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Opioids Your Personal Opiate Withdrawal Arsenal

right now I have:
3 sub strips
9 x 200mg tramadol
~50 kratom pills
17 baclofen
25g of phenibut
35 clonidine

and a partridge in a pear tree
Any benzodiazepines/ muscle relaxers
Doxyaline Succinate(Nyquil) for when I want to sleep
Gabapentin or anything for the RLS usually in conjunction with benzos
I notice that I'm very sensitive during withdrawal so the porn doesn't provide much time for distraction but Netflix/movies has helped me get through many days of W/D
Also, music sounds so much better.
I'm assuming most of them are options and some are taken together at your discretion and depending on how severe your withdrawals are and at what times you're wanting to go to sleep.
Stay away from the sub strips, your only putting more crap in your body unless your coming down from 500mg of oxy or high doses of something. I took subs for 3 years, on and off, its wicked crap, it also stays in your system longer, you think your doing fine but 3 days later...taking another piece of sub, if you don't get rid of it you won't get clean, I did it without subs after years of abuse of oxy, cent..etc. I dealt with it, used a few xanax and vitamins, putting crap in your body will prolong everything. You will feel like crap for several weeks to a few months depending on how bad your addiction was. I'm so tired of people listing subs on here, they should be banned and are worst to come off than most opiates.
There are meds to deal with withdrawals, opiates is not one of them. See a doctor for better advice.subs is morphine sulphate and is only used for a few days going thru serve withdrawals coming off very high doeses, withdrawals that could kill you, that's all it was attended for, its not a maintenance drug like methadone. Now doc are writing scripts like crazy and have no idea what its doing to people, another law suite coming.
Not trying a be a hard *as but to many listing a handful of drugs for opiate withdrawal, look at my prior posts, see how I did it. Throw it all away and deal with it, just my opinion. Many will agree, many won't.
so far this weeks been pretty painless, coming off half g/day of good tar smoked
i havent been "clean" off opiates for 3 years, what with bouncing back and forth with bupe..
first day 4mg bupe(subutex, no naloxone),1mg xanax, felt ok
day 2 4mg bupe,400mg lyrica, still ok
day 3 2mg bupe, 1mg klonopin, probably stable on bupe now, felt fine
day 4 nothing, seriously i just smoked weed, bupe probably holding me, no problems
day 5 60mg oxy(orally), 2mg klonopin, didnt feel the oc but didnt feel sick either
day 6 30mg oxy, 450mg lyrica to help out, been chillin all day
day 7 (tomorow) just gonna take 10mg hydro, last little opiate hopefully helped work the bupe out of my system

thats it so far, i plan on taking dxm tomorow as well since it always makes me feel better for at least 2 days if taken while in w/d.
im hoping the small amount of oxy will help facilitate bupes movement off my receptors, and i shouldnt feel any w/d from 90 mg over 2 days.
i might just take that dex tonight, though...3rd plateau always sounds fun
lyrica really helps too, so you can avoid taking tons of benzos throughout, which is nice since im sitting on 3 diff benzos currently and try to space them as much as possible.
Subs aren't morphine sulfate, donefinally, that's one of the stranger things I've ever seen written on here. They're buprenorphine...

I think for most people not far into their addiction some kratom, lots of gabapentin (i see a lot of people saying pregabalin, which is certainly more enjoyable, but it doesn't last nearly as long) maybe a few days of benzos at bedtime and some loperamide is plenty.
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Tianeptine pretty much eliminates opioid withdrawal, unfortunately only for an hour or 2 max, but it is astonishing how effective it is during those 1-2 hrs.

I'm aware that it was discovered that this atypical antidepressant actually is a full agonist at mu receptors...which helps to explain not hits antidepressant effects as well as it's ability to abolish withdrawal, however I think chalking it all up to its activity at the mu receptors is not the whole story. Sure it was found to be a mu agonist, but a very mild one. The numbers I've seen cited regarding its activity at the mu receptors should not be able to so effectively cover the withdrawals I've experienced from high dose high potency agonists (opana iv for example). No doubt it's action at these receptors plays a role, but I can't accept that's the only mechanism at play here.
Hi, going through withdrawal AGAIN....have immodium (don't know how much to take) Dextromethoraphan, zanax, a few 600 mg er gabbapentin, and that's it. coming off my 60 mg. a day insulflated oxy habit. Any other ideas?
I get this weird RLS all throughout my body, like the legs...but all over, have to move or go nuts. I think the head shop has kratom in the bottle, but i'm not sure how many to take...guess i'll experiment. We actually have a kava/kratom bar nearby, I think they serve up 3 grams in a cup toss and wash. so, how do all these ingredients sound?? Boy, the night time is the worst!! I wish i had some type of amp to give me some energy to at least get up and get stuff done and quit all this excesssive yawning and lethargy. Oh, I'm out of weed :(
These are the things that worked for me when coming off of an every other day perc dose of 360 mg. Noting that the day after i feel fine and symptoms start on the second day.

