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brushing your teeth


Jan 9, 2005
do you think that it has to do with your over all well being if lets say you dont brush your teeth one day....?
i totally dont understand your questions, but yes im sure you will be fine if you dont brush once a day. just dont eat too much junk food.

bad breakth comes from bacteria in the back of the tounge near where the uvula touces it. just eat something.
Depends strongly on your genetics, I believe?

You can overbrush, you can underbrush, you can brush very rarely and not get any cavities, you can brush everyday and get a handful..

I don't understand what you mean by "it has to do with your over all well being"..
if u cant brush ur teeth chew sugraless gum. becareful with brushing dont over do it, as it can actually destroy enamel on your teeth.
also eat cheese after sugar, apparently it reacts or something and well.. you get the picture
Most people that brush everyday, and skip a day... do not suffer terrible consquences.

You MIGHT get a cavity though. So try not to do that umm kay. :)
Most people could skip a brushing and be fine, as long as their overall oral hygeine regimine is up to standards. However, if you have a preexisting condition of the mouth (like me, I have gingivitis and a few months back I got a severe infection in my mouth), it can make a difference. I cannot skip even ONE brushing or flossing session or my gums flare up again. :( At least I always have fresh breath. I literally brush after every time I eat ANYTHING (even a snack) and sometimes at random times throughout the day.
I feel unclean when I don't brush my teeth . . . so yeh, it does have a lot to do with 'overall well being' for me. It just feels dirty.....
Back when i was eatin a handful of pills per day while doing mass loads of coke i skipped for 3 weeks. But that was a while ago plus i have school now to
brushing my teeth is pretty annoying. the only time i'm really motivated to do it is when i leave home in the morning. sometimes i lay in bed thinking about stuff, and boom--"i haven't brushed my teeth yet". i'm just too damned lazy. i justify to myself, "one day isn't that bad", over and over again. i'm really scared of my teeth falling out though, so i take care of them whenever i can motivate myself to.
Motivate yourself! What I went through was really, really bad.
The worry for cavities is bad enough, but gum disease is no joke.
They told me I could have died if Id let the infection go (it had already spread from my gums to my glands in my neck and my gum tissue turned gray and started falling off). And I DID brush every day..just wasnt flossing enough over a long period of time. If you dont take good care of your teeth its VERY important to see a dentist for regular cleanings. I didnt have any insurance or money so for 6 years I didnt go. And gum disease is very painful, more painful than I ever would have thought. I couldnt even eat jello it hurt so bad to even just take a drink of water. :\
brushing your tongue is just as important as brushing your teeth. Gets rid of all the dead skin cells and stops your breath from smelling
lol^ I think that's just a new way for toothbrush companies to make more money with tongue cleaning toothbrushes. Everyone's been fine up until now without cleaning the tongue I can hardly see how it's as important as cleaning teeth.
Everyones been fine up until now without cleaning their tongue??? Ew!
Most people I know would brush their tongue dude, just because you dont have a special tongue cleaner doesnt mean you shouldnt brush your tongue! I was taught that as a little tiny kid first learning to brush my teeth. Its nasty not to clean your tongue, it gets that gross grayish layer of crap on it (on the very back) if you dont.
I rarely brush my tongue. I brush my teeth at least once a day, always in the morning. Floss every other morning. Sometimes I go to bed without the proper dental hygiene that is recommended. Too tired or too stoned to care.

I have never had a cavity, gum disease, or chronic halitosis. I visit the dentist yearly. I would go every 6 months if I could.
How the fuck do you brush your tongue without throwing up?
I can just brush the front of it but if i try to get it way back i become sick.
Please im not joking tell me how`?
Just do it carefully, dont ram the thing down your throat. You kind of build up a resistance to the gag reflex after awhile. At least brush the front part if you have a problem with it and just gargle real good with some mouthwash to get the germs off the back of it. Perpetual, it seems some people are more likely to get mouth problems (like me) and luckily you might not be one of them. Maybe thats why you dont have any serious problems without flossing every day or brushing your tongue. Your lucky!
use a tounge cleaner, available at most online yoga stores, copper is best, and make sure you use a neem toothpaste ( dabur is great), trust me after you do, you will never go back to crap like colgate
MynameisnotDeja said:
Its nasty not to clean your tongue, it gets that gross grayish layer of crap on it (on the very back) if you dont.

Ama is a term denoting a substance associated in Ayurveda with chronic disease patterns and symptoms of aging. It is described as a kind of sticky buildup of material that clogs the circulatory channels.Also seen on the tounge as a whiteish layer of film. In many ways it is nearly identical to the accumulation of excess cholesterol and blood lipids described in the West. Both conditions seem to contribute to a wide variety of circulatory disorders ranging from senility, rheumatic conditions, cancer and heart disease