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Your High School Year Book


Dec 4, 2002
What did your high school year book say about you? Were you happy with that at the time? Was it true? Has it followed through and been true?

Mine said

Alco of '00 -
It would be Yr12 if ... did drink passion pop

Rather fair judgement.

How are your peers going to remember you?
mine was signed by half the form

"thanks for giving me glandular fever"
I didn't get nominated as 'most likely to' or anything like that.

I was however the one who, on my own, put our year book together. A lot of people said I did a pretty good job on it, so I guess I'll be remembered for being the one who put the work into it.
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We had to put 3 words under our pic if we felt like it (or if one of your mates hijacked the form in maths class).

I didnt put anything under mine, but we put 'The Italian Stallion' under a mates. Another dude copped 'Stump Buffer'. The there was another whole heap of guys who had an elaborate plan that was stuffed up by one of them putting in a spelling error... ghey.

If I could have put anything it would have been 'kiss my arse'.
Captain of Narcotics =\

Its written on my shirt from muckup day.
i got the words to the mr bungle song 'everyone i went to highschool with is dead' put on the second page of my highschool yearbook. i also took most of the photos for it.

in the awards list thing i got the 'banana fag award'
and i also got a mention for being the year 12 complaints box/counsellor.

at the moment i'm living near a whole bunch of my mates from school and our yearbook provides us with much drunken entertainment!
In Year 10 I got: Most likely to be prime minister.

It's currently stuck on my lounge room wall so I can revel in my previous triumphs while I drink beer and weep for the good old days.
up all night said:
In Year 10 I got: Most likely to be prime minister.

i've always thought you resembled mark latham, but never had the balls to say it before now....

i was awarded the snooze award but we didnt have a yearbook just a big presentation to y12. amazingly they had been working on mine for a while and managed to get photos of me sleeping in every subject i attended, the oval, the library, and one at maccas the morning after the formal afterparty

Still no1 knows how the fuk i got the enter score i got

=D Dee
Oh please. I would rather be Class Drunk than the Classy drunk. Classy drunks give head to ugly men with expensive coats.

edit: up all night should stop making weird connections to phrases.
I think we had to hand our own slips in with what we wanted printed under our names. I didn't bother.

I think I would have written something like-

"Most likely to not want to see any of you cunts ever again, besides those in my immediate circle of friends".

And I would have pretty much have been telling the truth 100 percent.
ValeTudo said:
Hmm. Why dont signatures appear to be.. appearing?

You have to go to 'post reply' and tick a box to say you want your sig to come up. It doesn't work on quick reply :)

My highschool year book didn't have that one it :(
Got into Artexpress 2003. They gave me a whole friggin wall! =D

I was stoked at the time but I'm not an artist. I can barely draw.

I also was a runner-up for the Anger Management award, only because I stopped picking fights in year 12.
Most likely to be paying child support.
And unofficially....most likely to be paying child support to the English teacher....:S