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Your parents views on your drug use.

Friskk, Jimbu - awesome responses.

I've been lurking around here for the past year or so and really haven't felt like I've had that much to contribute. Now I just feel like waffling so...

I don't THINK my parents know what I've been up to for the past 18 months or so, but I also think I'm suffering a case of denial... I remember (kind of) one morning after a BIG night out, I got home at around 8am on a Sat, and my mum called me around 9am saying they were in the area and could they come over and we'd go out for a coffee... I was feeling pretty - erm - fragile, and I said yes. Anyway, they came over, we'd had the coffee and I'm thinking like "I really have nothing to say... I just wanna go to bed" but for some stupid reason I decide to tell my dad about this cool new music software I'd got on my PC (reason) and he should check it out... I go start it up and play this really shitty trance track I'd been screwing around with and at the same time, my mum sees this stupid bag of glow sitcks (yeah, yeah, I know...) on my floor. My mum's like "What are they, chocolate bars?" and at the same time, my dad's piped up - "this is like that music they were playing on that show on ABS last night, about Raves and all that". Oh man, I couldn't believe what I'd started.

I pulled the old "Oh, they're these glow sitck things - they belong to my flatmate - they use them when they;re going out somewhere (LAME!!!!)" excuse which I flopped about as hard as you'd think it would, and then dad's like "Yeah, you should the people on that show... all drugged up, and you should have seen their eyes.. they were all staring.. awful, awful..."

Meanwhile, I've pupils the size of saucers and that wonderful grey-ey, yellow-ey hue to my face... thinking Fuck! they know!

So, anyway. I think they probably have a bit of a clue - I don't think my parents are stupid, but it's so much easier if you think they "couldn't possibly know...."

But then (and I console myself with this), I could be doing much worse stuff than a few pills here and there...
hahaha, you poor, poor bastard.

The first rule of engagement: don't do/say anything that involves explanation. Only problem is, when you'r scat they ALWAYS seem to try their hardest to make you break that rule. I live with my parents, and am forced to talk to them every morning after I go out, and i'm always in a bad state, I TRY to just say "i'm tired" and goto my room, but it never happens like that. If only :s

But i'm getting better at it now. I'm a little more worried about the PFFFFFFFFCHHHHHHHHH sound that comes form my room in the morning while i'm cracking bulbs :s So hard to mask.
I just came out and explained to my parents what it was I was using. I even showed them the bag containing the gear, and explained to them in detail what the substance(e) was, and how it worked. It's effects on the body, including it's dangers. They were somewhat shocked for the first 10mins. or so. Then they just accepted it. It did help that I was 25 Yrs old at the time, and I've got my Masters in Chemistry. I suppose they figured that I knew enough about what I was taking to not overdo it. It was also good that I was never a problem child. Btw, the first time I ever used any form of drugs was when I turned 25. I don't smoke, or drink alcohol either, so other than the occasional use of e, or acid I'm a rather boring person really.
yeah, I was a late starter too - just turned 27 when I'd had my first pill. It's been a fun ride ever since, but I think if I'd started when I was 18 I would have been off the rails by now - Only because I know what I'm like... I'm a real "for the moment" kinda person, and I know I would have made decisions back then which would have fucked me up. It's hard enough dealing with it now, and I think I'm pretty well adjusted (well, for me, anyways)

to be fair, I'd have to say that some of the younger people I know who take pills are really "responsible" about it (all things being equal), but i know I wouldn't have been one of those ppl...

First post.. =)

I was brought up with parents that were very open about drug use. Something I hope to do when I have children.

This had two effects;

1. I was able to converse with my parents about problems and ramifications of drug use. This was especially important when I was young and did not have much experience (and no internet). They were able to share their experiences with me, which helped me make informed decisions.
2. Adversely it let me go slightly off track at some stages. I ended up dealing drugs and abusing them at some stages. But they were always aware and ready to step in when things got out of control. They also let me have my space when I was fragile. Because of the open communication they were able to understand things even when words were not being spoken.

Overall the only positive parent relationships I have seen is where the parents except and nuture experimental drug use, but are still available to support the child when things go bad.

