Zofran/Ondansetron has (maybe) exacerbated opiate withdrawl!


Aug 8, 2016
...or so it seems.

My recovery journal is about 5 threads down and will give you my background, however the short version is this:

Clean for the last 41 hours after completing a (too quick) suboxone taper down to 0.5mg twice a day and then a backstep Oxy binge of 90mg over 2 days. I'm feeling, by all accounts.... Great! Minor physical symptoms (compared to previous withdrawals) including mild restless arms, occasional yawns and tears, mild restlessness. My mood is good and my spirits and resolve are high.

What I'm currently taking: Beginning this morning around 10AM, I've taken about 20mg of Loperamide (4mg every 4 hours), 60mg of IR Adderal (20mg every 5 hours) all orally.

I've had a few anxiety-riddled hours but nothing to write home about. Overall, feeling awesome with the exception of some very minor ups and downs.

At 9 PM MST (about 2.5 hours ago), I took 8mg of Zofran (4mg sublingual x2) and after about 20 minutes, began to feel pretty extreme physical withdrawl symptoms more in line with what I'm used to and expected.

Is it possible that the Zofran caused some sort of precipitated WD or somehow knocked any remain opiates off my receptors? I did a cursory search of Bluelight and Google and found nothing indicating anyone has had this issue. In fact, most people seem to say Zofran should help WD.

What's going on? Coincidence?

Help and thanks!
Why are you taking Adderall for your detox?

The Zofran is not causing you precipitated withdrawal or anything of the life. The Zofran+Adderall may be interacting in some way causing you more anxiety, which is making you think (to the point of physiologically experiencing it) you're going through some kind of precipitated withdrawal type syndrome, but I pretty much guarantee you this is not the case.

Amphetamines during withdrawal will often exacerbate anxiety and other negative symptoms of acute withdrawal, especially at the high dose you are taking. Either cut down your amphetamine intake to 5-10mg every two hours (only if you NEED to take it I mean), or better yet stop taking the Adderall. I would be willing to bet a LOT of money that this is the root of your current issue. If you want try discontinuing the Zofran, you should only need it if you get really nauseous, it isn't something you need to take if you are feeling better sickness-wise.

I'm glad to hear you're (mostly) feeling better! You're doing great work!!!
Amphetamine is the last thing I would want to take during opioid withdrawal. It would give me the shits even more and make me pee more causing extra dehydration. If you do the loperamide right you can withdrawal with very little discomfort. I tapered down off of 150mgs of methadone with loperamide over 2 weeks.