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Your thoughts on a low 'primer' dose of MDMA

Drugs that fuck around with our brain chemistry are regularly prescribed to cure a whole range of psychological problems. Although its controversial, SSRI's fuck around with our brain chemistry but help cure depression/anxiety in some people. Consider it as positively fucking around with your brain chemistry for long-term benefits. The whole concept of 'neuroplasticity' mentioned in that article is intriguing.

I think we're all just hard-wired into drugs are bad which of course they can be. I like how open-minded and differently the intelligent researchers think about things. Apart from Ricaurte - he's a cunt.
Drugs that fuck around with our brain chemistry are regularly prescribed to cure a whole range of psychological problems. Although its controversial, SSRI's fuck around with our brain chemistry but help cure depression/anxiety in some people. Consider it as positively fucking around with your brain chemistry for long-term benefits. The whole concept of 'neuroplasticity' mentioned in that article is intriguing.

I think we're all just hard-wired into drugs are bad which of course they can be. I like how open-minded and differently the intelligent researchers think about things. Apart from Ricaurte - he's a cunt.

Which is why I don't take any prescribed medication for depression or any shit like that. It's my personal choice though, I know some people really need that shit to stop them falling off the edge.
TBH, I think 20mg as a primer dose would be too much. My standard MDMA dose is 130mg and if I'm gonna try a primer (within a few months), it'll be something like 3-8mg.

I see a comparison with aMT. In this way that 30mg of aMT gives me a night of euphoria, empathy and nice colors. 5mg gives me a very good day with extremely lifted mood, but no one would suspect I'm on anything.
If i take 1-3mg it really feels like resetting my brain chemistry, bit like it's described with a primer.

Of course there are other mechanisms at work but it's still interesting to note.
Could people try this? I have used MDMA too much lately, so I''m on a 4 month break and can''t try it.
It is well known that low doses of drugs can actually upregulate receptors instead of downregulating with regular doses.
At least one person in this topic seems to have had great succes with this.

I would say 15-20% of your normal dose 4 days prior to dropping (so in my case approx 20mg). This will certainly not cause much of a serotonin release.
At worst it may SLIGHTLY decrease the strength of your roll, but it will be absolutely minimal. At best it will greatly enhance your roll. I am really interested in this.
I have not read the replies - I would strongly suggest you not to take a 'primer' dose of MDMA. If you have tested your gear and your fairly sure of what your taking is the real deal then wait and drop a full dose.

If you are talking about a alergy dose then check into this further !
Drugs that fuck around with our brain chemistry are regularly prescribed to cure a whole range of psychological problems. Although its controversial, SSRI's fuck around with our brain chemistry but help cure depression/anxiety in some people. Consider it as positively fucking around with your brain chemistry for long-term benefits. The whole concept of 'neuroplasticity' mentioned in that article is intriguing.

I think we're all just hard-wired into drugs are bad which of course they can be. I like how open-minded and differently the intelligent researchers think about things. Apart from Ricaurte - he's a cunt.

I agree that this could have potential... but it also has the POTENTIAL to be damaging, no? I just don't think we know enough about this topic to really be recommending people to try it at ALL.

I mean, what is the right dose? 5mg? 20mg? How many days should it be taken? How many days before the roll should you stop taking it?

There are simply too many unanswered questions for me to feel comfortable with this. However, if someone wants to play guinea pig and test it all out for us that would be a start.
I really need to get a good dose or else it just doesnt start... like i wont get 'half' munted, ill just not feel it at all, unless i do a good solid starter.

So is that article basically saying that you will roll way harder if you expose yourself to a low dose of mdma a few days prior to a neurotoxic dose and that your brain will be especially protected against that neurotoxicity? Or will it just help prevent neurotoxicity but diminish your rolling experience?
^^^dude. nobody knows the answer to your question. thats what they are debating. Folley and Strutter and others are correct, we dont know enough about this drug. MDMA and Serotonin is still somewhat new for a drug and how they all work in the brain and body is still kind of a mystery. we know somethings but not there jus not a lot of info on it yet. still need to study MDMA a bit more and maybe when our technology gets so crazy advanced that might help that process along. there are just so many variables an mystery when talking about how MDMA affects the serotonin system or the rest of the brain for that matter.
So is that article basically saying that you will roll way harder if you expose yourself to a low dose of mdma a few days prior to a neurotoxic dose and that your brain will be especially protected against that neurotoxicity? Or will it just help prevent neurotoxicity but diminish your rolling experience?

