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Rolling and Teenagers


Feb 1, 2005
What is everyone's opinions of teenagers rolling? A lot more kids these days do it then most people think, and I've even met a kid as young as 12 who has rolled before. I was 15 when I first did it, and didn't really think anything was wrong with it. The only real reason I could see why teenagers shoulnd't is because long-term effects of Ecstasy arn't known yet so these kids going through puberity might screw something up in their head.

Comments? Your Opinion?
personaly I'm 16 and I currently use ex. I try to be smart about it, I rolled last night and now I'm going to wait until may sometime. I always make sure I'm in a comforatble place when I roll. But wether you tell teenagers to roll or not, they'll still do it.
I'm twice the age of the above poster . . .

I first rolled at age 21 and was nit really redy... it had meant so much . . . I lost perspective for a while... raving became too important . . . it's crucial to have other interests, but it does have very beneficial aspects to it of course.

I am glad I didn't do it as a teen. At the time life was pretty intense, i wonder if I could have coped with it all . . .
As a teenager your body and mind are still developing physically and psychologically. This is going to leave you more vulnerable to damage done by intoxicants. This is true with E, Alcohol and probably most other recreational drugs.
I was 21 when I first rolled too. I was ready, I educated myself on it and I didn't go crazy about it (as much as I loved it and wanted to do it every weekend).

I'm sure a lot of teenagers are mature enough to make the decision and be responsible about it but I'm sure just as many, if not more, aren't... But what can ya do?
personaly I researched the shit out of the drug, I wanted to know what I was getting into. I'm not saying it's right for me to be using this drug at age 16, but I try to be as smart as possible. i respect ex way to much to abuse it.
im 17, first rolled wen i was 16. i think Rolling is a bad idea for anyone in general... sure it will affect the minds of youths alot more, but its just as bad for a grown man to be rolling... Ecstacy is very bad for you, ive never heard any cases where any good came from rolling, id much rather do some shrooms, and get something out of the experience, rather than being up all night with an aching mouth, a soft dick, and depression.
I started rolling when i was 14, but wished I would have waited till later because I would roll whenever I could get some and it didn't matter where I was, didn't have a clue about the effects it could have or anything.

I'm not saying everyone will be as ignorant as me but I for sure think that most kids under 18 won't use alot of common sense.
i was 14 when i started using drugs (well mostly weed) regularly. i'll admit i was extremely reckless with my drug use but honestly at the time, i didn't care. it felt good and i liked it so what? i think if i started up again i would be more cautious and handle it in a more mature way (i'm now 20) but i wanted to have fun when i was young and that's exactly what i got when i did drugs, FUN! i don't regret one thing i did back in the days. i can look back and say i lived a fullfilled teenage life
i didnt touch a drug, weed, alcohol, or anything up until i was 21..i know do e biweekly and smoke weed whenever..i dont have any side effects from any of these and have not had any problems in motivation or doing what i have 2 do to be responsible

i as a teacher, who teaches fucked up kids, know all 2 well how bad drug use is for those in the adolescent years...i see how lazy they are, how they see double when they read, how all they think bout is gettin fucked up, and so on....i am honest with my students with my decision on waiting till i was older 2 make decisions..i find youths 2 be impulsive and will not be responsible when using drugs...its actually depressin 2 see how these kids dont realize the impact and negativity drugs has on their lives and education
i didnt realize what one of the posters said..."ecstasy is bad and i have not heard of anything good comin out of it...

aye papi u couldnt be more wrong...x has opened my mind, makes u hear music amazin, (as a dj i cant front on that), gives u different perspective on things that u cant get when u r straight up, and just allows u to enjoy life at the time of the roll in a different manner...

