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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

how many movies do you watch?


Moderator: S&T
Staff member
Jul 22, 2002
i recall one year about 10 years ago my sister and i - who have very similar tastes in movies - decided to keep a movie diary for a whole year so that we could compare notes.

we counted movies seen at the movies, rented vhs/dvd and movies shown on tv but not movies made for tv.

that year i saw 450 movies which is an average of 1.23 movies per day.

how many movies do you watch?

^heh, maybe I should do the same.

I watch movies on the weekend for the most part. Last weekend I watched three movies. I think I'd have to keep a diary for a while to give you a proper number.

Do you count movies you have already seen before?
i have no idea.

less now that i'm married.
thats an astounding figure, ali. I probably average less than 1 a week, though its been on the rise lately.
Beatlebot said:
Do you count movies you have already seen before?
that year, we counted them if we had seen them before but if we watched them more than once that year, we only counted them once.

i think that was 'a good year' - back then i lived in london and went to the movies a lot. i love (and miss) the quality and diversity of london movie theatres and i think that contributed a lot.

these days, i would say i'm somewhere between 200-300 a year. i love movies :)

if you were to only count movies seen in theaters, this would be much easier- i'd say 1 or 2 a year.

since we're counting all movies, i guess i'd say i watch like, 6 movies a week. maybe almost 1 a day. that's only because my boyfriend gets all the movie channels and stuff. if it weren't for that, it'd be much less.
There was a time where I had no cable or air access, and all we had to watch was a wall of movies, and a blue screen. So all we did, was watch movies. I think I've seen every horror movie known to man lol.
I rented 14 movies a week for damn near a year when I was younger. If I had to guess,I would say I've seen at least 5,000+ movies so far.
If you mean movies that:

--I watch in their entirety.
--I'm watching for the first time.

...I don't watch many at all; maybe a dozen to twenty new movies a year, and that includes cinema, TV, and rentals. As is, I go to the theaters maybe every other month in a good year. If you mean all movies I watch in their entirety, including the ones I've seen before, I think it will only double that number.

Long and short of it: I'm not much of a movie guy anymore.
I wouldn't even be able to estimate how many movies I watch in a year. My numbers have dropped significantly since I stopped working at a theatre.

It was great when I was a manager though. I got to put the movies together when they arrived and then sit in an empty auditorium and watch it all by myself. I didn't pay for a single movie for the better part of two years. Those two benefits alone have made it very difficult for me to accept going back to paying full price to sit in a crowded auditorium.

Lately though, between Netflix and rentals, Vibby and I average two or three a week. More than that if we time it all out correctly.

Hopefully I'll be getting back into the exhibition industry soon, so I'll be able to get back into watching first run movies the day before they open. In the meantime, our netflix queue is constantly evolving.
i ATTEMPTED for a while to keep track of every single movie that i've seen by writing a list, and sometimes even a little blurb... but i got lazy, and it didn't really work out, which is a shame.

i'd estimate that i probably see about 3-5 movies a week. the numbers have really picked up since the end of last year/beginning of this year.
a kabillion...

but srsly, it would be a lot if I tried to put an actual number on it. It seems like I have seen almost every movie out there. I dont know if thats a good or bad thing.
About 3-5 DVDs per week. I won't watch movies on television because I only have basic cable and I think watching a movie that has been edited for public consumption and jacked full of commercials is a waste of time... unless it's a throwaway movie for diversionary purposes.

I rarely get to the movie theater, unfortunately.
I watch 3-5 DVDs per week and several movies on cable when I get a chance (I love watching favorite movies over and over again tho!)
depends on how many come out that I want to see, and if anything good is on hbo and starz. not a whole lot this year.
alasdairm said:
i think that was 'a good year' - back then i lived in london and went to the movies a lot. i love (and miss) the quality and diversity of london movie theatres and i think that contributed a lot.

Ah yes, the cinemas here are great. Is their one in particular that you like best?. I really like The Prince Charles Cinema. It's just so cheap, and they always show old movies and have sing-a-long versions of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The Odeon in Covent Garden is also another of my favourites.

Anyway, to answer your question. I think I only watch one or two movies a week now. That includes DVD's, cinema, and TV. Though I rarely watch TV anymore. In fact, I don't. I mean, how many times can they put Groundhog Day on for chrissakes?. Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie, but sometimes it actually FEELS like groundhog day the amount of times it's on!.
I would have a very very hard time putting a number on it, but probably over 400 a year. At least in the past couple years or so. If I mixed in "serialized tv shows" into the count...

Ugg. I'm a TV Zombie. Thats pretty fuckin sad.
i really don't know, but we do netflix, and have seen every single movie in their top 100. it is very hard to find new movies to watch.

our current netflix queue really sucks, can't find anything to watch.
tribal girl said:
Ah yes, the cinemas here are great. Is their one in particular that you like best?. I really like The Prince Charles Cinema. It's just so cheap, and they always show old movies and have sing-a-long versions of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The Odeon in Covent Garden is also another of my favourites.
inspired by your question, check out: favourite movies theatres?

i'm not a huge fan of the layout of the prince charles but i like the price :)

tribal girl said:
Ah yes, the cinemas here are great. Is their one in particular that you like best?. I really like The Prince Charles Cinema. It's just so cheap, and they always show old movies and have sing-a-long versions of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The Odeon in Covent Garden is also another of my favourites.

Anyway, to answer your question. I think I only watch one or two movies a week now. That includes DVD's, cinema, and TV. Though I rarely watch TV anymore. In fact, I don't. I mean, how many times can they put Groundhog Day on for chrissakes?. Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie, but sometimes it actually FEELS like groundhog day the amount of times it's on!.

The Oriental in Milwaukee, Wi also does a rocky sing-along. I went on 650mg of dxm and it was one of the weirdest nights of my life!