As for the original poster it may be to late to form that relationship with your parents and although telling them may allow them to handle situations that may arise later due to your drug use it will definately adversely effect your relationship now.
My parents know about my weed smoking, and i'm pretty sure my mum knows, at least, about my pill taking.

My dad doesn't like my smoking at all, but mum is pretty cool with it. She actually walked in on me melting the mouth piece to my powerade bong to make it more comfortable, and I told her exactly what I was doing and why, she just said "Oh".

My mum's asked me if i've done pills, and I told her no. It'd just upset to her too much, even if I tried to rationalise. She knows though, she has to. I've come home with dilated pupils way too many times, and she's always awake. She always wants to get me something to eat, and I usually accept. But I sometimes throw it away discretely (couldn't eat because of the pills), it may sound funny, but I just don't want to raise her suspicions and worries. I think she trusts me not to be stupid with drugs anyway, since I printed out a 17 page compilation of why marijuana isn't as bad as the government/media says.

"What mumma don't know, won't hurt her"
All these replies remind me of the times i was living at home and would come home of a sunday morning still completely fried on acid, sometimes with friends who were also still fried, and sit there in the kitchen and play with my dog, drink cups of tea, talk to my mum while my friends would be in the living room listening to my dad playing guitar... Sometimes its not just the parents who are in denial!

Ok, I went home at about the age of 35 to visit my Mum, this was a few years after my Dad had died. Dad was very strict and authoratarian, no discussion, not debate, very narrow minded. Me and Mum were clearing out some stuff when we found a hooka type pipe that a relative had brought back from a Morrocan holiday. "I used to use that to smoke my weed in", said I. "You smoked drugs!" says Mum. "Yup" says I, and then gave her my drug history. (Grass age 14, acid 19, speed 25, Coke 32, pills 33.)

At first she was shocked, and very condemning. Like other parents she blamed all my mates, even though the ones she knew had never touched drugs. But after we talked about it, and I pointed out that I was a "respectable" member of society, worked in the psychiatric field, own house, nice partner, good job, two degrees etc, and that I was the only person in our extended family who had ever "made anything" of themselves she had to give in.

A year back I visited home again. Mam says"I was cleaning at Mr Jones the other day, and I noticed a funny smell". (She's always been a cleaner, mainly for disabled people.) "he was smoking that hash stuff, so I tried some".

After I picked myself up off the floor, I asked her how it felt. "Did my arthritis the world of good, can you get me some"?

Took me weeks to get over that.

Yes I did.
I went home to visit my parents for the weekend (coz my old best friend was getting married) in about October last year, and some old family friends had come over from Perth. On the Saturday arvo my mum and one of our family friends (who happens to have a job as a guy who helps to re-introduce people who have just gotten out of jail back into the workforce) had a long and involved conversation about this job and about "junkies" and "addicts" and the "dregs of society"... I sat and patiently listened to my mums propaganda-fueled argument. However, I had to bite my tongue when at the very end of the conversation my mum came out with the line "I dont know who in their right mind would touch ecstasy.. Who knows what they are putting into their bodies!!". It was the perfect opening for a discussion about Bluelight-esque type things..... but it just wasnt appropriate. My mum takes most of her opinions from what Neil Mitchell says on 3AW.. :)

my parents know...ive never really ben careful about what ive said about my drug use in front of my mum but thats basically cos i have no respect (long story *sigh*) so she always has known...she actually had her 1st cone with me and a few mates...she thought she was 'super cool mum' *rolls eyes*

i wish my dad didnt know but mum told him i suppose...he picked up an old packet of anti depressents of mine and says "are these your eccys?" ... as a reflex answer i said "as if they would still be there!" ...oops! 8)

i really wish my dad hadnt told my granparents tho that i run around the bush taking pills so i can dance alot!! geez!!
my parents know ive taken drugs, dont think they have any idea of the extent though.
Flea' said:
my parents know ive taken drugs, dont think they have any idea of the extent though.

Yep same here!
However, my parents are very open to drugs but i dont think they'd be to impressed with my past, so i keep it under tap.
yeah like I would tell my parents... but they would be more concerned whether their friends found out about it. pishhhh....

