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Death ~ What would you like done with your body?


Bluelight Crew
Aug 20, 2002
So, there's been a thread on how you would like your funeral to be run, but I'm curious to know what your preference is for how your body is disposed of in the end?


I went to an exhibition on death at (I think) the Australian Museum earlier this year and found it fascinating what some of the other cultures do as standard, such as letting vultures eat the remains, burning on bonfires and burials at sea.

My plan had always been to be cremated and have my ashes scattered at the beach were my surfclub is. But the latest idea I've had is to donate my body to science. I've read some articles about how beneficial it is to scientists in their research to have more bodies to work with and I figure it's not like I'll really need it afterwards ;)


What's your preference... burial? cremation? cryogenically frozen??? Do your religious/family traditions come into play at all?

And as a side note, are you planning to be an organ donor? Why/why not?
I'll be donating my organs for sure :)
I'd like to be cremated and have some ash sent to space.
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boring and predictable but spread over the ocean...

my second home..
Just throw my body to the sharks but they probably won't find my body tasty enough for them, so they will spit my body parts out and let it rot at the bottom of the ocean and the crabs, lobsters, or whatever will start picking on my body parts ... then the Fisherman catching crabs/lobsters that ate bits of me will return bits of me in their guts back to the human's dinner plates....
I'm going to leave it up to my kids. I know that my Dad wants to be cremated and I don't know how well I'll cope with knowing his body is going up in flames, so I'll basically take that standpoint with my offspring. I want them to do whatever makes them feel most comfortable for remembering me, I suppose. If they think there's a place that reminds them of me and they'd like to scatter my ashes there, that's cool. If they want to bury my body somewhere that they can visit me often, that's fine too.
anna! said:
I'm going to leave it up to my kids. I know that my Dad wants to be cremated and I don't know how well I'll cope with knowing his body is going up in flames, so I'll basically take that standpoint with my offspring. I want them to do whatever makes them feel most comfortable for remembering me, I suppose. If they think there's a place that reminds them of me and they'd like to scatter my ashes there, that's cool. If they want to bury my body somewhere that they can visit me often, that's fine too.

WOW...........I think thats a great way of looking at things.

Well thought through Anna.
It doesn't worry me. I'm happy to donate all my organs (although I don't know how good my liver would be to anybody). I don't know how far advanced science is with regards to eye transplants, but the thought of somebody else having my eyes is pretty cool.

I'd rather be cremated than buried, and I'd leave it up to my surviving relatives to decide on where to scater the ashes.
Donny Don't said:
I don't know how far advanced science is with regards to eye transplants, but the thought of somebody else having my eyes is pretty cool.

As far as I'm aware, whole eyes aren't used, but parts of the eye, like the cornea, can already be donated.
i haven't thought about this too much, but i think i'd like to be donated to science. i'm not exactly gonna be useful for anything else...

or they could make me into a really scary (and probably smelly) manequin =D
kat that's an awesome idea.

I'll be donating my organs and really, whatever happens afterwards is up to the people who have to deal with my funeral. I mean, honestly, I think it's quite funny that people are very specific about what they want done. As if it matters.
throw me in a garbage bag and put me in the wheelie bin. like i care :p ;)

actually scratch the garbage bag, its bad for the environment. just chuck me in the bin as is.

but, as that isnt likely to happen, what i would like is to be buried in a forest somewhere. or if im old and i know its coming, to just wander off into the bush and never come out...
Yeh, I want to be cremated and then thrown into the ocean too... only I've always wanted to be thrown into a tidalwave and have my sister do it from a helicopter above. But she said to me, 'what if i die?' so i don't know whether she would. At least we'd die together.
i dont know.
i'd get cremated....but then theres things like cryogenics and the research ppl are doing and it makes me think twice.
i know theres lots of issues and way too many questions to answer. also, cryogenics arent quite the most efficient way to store bodies. but who knows whats gonna happen in the next 50 years or so.

maybe i'll think about it more if i feel i'm close to dying.
I want my ahes to be planted at the root of one of my favorite trees in a beautiful spot so that i can be part of the beautiful world i once lived in in death :)

- as cliched and hippied as you would expect an answer from me to be anyway ;) :p
Cremated. My organs will be donated also if possible. Bar my eyes and skin.

I dont want no maggots crawling in me, thanks.
I want all my useful organs (which I doubt will be many after I'm done with them! ;)) to be donated and then my body cremated. I don't fancy the idea of decomposing under the ground... I'd prefer that my ashes are scattered in a place that is special to me or my family than kept in an urn on someones mantlepiece as part of the decor!
I wanna be placed in a red glitter coffin, wearing a black dress, with a gold cross around my neck and a single red rose in my hand.

I wanna be buried somewhere close to home, in the catholic part of the cemetary. Very tradition, simple funeral.

I haven't considered organ donation, as my next of kin would have power over the choice even if i was registered as an organ donor. Though i hear that might some day change.
Frozen in carbonite.

Then thawed out when a cure for death is discovered.
I want my body to be hacked apart and have my limbs used for satanic rituals and voodoo charms...