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Bupe Your SUBOXONE Doctor

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Jan 26, 2008
It's no secret that most Doctor's (and every Dr. I've ever been to) are complete (arrogant) idiots who could care less about their patients or their well being.

Suboxone Dr's seem to be worse than most from what I've experienced/read.

Let's hear about your Bupe. Doc!

What do you think of him/her? Are they a great help? Just in it for the money? Completely clueless? Are you more educated about buprenorphine than they are? What upsets you the most about them? What do you like about them?

My Dr. is a complete joke. He's most certainly an idiot (although not totally stupid) and forgets most everything he says which makes him a bit unpredictable at times. It was really annoying at first but after a couple months of seeing him I think I've got him almost completely figured out - which gives me an advantage. ;)

He's quite liberal with his prescription pad, doesn't care about THC hits on my urine tests and is conveniently located so I'm sticking with him for the time being. (but also covering my ass at the same time.)

What's been your experience?
I guess I am very lucky with my sub doctor(s) because my experience has been great so far. When I decided to get on subs I went to a methadone clinic called "stopSA"(SA being San Antonio where I live). This place was founded by 2 doctors, a married couple, who just wanted to help opiate addicts, plain and simple. Not only were they a methadone clinic but they could also prescribe suboxone and provide counseling and other similar helpful things. They care about noting but the well being of their patients, therefore their prices are comparitively cheap from what ive read....(~$175 initial visit and ~$100 once a month to get script and have a counseling session). They have shown me nothing but kindness and understanding as well as support throughout the whole process(their staff are just as nice and caring as they are). Ive never had to worry about "figuring out" my doctor for my advantage or have to deal with them forcing ignorant idealoligies down my throat....they just listen to my story, understand, talk about how things can be worked out best, and than follow through with that plan of action.

I feel sorry for all these people who I read have such a difficult time with their suboxone dr experiences. It can be hard for me to understand sometimes given my lucky situation with my docs. All I can say is that being on a suboxone maintanence plan is worth having to deal with bullshit from some ignorant doctor who just doesn't understand. It truly has turned my life around completely and I urge others to follow in my path and stick to it no matter how frustrating it can be. Happiness is found all around you in life, it's not found inside of a needle, and my experience with suboxone has opened my eyes to that more than ever.

I wish everyone struggling with an addiction good luck and hope more and more people can get lucky as I have and find good people who truly want to help.

well well well. a topic i have so very much experience with. ive been on bupe for 5 years now and ive had a lot of sub dr.s. the one i have right now is a fucking joke. the woman is a total mess and somehow i didnt really see it coming by talking to her on the phone. im going to get some tea and have a smoke before i document my experience with this woman. actually, ive had so many dr.s it seems rather futile to list the pros and cons of seeing this woman. she is just another piss stop in my highway travels to death(hopefully i dont reach my destination in the near future).
....also....no matter how desperate the situation seems to be, no matter how much of a "joke" yor doctor is, no matter what bullshit you have to put up with......a positive attitude will ALWAYS benefit you. I cant stress that enough.......being optimistic/positive can sometimes even change a horrible situation into a good/helpful situation. I know it can be hard to live by this concept but if you really apply yourself to a positive outlook, I have no doubt you will be amazed at what can happen.
^^^^god i sound like a preacher....sry....i just really want to help people.
Ive been to one sub Dr. and had a great experience. First session I went to the office in withdrawals and had to fill out some forms, he did the w/d checklist thingy and seen i was hurting, so within like 10 minutes of talking to him I was out the door with my first week script of 30 8mg suboxone to take as needed to find my right dose myself and tell him how much i needed next visit as i told him i had past experience with subs, altho illegally.

so i come back a week later and 4mg holds me more than fine but i tell him i need 24mg a day just to get extras. so every month after that i got scripted 90 8mg subs a month hassle free. it costs a lot of money pill price wise until i was lucky to get medicaid to cover it.

oh yeah every month the sub dr visit which lasted no more than 10 mins any time, he just checked up on me and asked how im doing, etc. $70 per month, not bad compared to others.

i also had shopped around calling up every place in my area b4 finding this Dr. and im glad i checked around beforehand as he was by far the cheapest and a very nice guy who told me he himself had people in his family with addictions and so did the rest of his staff so they wont ever look down on you, etc.

good experience.
This really isn't OD material so I'm going to have to close this. I thought about moving it but I'm not sure where it could fit. I'll consult my colleagues and move this if they see fit.

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