does alcohol or smokin ciggaretters of eating fattening foods do u any good, come on bro please
I have some younger friends, teenagers, and I have considered asking them if they wanted to try it... but i opted against it... it's a bad idea because if someone is already on a shaky foundation, you may very well be the person to fuck up their future... i think college is a good time to experiment with drugs because you are there because you want to be... in highschool, you are there because the government reuquires you to be there. The main difference is that in college, you are still growing up, and you are still developing and learning about the person you are or want to be. But primarily, you are focused, you are independent, which can work in both directions; either you will fuck yourself, you will see that drugs should be used responsibly... After high school, you realize that you need to start a life of your own and move out of your parents house. You can see long term goals a lot better... I know that if i had stumbled upon x in highschool, i may have had a harder time being focused in my long term goals...

i guess everyone is different though...
I think you should wait til at least 16 or so before you start fuckin with that shit. your brain is still growing and ecstacy does have neg (at least temporary) affects on your brain, and we all know the majority of teenagers aren't responbile in the least with their usage. sometimes I kinda think that's the way it should be to an extent. bein in highschool is the perfect time to fuckoff and do crazy ass shit all the time. ya live at home, school is easy as fuck, work some shit job to get money to hae a car and get fucked up. ya get a few easy years of fuckin off, best to get all the major ridiculousness out while it won't really hurt you much.

although i completely missed my windown there and never rolled til i was 19. if most pills weren't shit now I'd probably do it a lot more, but most everyone I know agrees that it's not even worth doin b/c 4/5 times it won't be clean mdma and if it is it's weak as fuck and you end up spending $50.
Personally I think it's wrong ... capital ... WRONG!

No way should anyone less than around 18 be involved in drugs legal or otherwise. I'm reading too many threads about kids taking pills or whatever for the wrong reasons.
I did drink a little and maybe smoke a little weed when I was in high school, but I always kept that for the weekends. I never even second guessed going to school f'd up. After I graduated I did experiment with drugs a little more, I guess I set a "fine line" on what I would and wouldnt try....I didnt want to be all cracked out addicted to something that I would have to perform sexual favors and shit for just to come up with the money for it. I did smoke a decent amount of weed, did LSD and Shrooms. Honestly I did not try E until I was 26, and thank god, if I would of gotten some of that yummy shit when I was younger I definately wouldnt be the responsible adult I am now.

Anyway, to each his own, I am not here to preach I just think that E is way too strong for someone that young to use responsibly.
I first rolled when I was 15 im now 16. Personally MDMA is an okay drug in moderation and with intelligent useage.
Maybe I dont use it as responsibly as I should, but I've always turned down offers for cocaine, and the harder drugs. I'm interested in LSD, but I'm trying my best to draw the line at ex. I definatly respect that drug to much to abuse it, and I realize using it at 16 years old, and 100lbs, isn't the smartest idea, but I try my best to keep smart about it. maybe I do have a problem with drugs? but i'll find out on my own in time.
I didn't have my first roll till I was 19, I'm 20 now.

But having done psychedelics since I was 16 and starting with pot and meth at 14, I'd have to say I'd much rather see a teenager doing ecstasy than methamphetamines, which is the current trend of the day...
*Lets have fun drawing arbitrary lines in the sand*

Even by looking in this thread you can see that it doesn't matter if youre 13 or 30, people use MDMA irresponsibley, while conversly, teenagers can use MDMA very responsibley.

It's naive to say "at 17 its bad, but at 18 it's good". That kind of thinking in rief within western culture because of its dependence of laws. Likewise, it's just as silly to think that there is some age, where the brain flicks over in some 'mature' form, where MDMA becomes safer. As far as large scale reconstruction of the brain, that is finished by the time you're 2, from think on, it's just tinkering around.

I abused weed when I started as a young teen, and it did effect me, and it effected most of the people I know who used it at that age one way or another, but I'm sure there were some people out their who were more grown up than me, that could just smoke a little every weekend or so.
I first tried ecstasy when I was 17. Im 18 now and have done it 5 times and I dont plan on doing it again. I loved the way it made me feel and I can honestly say that ecstasy is the only drug I have ever ingested that was beneficial to me (mentally, not physically), but its just too good to be true and I dont want to get caught up in that lifestyle. I have a deep respect for the drug though.