Your Productions Go Here!

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if you can pull that sort of sound out live... well i'd love to hear you out some time.
now that's a base line. didnt like the synth pop organ woulda preferred dirty feel/direction, coula got dark and sexy with it.
always try and think bikini girls when composing, itll work well with the film clip. (breaks).mp3
and that's just a taster, a teaser of something dark and groovey brewing.... i like it.

you got a clean sound going man.

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Re: MacZero - Wangin'

Dexium said:
Hey guys, just thought I'd yet you all know about my new project, MacZero.

It's trance with a hard-dance flavour, with high production standards and a taste for different sounds..

MacZero - Wangin' @

Feel free to leave a review on the site. I will review anyone who reviews me :) Thanks guys!

nice stuff tho, nice dance party feel to it.
dyscotopia said:
physix: perplexing title. good track. are the voice samples reversed? i like the way the sounds are slightly dissonant and it's got a very funky low-end, though i think your description is probably too technical for anyone other than other producers. :) anyways, that's way more on my tip than a lot of the bl productions i've heard recently. i'd go off in a club or party to that. it's still pretty stripped down but even so, i could have listened for a few more minutes. very sweet, even though i'm sure you spent a lot of time on that, it never sounds labored. nice to see that we've got a moderator with mad skillz... ;)

Geez, I'm lame. I post these and then don't ever check back.

If you like Good Girls Good Game, then I think you'll
really appreciate Big Booty Bareback ... they were made
concurrently with some of the same techniques. This one was
picked up by Fairparks and I'm hoping Select will grab Good Girls
Good Game
... we'll see.

and you might even like Don't h8 Me 'cuz I'm Bootiful!

I try and get technical as possible in the descriptions b-c ACIDPLANET
is SUPPOSED to be a tool for producers to learn and shit. but no one
ever says HOW they did some things. So, when I tinik of something
new (at least, new to me) then I like to sort of explain as much as
possible what I actually did.

Kurt, might I recommend, when sampling a track, that you experiment
a bit with their placement. What I mean by that is... since you make
your beats in Reason ... and you ReCycle those samples... once you
have the REX file, simply make another ReDrum and load the individual
slices into each drum pad of the ReDrum. Then, simply program away,
changing patterns and seeing what you come up with. Once you
come up with 3 or 4 dif't patterns, export the loop so that you can
run it thru the REX Player or sampler and then utilize their filters
and automations and go crazy with it!

I used to do the ACID-Soundfroge-ACID thing exclusively. When I
experimented with the above set up, it opened up my processing
a bit more. Made for some sick variants. Using that technique,
you could sample some of the most familiar beats and phrases and
no one would be the wiser.

Even if you still want your final sequencing in ACID (and who
wouldn't -- it's brilliant!), try this technique at least once.

and seriously, dyscotopia, thanks for the praise!
physix, I just checked out Big Booty Bareback. I'm really not into house, but I am feeling this track in a major way. Got me moving, man. Nice work. The name sucks, though. ;)

Keep it up.
Eric Digital said:
physix, I just checked out Big Booty Bareback. I'm really not into house, but I am feeling this track in a major way. Got me moving, man. Nice work.
electro booty tech and tech house!

i like it.
physix . . .

Just finished listening to Big Booty Bareback . . . totally my kind of house . . . . love the stuttered vocals and your percussion works is tight. Real good work.
dante . . .

farnk . . . nice, but I agree with spgeddi, the synth pop organ is just a little out of place . . . maybe use a different voice, maybe some distortion or some overdrive . . . overall a nice little groove, though.
Kurt . . .

Cabin Fever is well done . . . not really my style but I could groove to it . . . funky. Totally see this in somebody's disco house set, would fit perfectly.
hey its been a long time since i've been around this board. my webpage has changed and i've put a lil mix of my songs on the page. i've put sum of our older funky breaks up there in a Bboy set. just click on the link "Bboy mix" and it will start d/ling. your media player will start playing it after you get a few minutes into the mix so don't worry about waiting to d/l the whole thing. don't bother clicking on the links to individual songs; they are dead links now.

need some advice

Here is something new its kinda hard compared to what i usually do, but it was fun to make. Its acid house about 6 min long. the file is "decent" quality. Looking for advice on compression/ bringing more warmth into the track. anyway, check it out, let me know what you think.

i like the style of your work negative. kill phil is moody, ambient, tense. great work on the frantic rim sounds etc.

really cool.
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