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Your Experiences With The Cops

Hahaha np I think it's funny too but it's like damn one day I might not be able to get it back out lol
One time I was buying some blows (I'm from Chicago.) and the guy told us to pull in the alley. We did, and as we were doing the hand-off, an undercover comes flying up behind us with lights on. Our guy just threw the shit in our car window and took off (we still had our money). There were 2 undercover cops in the unmarked car, so one took off chasing the guy that served us, and I hit the gas and started driving. The cop started chasing us with his passenger side door open, leaving his partner to chase the dealer on foot. I went the wrong way down a one way street, ran a red light, and ended up getting away because the cop went back to get his partner. That shit was crazy- talk about an adrenaline rush. The best part was, we got away with free blows!! =D

Oh yeah, I forgot. Another time I had just copped a jab of blows and got 10 rocks. I had my friend driving my car so I could break the rocks into piles for us and smoke. I had all 10 rocks out on a CD case, and as we're on the exit ramp to get onto the expressway, a cop comes up behind us with his lights on. I freaked out and (like an idiot) dumped the rocks on the floor and started trying to smash them into the carpet. (I hadn't been getting high for very long yet. If that happened now I would just crotch it.) We pull to the side and the cop just flies past us. I was SO scared. Then I was pissed because we had to go all the way back to the suburbs (20 mins away), cash another check, and go all the way back to the city to cop again because our rocks were too destroyed to even smoke. That sucked but we were so grateful we didn't get pulled over.
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So, I just thought of this story although it's sorta boring compared to the crazy stuff you guys have been through!

My first year of college, I was with a small group of people (4 hoses, 4 people) smoke a hookah out in a public area by the dorms, at sundown so not all too late. The kid who owned it wasn't bright, and the mix we were smoking was an ungodly amount/probably waste of money of good weed alone with the hookah tobacco for smell. A campus cop comes up to us, and he says "you gotta be fucking kidding me" (yes, profanity and all, in Buffalo, NY) and I go on a rant (while the other 3, all male, are cracking up laughing) about how it's part of middle eastern culture and I'm an olive skinned Italian, another kid was Indian, so I convinced the cop that it was a cultural thing and we had been doing nothing illegal. He was just a campus cop, but its a boring suburb and they call the town cops for every little thing. I still can't believe I talked my way out of that, I could barely string together sentences...I was only 18 and my dorm was only a few yards away, that was back when I would get so stoned I could barely function.
fate? close to being caught by a undercover setup twice

So bout a year ago, i was chillin with my homie waiting by a corner store, trying to get someone to help us get some brew for the night (I'm 19), I'm sittin at a bench when i spot a open tool case with a shining new camera in it. I looked around and saw no one in sight. I was pretty broke at the time., and was on probation. However, my impulses kicked in, i leaped n grab the large tool case, closed it, tryed to cover it under my shirt which didnt really work. I fucking booked it with that shit, laughing my ass off. I ran about 4 blocks into this forest area near, to check out my new camera i was plannin to sell. I picked up the camera, and on the bottom of it there a large blue label that says "property of Seattle Police", I'm like oh fuck. I fell for a setup n was surprised i hadnt been tackled or anything by anyone, I fucking threw that shit away in the woods immediately. i got hella lucky cuz i was already on probation.

