
Nov 3, 1999
For less intelligent and paranoid propoganda go here:
i found it on NASA's -(think lost mars probe, 140 million down the tubes, and we're on drugs?) web site. it's just a link to a drug "information" site.
see how the other side sees what we do.
HOLY SHIT!! I just checked out that site and where the fuck did they get there information from??? Sorry, but that just pisses me off, what is going on in society when people from NASA (who I previous thought of as intelligent human beings) can spread such propaganda?? I don't know what is happening here(and not from my drug usage
) That site was geared towards a third grade reading level, they had to dumb it down for us, they just patronized the hell out of us and since they are NASA they think we'll take the spoon they are feeding us, arggg! Well anyway, check this site out for yourself and then try to not be upset. But still remember PLUR
"Anything that's worth doing is worth doing right."-HST
Sites like Freevibe, make me wanna say GODDAMN you. Learn some shit pleeze, it takes large doses of MDMA to cause brain damage.
"Create Your Own Ecstasy"
I only read the stuff on there about E then I started to get annoyed, and closed the window.
Just a few thoughts -- why the Hell is there a link from a NASA web site to anti-drug propaganda??? The War on (some) Drugs is INSANE and MUST stop. It's a losing battle, a modern day Vietnam, and the Fed knows that. Why else would EVERY department of the govt. (even down to NASA) spew out this propaganda?
And (to paraphrase), the site says that E is not a "good drug" because at least TWO (2) deaths can be attributated to it. Are they insane? What reasonable person would try to argue a point against the dangers of something and use a figure like TWO?!?!? Out of the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS (millions even?) of people who roll in clubs/raves/etc. all around the world, NASA is going to expect me to buy into their propaganda that E is this horrible killer because of TWO deaths!!?!?!?!?!
As much, as this insanity annoys me; I always take some comfort in the fact that the US govt. is so back-ass backward and a mess. It really scares me to think what horrors a streamlined effecient govt. could bring.
"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." -- Ayn Rand
What the hell did I just read? First, I thought the Parkinsons thing was a myth.
Second, they state that many people THINK E breaks down barriers and enhances feelings of love and affetction. Then they say "Unfortunately, for most people this isn't true." Excuse me? If you take MDMA you're going to experience the love. They focused so ferociously on the negative aspect of E, then through in some accosiation BS about HIV transmission. And there have been 2 deaths, does anyone recognize how safe that makes this drug when you compare it to others?
Excuse me but this is fucking insane
PLUR (for those of us capable of understanding what that means)
Dude. This quote unquote informative site is WHACK. Total bunk. Fah-Q NASA!
~*~ Ashke ~*~
no wonder they cant send a chunk of metal to mars, they cant even get information on the earth correct
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
Who wants to crack the site and put some really accurate information on there. LOL

One time CNN was REAL shocked to find out what got posted on their site.
"Trip, Trip, CandyFlip!
I'm gonna roll hard and
I'm gonna dance quick"
That was fucking awesome. I dunno man, but all the shit they're saying about some of those drugs makes me wanna go out and get more of them RIGHT NOW!!! Lol. OK, that was funny. . . heheh
My personal favorite was "Alchol can make you fat" What the fuck? what about brain damage from alchol use, that's never mentioned. And like I give a fuck what an astraunaught thinks. Some overgrown cubscout with good reactions, big furry deal. I remember worshiping these cunts when I was akid but know I think "Hey some jet jockey with a clean nose so america can put a face on this trillion dollars we're shooting into orbit." Why are they hero's? because they got picked. Hero's shouldn't be picked. wtf?
They shouldn't talk down to kids, kids can smell that patronizing shit from a mile away.

can I just do a reality check on what century we're living in?
jejeje 8-th graders rolling....jajajaja
and what the fuck is that about is a really dangerous drug and that 2 deaths have been attributed to it and it's really dangerous,thousands of people roll evry day and only 2 deaths liked to it,that's stoopid!!!what about alcohol????how many people die daily cuz of it???
Like all ways P.L.U.R to my people......
Oh and "they" wonder why people make so many bad uniformed choices in life....Maybe because "they" are providing the uninformation!
Clearly kids are smarter and more informed than they were a generation ago...they don't automatically listen to this shit and see it for what it is (hopefully) propoganda.
Its a wonder all these anti-drug campaigns backfire with laughable results...they never try and talk to kids as if they're intelligent but always make sure to talk down to them and insult their intelligence.
Let's question who were they aiming this to? If its to young children fine. I agree with them even though they're fact are somewhat off. I don't want young children experimenting with drugs! Fuck they have enough weird/ hard shit to deal with already. When they are older they can make a clearer judgement about whether drugs are bad or good. They will also have more access to correct information. So why not give them a bad image at 1st whats it going to hurt??
"Roll, roll, roll your brain swiftly down the drain.
Merrily, merrily, merrily you will go insane!"
yeah... I kinda agree, I don't want young kids using drugs. Besides, just being a kid is like taking drugs anyhow! lol
shame on nasa for presenting such uninformed information...but please don't damn them or say 'fah-q nasa' because of this one error...although the recent failures of the mars climate orbiter and polar lander were very dissapointing, what we have learned from nasa's succesful missions is invaluable (you'll thank them when the earth is overpopulated and were are able to terraform mars
) hell...I LOVE NASA!
I always had a soft spot in my heart for science

psychonaut -- voyager of the mind
"BiOcHeMiStRy oWnZ yOu!" rofl