Immodium (freaking crucial)- i take at least 8 mg to control diarhea, to me one of the worst symptoms. Its pretty debated but ive also loaded up on immodium and it eliminated almost all withdrawals completely. For me i didnt need as much as alot of ppl say. i took 20mg whenever id start feeling blah. Make sure to taper down gradually, ive read of people getting addicted to it and that just blows my mind.

Weed - if you got it is a great sleep aid. the other horrible symptom. I didnt sleep more then an hour a nite for the first week. Otc stuff didnt help, sometimes benzos only wld put me under for a couple hours.

Benzos - use sparingly when u feel u cant take another sleepless night. Ive heaard opiate withdrawal isnt shit compared to benzo withdrawal.

Amphetamines - I stumbled on this one accidentally. it was my first time trying adderall the day after my last op dose. the first time was the only really euphoric dose but i took 30mg every 6-8 hours i had about 5 pills on 30mg IR. I was up for like 4 days which def isnt great for you but honestly i wouldnt have slept anyway. I never though about any WD and time flew. I was engrossed in everything i did and the mental part of the WD was just not even an issue. I would only recommend taking amps to get through the acute WDs. i stopped after the 4 days. I usually feel alot better physically after day 4. keep taking the immodium though cuz ive heard stims can give u diarhea as well..

goodluck :)
I'm coming off of 100mg of morphine a dAy, I have 2x 10mg viscepdone(Dont mind the spelling , anyway does any one know what viscepdone is people I know say its methadone? I just need to know how to take it
A phenibut hangover while kicking suuucks so much. Kicking plus the universe is spinning and won't stop spinning for 12hrs. Just be careful, rather don't be stupid like I was and eat god how knows how many grams of it. Salty... Mmm
In this thread it's recommended that you have two types of benzo's, a short to medium length half-life benzo' and a medium to long length half-life benzo'.

Alot of people are saying clonazepam, of which I can't get.

Does the 'rc' benzo' Meclonazepam substitute well enough for clonazepam or would Etizolam be a good enough sub' for it?

Alot of people mention gabapentin, pregabalin, baclofen and phenibut.

All 4 of them are GABA analogues.
Now for opioid wd's do they all substitute for each other or is one better than another?
It seems from the thread that Pregabalin is the best. Phenibut would be the easiest for me to buy, would larger dose's not substitute for Pregabalin?
I'm over a month clean now, stopped cold turkey from a 10 year habit.. all i did was 250mg testosterone, (IM injection) on day 10 after quitting. then forced myself to excercise.. a lot.. it helps. after i excercise i feel almost normal. it releases a lot of endorphins which are just like natural opiates. it also helps that im getting bigger and healthier.. so i think excercise is very important. if u have access to testosterone (if u are male) u might consider it.. it makes u eat more.. want to excercise.. and grow muscle mass.. which if u are an addict u probly have lost most of it
Gabapentin and loperamide have kicked the ass of many a bad habit of mine over the years. For traditional opiods, the combination of gabepentin (2000-2400 mg per day, taken in roughly 300mg doses throughout the day) and loperamide (8-10 mg a day) eradicates 99% of withdrawal symptoms.

Phenibut and benzos absolutely don't come close to providing the amazing relief that gabapentin does for me. I've never tried baclofen or lyrica, but don't need to, as gabapentin is really the 'silver bullet' in my arsenal.
I'm using my arsenal right now in an effort.

It consists of:
Have Kratom although not using it this go
I find it kind of strange how everyone recommends opiates for opiate withdrawal. No shit.

Loperamide, kratom, suboxone, tramadol etc will all help, because they act on opiate receptors.

You want to get off of opiates, IMHO taking more opiates is counterproductive.

The most important thing to withdraw, is a safe space and no responsibilites for a week or two. It also helps to have assorted fruit juices, oral electrolytes, light snacks, white bread, some canned soups, and a change of bed sheets ready.

If you have opiates left over, get them out of the house. Clean up a little while you still feel somewhat capable. Prepare yourself.