About one year later i start buyin bud from a website where u can find local people to meet up n buy bud. gotten acid connections here too as well as codeine. i'm bout to meet up with sumone todday from there whos postin seems more bland than most, im textin him n he wants to meet near that same exact corner store, and ive seen cops posted there before too. I'm kinda hesitant so i tell him to meet bout 3 blocks away n he says he cant, he says he can only meet at that one spot, fucking red flag, so i say fuck that n got lucky again haha, wouldve fallen for this setup if the one i got away from hadn't of happened.
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Once when I was picking up some scripts from my local pharmacy as I went to take my wallet out to pay and a 1/4th of mushrooms that I had in my pocket came extreamly close to falling out lol. It would not of been good at all if that happend since it's a pharmacy I regulary go to and I am perscribed controlled substances.
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About a first month after my dui for coke and weed, while the court process was pending I was dexing on two bottles from a a visit to a girls house. I can alawys handle any amount of dex anywhere so I wasn't concerned at all, dex makes me fearless. and at the time I didn't know it"s illegal to drive impared on ANYTHING in arizona. while I was drive I was hit with an unexpected peak and stopped at a wallgreens in chandler. I did'nt have a phone so I got my laptop out the back seat of my camaro, plugged it into the outside of the building and used AIM to message the chicks phone to pick me the up, cause I was told to leave, even though I hadn't done shit. So after no luck I get back in my car and think. Out of fucking no where come this patrol car next to me. I get out, stand up with dignity and look him in the eye after he had told me to get out. It turned out to be one of the same fucking cops who had just impounded my car and snagged me for the coke DUI less than a month ago which hadnt gone to court yet so I could still drive till convicted. He siad, "hey, your the kid who we just busted" I didn't care, I was dexin. I said, "No" He said, "your on syrup, you know thats stuff ruins your brain, it's like ecstasy every-time you do it" So he immediately said wheres your keys. I said, "on the seat". He looked, and there they were. I won. In arizona, you gotta have the keys in the ignition to show intent to drive. He said, have someone pick you up, and left. I went in to the wallgreens who was trying to kick me off the property for who knows what, using there outlet, and there the ones who probably called the cops. having one number in my head, I headed in to call my mom who I hadent seen in about a year. I went to the couter, got treated like shit, but was in distress so I convinced one call, no anwser. second call to mom and I got an anwser, she woke up, and I said, you need to pick me up, in a city away, she couldnt. so I got the hell out cause they were gonna call the cops if I didn"t leave. I actually drove home, all fucked up. scary stuff. and thats how I beat my near second in one month drug dui. lesson, dont drive fucked, even if you can handle it, you can still mess your life up.
My friend and I decided to smoke some DMT behind a building on my campus. It's a place we go to about every day to smoke bud, and it's always been safe. However, as I'm chilling off of a hit that was almost breakthrough, and my friend almost just broke through, we hear a door from the building. And then a flashlight in our faces. Fuckin' Public Safety. He asks us what we're doing, what we're smoking, etc. Luckily my friend hid the lightbulb we were smoking out of under his leg, so there was nothing to see besides some lighters. P-safe flashed the light in our eyes and, having nothing to be suspicious about, bid us a good night and left. But if he had asked us to stand up, he surely would have seen the lightbulb, and I would've been fucked for having DMT and MDMA on me.
The ironic thing is, it was the same guy that was part of the group that busted me for smoking in a dorm room. I guess he didn't remember. At that time, he had mentioned that he tended to let kids go that were smoking outside, so I guess he proved that. It was still scary as fuck, though.
A few weeks after I was arrested I picked up my friend to smoke. I was already on probation, but my outpatient program didn't start yet, so I had a few last weeks of getting high left, and since it was pre-sentencing probation my P.O was not piss testing me since she knew I was about to start outpatient as well as treatment court, and since both of those places would test me they just sent the results to my P.O.

So I picked up my friend, and we were driving down the road when a Cadillac Escalade began merging into my lane. I was in a small car so they probably couldn't see me, and since I was closer to the front of their car I floored it. Sure enough just as I floored it to get ahead of the Escalade I pass by a cop. I saw him pulling out, and since I was riding dirty with a bowl and a few bags of weed I made my first turn and floored it again, then another turn, but he still got to me and pulled me over.

I stuffed the bowl between the cushions in the front seat since it was a bench seat in the front, and I put my weed there too. My friend threw his bag down his pants. I really thought I was screwed, as did my friend.

After giving the police officer my license, registration, and insurance card, it turned out that my brothers car that I was driving had a lapse in the insurance. I explained that it was my brothers car and he said it was fine to take and that he thought he took care of the insurance lapse, and I also explained that the only reason I sped was because I had to drive defensively to keep the Cadillac from running me off the road. He has asked my friend to exit the vehicle and to walk back to the police car, and thankfully I did not get searched, but I got 3 tickets and was ordered to leave the car where it was.

I locked the car and walked away, then the cop finally drove off, and I noticed my friend looking on the ground. Well he had ditched his bag of weed when the cop ordered him to exit the vehicle since he thought he was going to get searched. We ended up calling some hottie for a ride, telling her we would smoke her out, but once I got in the car I just had them drop me off home. I wasn't about to risk getting caught smoking in the chicks car, especially when I had just barely gotten away with having weed on me less than an hour before. I was too shook up from the close call the be able to enjoy the high, so I called it a night and bitched out my brother for getting me those tickets.