They know i smoke cigarettes and thats bad enough that i have to hide something that i have every right to do infront of them but if i get fucked on alcohol in front of them that doesnt matter.

If my parents found out about my drug use it would destroy them. I would hope to think they wouldnt kick me out but i think that they wouldnt do it to save face in their social scene...

Why tell someone something that would only cause them concern... ignorance is bliss.
My bro and I had a fight some time ago over something EXTREMELY petty ... he thought he'd win the fight by telling mum I take drugs.

I was on hols when mum called and asked "Tenielle, do you pop pills?" and I denied it ...

When I got home and had to sit in front of her, looking at her face, begging for honesty, I cracked!

She was more annoyed that I denied it and she looked bad in front of my brother than she was worried about me taking the shit.

So of course, everytime I go clubbing now I get "Don't pop pills" sometimes I just lie and tell her I'm not, other times I tell her I might do "one" ;)

The latest would have to top the charts tho! She came into my room and (obviously have a bad day) took her mood out on me:

"Tenielle, I've just thought about it. If your going to waste $35 on a pill, I'm not going to waster $35 on my blood pressure tablets!! I'm not going to buy them! So we'll see who dies first - you if you get a bad pill, or me when I haven't taken my blood pressure tablets"

And with that, she walked out ... quite amusing ;)
I've dropped pills with my dad, he loves them, at his fiftieth birthday party half his family were high as kites, one of my uncles (he is completely straight, just drinks piss) was on a total contact high, dancing around hugging everyone and telling them he loved them. It was absolutely hilarious! Both my mum and dad used to drop acid and dad always smoked weed, he was on shrooms on the night I was born, tripping in the hospital! Dad used to make us help him strip his plants at harvest time, he would line us up at the end of it make us hold out our hands so he could scrape the hash off them. My parents never liked me smoking pot as a young teenager but by the time I was 15 or 16 they had gotten over it. My mum doesn't smoke and she's never had a pill but I did convine her to try some GHB once when she was trying to give up drinking.

killarava2day: man, that's a fucking classic story! :)

My parents. Hmmmm now it'd be hard to say. I have to say, they've known about my drug use from the start, they've always been pretty liberal minded people and encouraged me to talk about stuff like that with them because as they say, they'd rather I was honest with them.

My mother's more inclined to worry than my dad, she gets a bit concerned if I'm heading off for what she knows is going to be a huge weekend. They don't really give a shit about me smoking weed. My father was a bit of a pothead in his day, so there's no huge criticism there. My mother certainly doesn't approve, but then she knows I'm a smart cookie and I make my own decisions. ;)

I think that if you're going to tell your parents, its a good idea to be as diplomatic about it as possible, and you also want to have a lot of information on hand to show that you know a lot about them, and also that you can combat the anti-drug propaganda they're probably going to have heard.

-plaz out-
Hardest thing I did was tell my parents I had used drugs here and there on Christmas Eve.
In fact, I was scattered when I said it.
They believe I'm over it now, which hurts me the most.
Now every time I go out (which usually does include some form of drug abuse) mum asks me - 'You're not going out to get high are you?' or 'Try not to buy any drugs, please.' In a joking tone
Parents are strange things.

I got taken to hospital by my dad, when I had... a little too much datura. The doctor is asking me all this stuff- "Do you smoke marijuana" I say yes, and dad just gives me this weird, weird look.. "When was the last time you smoked it ?" "two weekends ago" and I get another strange look.. But he's never ever said anything to me about it, even though I know he hates people that use drugs. Denial, perhaps ? Strange, is what parents are.. :)
I think my mother has a fairly good idea of what I get up to on some weekends, but she's diplomatic enough not to say anything.

I think as long as Im living a healthy, active lifestyle and my work and study are progressing as they should, she knows that I have enough control to avoid the more destructive aspects of drug taking.

If I didn't have a good job, didn't study and wasn't happy she'd probably be a lot more concerned than she is though.

I believe she's very much of the opinion that, "if you don't shove it in my face I'll pretend to ignore it".

Having said that, there is still a single pill in a satty floating around my house somewhere. I'm just hoping that I'm the one who finds it first. :\
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