If I was withdrawing, he point would be reaching a state where I don't have to dose something every day in order to not feel sick. So using suboxone, or other opiates is just not viable.
Gabapentin/pregablin is the be all end all of non-opiate WD aids in my experience. Tolerance develops rapidly and sometimes randomly, so its hard to gauge how much you'll need, and it takes a while to hit (~2 hrs or so). Still, it doesn't carry the risks of taking high-dose benzos, and it alleviates nearly all of the symptoms.
What's your withdrawal remedy/drug-kit?

Hey guys, just curious but what do you do/buy to prepare for withdrawals? I'm not withdrawing (over a month clean of all drugs actually), but I feel like this kind of thread could be incredibly useful for future reference and people who are (or about to be) withdrawing.

For example, due to impending withdrawals if I am using I always keep two things on hand: Etizolam (for sleep, stopping RLS, and combatting depression/anxiety) and Zofran (stops any and all nausea for me).

It's a pretty basic "kit", but it gets the job done. How about my fellow bluelighters, what do you use?
I've never prepared for withdrawals because I never planned on stopping but whenever I had to stop because I was forced to, or found myself unable to get dope for some reason this is what I've found the most helpful:
-kratom- (this is definitely the most helpful detox tool I've ever used)
-Loperamide-attaches to opiate receptors in your gut, with enough it seems that some can cross your blood brain barrier and work kind of like buprenorphine or methadone, though this isn't recommended as this can be quite dangerous.
-Clonodine -(this drug is actually quite amazing, a lot of people don't like it cause it isn't an opiate, but it's the only thing that will allow me to sleep without benzo's or substitute/detox opioids)
-Gabapentin/Neurontin- this drug is nice in then it kind of puts me in a fog where I don't feel the withdrawals, I don't feel very good on it either but it helps me ignore symptoms. Lyrica works the same if not better.
-Zofran-As you said
-Benzo's-Specifically, alprazolam or clonazepam, something strong to knock me the fuck out. Wish that Triazolam was easier to obtain cause then I'd just be blacked out and passed out throughout the whole withdrawal period.
-Amphetamines-I've noticed that these work for some people and for others it makes them sicker. I've found that I could cut down my opiate use massively by replacing it with a methamphetamine addiction which is in my opinion worse (for me- I tend to get out of control), but meth and adderall for some reason make me feel way better (where as crack will make me want to blow my brains out as I blow shit out my ass)
-Promethazine/phenigren- If you can't get zofran, though I imagine that being an antihistamine it might make RLS worse
-Zanaflex/Tinazedine- Muscle relaxant similar to Clonodine but shorter acting

also might want to check this thread out
I've never prepared for withdrawals because I never planned on stopping but whenever I had to stop because I was forced to, or found myself unable to get dope for some reason this is what I've found the most helpful:
-kratom- (this is definitely the most helpful detox tool I've ever used)
-Loperamide-attaches to opiate receptors in your gut, with enough it seems that some can cross your blood brain barrier and work kind of like buprenorphine or methadone, though this isn't recommended as this can be quite dangerous.
-Clonodine -(this drug is actually quite amazing, a lot of people don't like it cause it isn't an opiate, but it's the only thing that will allow me to sleep without benzo's or substitute/detox opioids)
-Gabapentin/Neurontin- this drug is nice in then it kind of puts me in a fog where I don't feel the withdrawals, I don't feel very good on it either but it helps me ignore symptoms. Lyrica works the same if not better.
-Zofran-As you said
-Benzo's-Specifically, alprazolam or clonazepam, something strong to knock me the fuck out. Wish that Triazolam was easier to obtain cause then I'd just be blacked out and passed out throughout the whole withdrawal period.
-Amphetamines-I've noticed that these work for some people and for others it makes them sicker. I've found that I could cut down my opiate use massively by replacing it with a methamphetamine addiction which is in my opinion worse (for me- I tend to get out of control), but meth and adderall for some reason make me feel way better (where as crack will make me want to blow my brains out as I blow shit out my ass)
-Promethazine/phenigren- If you can't get zofran, though I imagine that being an antihistamine it might make RLS worse
-Zanaflex/Tinazedine- Muscle relaxant similar to Clonodine but shorter acting

also might want to check this thread out
I've heard a lot of good things about most of those. I'd recommend clonodine as well. While I was in rehab I was given clonodine and it helped a great deal. Not only did it knock me out, but opiate withdrawals caused my blood pressure to skyrocket and clonodine, being a blood pressure reducer, helped me keep that BP stable.