• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Your feelings...in a picture

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Shine on you Crazy Diamond :(
i don't have a picture for today but i do want to say what a great thread this is - it's really interesting how some people choose a very literal image and others something much more abstract.

either way, this thread always makes me smile and think.



Edgar Degas' Rehearsal of a Ballet on Stage - dancers preparing for a big show, like how we are all preparing for life everyday.

Also Edvund Munch's "The Scream" that's been posted by Morrison's Lament - how I feel sometimes when I'm all stressed out.

... heh, this one is universal, especially here in this forum


the eyes speak of a confrontation by the morning light.


Although entitled sorrow.... I feel a sense of comfort from it... alot like the connection I've made with myself.

I love how fragile and vulnerable the flame looks, how its existence balances on a thread ready to be extinguished at any given momment... and how she gentley caresses it, like her very own existence balances on its fate.

I love this image, its so..... I don't know.. I find it pure, it puts a smile on my face.
After doing all my chrissy shopping today, I feel really festive :)

Death to Smoochy!


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Post Reply => IMG => enter the link to your pic

If no pics is displayed then the site thats hosting your pic might not allow remote linking (as it uses up their bandwidth), in that case you'll have to find a hosting site. There's a few free ones around.

hastey :)
yeah those pics are awesome! very beautiful, too, but i want to know how to do this i dont know how to add pics to a forum..someone tell me!!!
have you read the two posts above yours ?- I've explained how to do it and alasdairm has provided you with a link to FAQ.
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