Mental Health Your favourite ADHD drug

As someone who never abuses medication or otherwise deviates from doctor's orders, I can honestly say that ir adderall preparations are most tailored towards my needs.
Isopropylphenidate was ok too, but felt too much like pure DRI with little adrenergic activity, which really is necessary is an ADHD medication.
interesting that you say that, i am looking for something that DOESN'T have adrenergic activity (i already have sky- high anxiety) for me (yes, for A.D.D.), as bupropion is wayyyy too stimmy (which is funny, cause it's less stimmy than adderall).

i've been using kratom everyday because of that, and not taking my wellbutrin.

i just don't want to buy shit online... what prescription drugs could i ask my psychiatrist about, where they are more of a dri and less of a stimulant?
interesting that you say that, i am looking for something that DOESN'T have adrenergic activity (i already have sky- high anxiety) for me (yes, for A.D.D.), as bupropion is wayyyy too stimmy (which is funny, cause it's less stimmy than adderall).

i've been using kratom everyday because of that, and not taking my wellbutrin.

i just don't want to buy shit online... what prescription drugs could i ask my psychiatrist about, where they are more of a dri and less of a stimulant?

I've been on dexamphetamine and guanfacine. I liked dexamphetamine more. I want to try strattera soon, which I'll ask the psychologist I see about.

Low dose meth... there is a member who used to post here a lot about how LDM apparently helped his ADHD. He ended up in awful psychosis. I always think of that when someone posts about wanting to try it.
Virtually every DRI will be an adrenergic, as norepinephrine is a metabolic product of dopamine.
I know this is old but classic post at that. Will be seen again for sure so I thought I’d ask. Why is it that qelbree is said to act primarily on NE but doesn’t have adrenergic effects?

Read it on drug bank. I must misunderstand something