It's very hard to answer that.. My guess would be it protects agains neurotoxicity, but will probably diminish the rolling experience.. There is still too much we don't know, so i guess it will remain a mystery for now
Screw drugs for preloading... remember we dont do drugs, we ARE drugs
WORK OUT and EAT HEALTHY and ur roll will be amazing.. these 2 things produce loads of serotonin and makes ur body strong! Wich is the whole point
Dont take a small dose 3-5 days before ur real roll... aint no point bro, in fact it would prolly just make the real roll a bit less intense, and u will need more cuz of tolerance

you do realize, that their "low dose" is 3mg/kg?
so it's most likely: a recreational dose (usually around 1.5mg/kg) increases your tolerance and protects from a larger neurotoxic dose.

i'll definitely try this out this summer with doses of like 0.1mg/kg. i think taking such every week for a month and then pausing for a month before the roll (to get tryptophan hydroxylase levels back to normal and making enough serotonin again) would be a good idea.
i've started today with a tiny crystal of some nice and pure mdma. i sadly forgot to weigh it but i suspect it was in the range of 5mg. i've felt a barely noticable warmth and maybe enjoyed making music maybe a bit more than usual, when i didn't expect any effects at all. anyway, it's not about the possible effects small dose, but about the hopefully increased sensitivity for a larger dose i'm going to take some time in july. so i'll keep you updated about the process and of course the results.
i've started today with a tiny crystal of some nice and pure mdma. i sadly forgot to weigh it but i suspect it was in the range of 5mg. i've felt a barely noticable warmth and maybe enjoyed making music maybe a bit more than usual, when i didn't expect any effects at all. anyway, it's not about the possible effects small dose, but about the hopefully increased sensitivity for a larger dose i'm going to take some time in july. so i'll keep you updated about the process and of course the results.

Awesome! Hope it works =D
i've started today with a tiny crystal of some nice and pure mdma. i sadly forgot to weigh it but i suspect it was in the range of 5mg. i've felt a barely noticable warmth and maybe enjoyed making music maybe a bit more than usual, when i didn't expect any effects at all. anyway, it's not about the possible effects small dose, but about the hopefully increased sensitivity for a larger dose i'm going to take some time in july. so i'll keep you updated about the process and of course the results.

I normally dose mdma pretty low and have a low tolerance but even I wouldn't be able to feel 5mg. Erowid says threshold for MDMA is 30mg. Are you sure that wasn't just placebo?
i've started today with a tiny crystal of some nice and pure mdma. i sadly forgot to weigh it but i suspect it was in the range of 5mg. i've felt a barely noticable warmth and maybe enjoyed making music maybe a bit more than usual, when i didn't expect any effects at all. anyway, it's not about the possible effects small dose, but about the hopefully increased sensitivity for a larger dose i'm going to take some time in july. so i'll keep you updated about the process and of course the results.

Very cool, please report back to us what you felt and try to, as accurately as you can, compare it to previous rolls!
i took the second dose yesterday, but my scale apparently doesn't do well with single digit milligram figures, so again i cannot give any dosage data. again just a tiny crystal.
this time i only felt a hint that something should be there which wasn't there and therefore slight discomfort.

I normally dose mdma pretty low and have a low tolerance but even I wouldn't be able to feel 5mg. Erowid says threshold for MDMA is 30mg. Are you sure that wasn't just placebo?
of course i cannot rule out placebo. my tolerance should be zero, i haven't taken mdma for two years and also not taken any drug in the last year. i'm also quite sensitive to most drugs, needing about half the amount as anyone else (the only exceptions here are amphetamine and mdma, which is why i was surprised to feel anything). i surely felt like a real effect, but placebo can also be quite effective, so it could well have been placebo.

This is a horrible idea in my opinion.
why? 5-ht2b agonism at the heart valves isn't an issue if you do it just a few times and even less an issue with a small dose as that. neurotoxicity is highly dose dependant and it's doubtful if it even occurs at a usual recreational dose. receptor downregulation also shouldn't be an issue at these doses, in fact we rather expect upregulation, which is why i'm doing this experiment. and besides: science demands it! ;)

Very cool, please report back to us what you felt and try to, as accurately as you can, compare it to previous rolls!
will do. and i will post for every "sensitisation" or "primer" dose it take, so we'll at least have a proper chronology, as we sadly can't get any dose data.

today, 8 days after the last one, i have taken the third dose, which was likely a bit smaller than the last one. the "effects" are somewhere in the middle between the second and the first dose.
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