Your favorite opiate withdrawal symptom??

Dpression and insomnia for sure. I used to think restless leg syndrome, but after a while ive managed to just go with it and not resist I found that consentrating on letting my leggs go for it, it wuold alievieate the pains and send me eventually to sleep. (ha ha, i have the image a of a dog asleep chasing rabbits in its dreams)
Hmm it's a close tie between pooping hotdog water while simultaneously turning my stomach upside down into a trashcan and the emotional turmoil.

Seriously though, I sort of love the mania associated with some serious withdrawals and long term drug use. I know it's madness, but I've gotten chills and tingles from manic type of thoughts that were reminiscent of an opiate high. In jail, I remember sitting in the padded room covered in my own shit. As the waves rushed over me, I believed that somehow I had been injected with dope. It's really hard to describe what it's like being crazy, but the closest way I can think of is like living multiple realities at once and all seem equally true even though somehow you know deep down nothing makes sense and youre crazy. They say that one of the causes or symptoms of schizophrenia is elevated levels of dopamine.