_ acid - I don't take it anything like as much as I used to (read: too much), but I'll still have it occasionally. Last time was in "a club", at Belfast (QBH), and I had an _awesome_ night. Acid gets a bad wrap from a lot of people, but personally I feel that it is often the key to a very memorable, "special" night out (especially when taken in tandem with a good pill!).
Yeah, it looks like from what that 'article' said, that the girl in question managed to drink something spiked with acid and freaked out. This isn't a huge surprise - being unwillingly dosed with acid, especially if you've never had it before, is a really good way to lose the plot. Personally, I'd be quite happy if someone spiked _my_ drink with it at a party (all offers accepted!)
Anyone else with me on agreeing that acid is brilliant, or am I just showing my age/drugfuckedness?

Today a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration... that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively - there's no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves.. here's Tom with the weather!
[This message has been edited by lsd303 (edited 26 July 2001).]
Oh, I always thought dudes walking around with funnels out of their asses were just making a fashion statement. Shame on me. I wish someone would write in to the herald sun with a beautifully written response highlighting the lies/myths this person put into the paper. Just think how many parents/friends etc will read this and take it as gospel that every person who rolls is liek this or ends up like this... There goes 10 years of drug education to parents/the younger generation out of the door..
Articles like the one mentioned are aimed at speficic audiences, Who do you think it was aimed at???
We all read to our own perception and pre-conceived ideas. If we were to read an article on say an S11 protest it is highly unlikely we would be thinking about that one cop in that line and what was goiing through there head...
Yes it sucks, stick to P.L.U.R and do what you can in your own way....
Good to see people still give a shit though!!
Mr E. Moore, I think you hit the nail on the head... "any drug can fuck you up".
Do we take the same pity the alcoholics of our community? Personally I think we try to avoid them (socially speaking - not talking about companies like alcohol annon or whatever). Where are the articles on the youth of today being swept into the evil world of alcohol? It's just not looked upon the same way - alcohol is endorsed & accepted... seen as a playful "stage" that every teenager needs to go through.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not an alcohol hater... and I know they're all different drugs... but also I know that alcohol can certainly ruin your life at least as much as described in this article... and it just makes me a little mad that the two are treated so differently by the media.
Personally I don't think any drug should be endorsed as much as alcohol is - but I also think that if the media *really* has the need to publish drug stories, they should at least avoid such extreme cases/stories... in terms of scaring kids away from them - well, I'm still undecided on this one...
Yeah, and Tarsarlan, totally agree - he should have perhaps have a think about what he might be doing (or have done) to his poor little body before he decided to take the usual responsible move of shifting the blame - in this case to the drugs. I know I hate the way those evil pills grow their little wings & fly into my mouth & down my throat.. again & again..
Anyway, I didn't really have much to say, but now I'm all fired up. Damn media-tycoons. Grrr :[
"I'm still an angle to a girl who hates to sin"
Oh, I come from A PRIVATE EDUCTION upbriging
not the sort of westie,bogan, chigga, sort of scumfuck that take drugs oh no not me but I did anyway and now i am big fucked up NORTH
SHORE smack freak having to score at Cabra everyday (Snooty acsent)
How much did they pay this prick for the aritcle anyway? Im 29 first took E at 19
moderated E consumption has not hurt me
if anything it has bettered my life.
This guy is a drug pig with more money than scence and deserves all the come downs in the world.
If this guy is taking cocaine, speed, acid and ecstacy every weekend how the hell does he know what's happening to him? And i love the generic use of techno. 'Nother Sun spectacular, but notice how it's on the 'Opinion' pages so's they don' have ta back nothing up with facts.
And as for drink spiking; yes please. Stop me spending that $500.
The thing that really amused me was that the guy classed 'alcohol' and 'drugs' in two COMPLETELY different categories.
Maybe we should send in an account of our drug taking careers and see what they make of that!

Makes me wonder if the guy who sent something in sent something completely different and the paper doctored it to sound like this.