The only good thing about being in treatment court was that my case worker showed up to court with me for the no insurance charge, and she told the judge that I'm in treatment and doing very well, etc. The judge told me to keep up the good work, and that he didn't want to penalize me for something that really wasn't my fault, and for the speeding charge he knocked it down a lot, and barely made me pay anything since he said he was sure that I had plenty of bills for my other legal problems, and for treatment too.
I posted this in another thread, but it seems like this one is the appropriate place for it.

I'd have to call myself a "golden boy" when it comes to this matter. Granted, I do have a DUI charge from drinking an insane amount of alcohol and taking 800mg tramadol, passed out at the wheel at a burger king drive thru at 4:30am. But given the amount of times I have driven drunk or on other drugs, it amazes me that I don't have at least 5 DUI's and my license suspended for life.

There have been 3 incidents where I was way too drunk to be driving.

The first I was 16, we were hanging out at my friends aunts place. One of the dudes there was in a fight with his girlfriend, and since we were in the middle of nowhere, he had no cell reception. She took this as him ignoring her so she called his mom and told her what he was doing. About 5 minutes later she tries calling him again, he picks up, she finds out he just didn't have service, and she tells us to get out of there before the cops come (in a small town like this at 2am, cops are going to chase underage drinkers as fast as they can).

I tell them I'm cool to drive so we start heading out to this field we know we can chill and be safe at until the morning comes. There's a damn road block and we get pulled over. I'm thinking to myself "fuck, my life is over, my parents are going to kill me, etc" but the cop just said to me "are you ok to drive?" I say yes. He says "look, I know this is a car full of underage drunk kids, but honestly my shift is almost over and I just want this kids mom to shut up. I know what it's like to be in high school, so just let ____ out of the car so his mom can pick him up, and stay the fuck out of my county if you are going to be doing this shit."

2nd time I was 19, really drunk and stoned on the way to a friends party, when some asshole swerves into my lane, I try to dodge him, end up running into a $90,000 mercedes, and the other guy swerves off. I have half an oz of mushrooms and a quarter of weed in my glove compartment, and an opened bottle of whiskey under my seat. Once again I can tell the cop is tired and just wants to get home, I know for a fact he can tell I've been drinking, but just takes down the insurance information and lets me go.

3rd time I'm 20, get pulled over for running a red light. I was literally taking a chug from my whiskey bottle as I ran the light and the cops turned their lights on, with another 12 pack of beer under my seat. I know my breath reeks of alcohol. Turns out it's Georgia Tech police (the college I went to), who are known to be assholes, and not only that, but it's a higher up officer training a newbie the tricks of the trade. He pulls me out of the car and starts asking me if I've been drinking, if he can search my car, etc. I stay as far away from him as he will let me, give him some bullshit story as to why I was in a hurry, and he lets me go with a ticket.

As for copping drugs, I have open air copped in the bluff (worst part of atlanta, cops everywhere) tons of times, as well as shot up in the middle of the day in my car in there. I used to be a dumb/cocky kid and for some reason whatever is out there has given me a lot of second chances.

Then after I lost my car I used to walk through the bluff, the only white person on foot within a 1 mile radius, then shoot up in parks/abandoned houses. Even once I was waiting on the bus home, cops posted at the gas station across the street, I took a little bump out of my sack, using my phone to cover it up.
^ I saw you post that in the other thread, and that reminded me about this thread since I was thinking of that story after I read yours.
Super close call at school last semester:

Smoking on the back steps of one of the academic buildings on campus at night-- this may sound like a stupid idea but somehow it has been a safe smoking spot for almost two years for me, until this occurrence. We've been smoking a fat blunt for a while, a bowl has been going for a little, and someone else is packing another piece. Now we're smoking in this kind of alcove, it's great because it protects you from the wind and rain/snow/etc. But there's slits on each side and suddenly I'm the only one seeing a public safety officer strafing the side of the building towards us. Somehow I have enough time to throw the blunt, tell my friend to hide the bowl (she was holding it out in the open, trying to pass it), and in general warn everyone. We think he's going to say something or bust us, but he passes by and keeps walking. Strange. We collectively exhale in relief, and all drugs and paraphernalia are hidden out of sight.

We all light up cigarettes because it clearly smells like a blunt of dank weed was just smoked there, and chill on those. As we're doing so, the original public safety officer returns, with reinforcements, pointing flashlights at us (which is always the most unnerving thing to me). One of them looks at us and asks "You guys smoking butts?", and one of my friends immediately blurts out, "Nonono, of course not." Mind you, we're all sitting there obviously holding cigarettes. My friend the high bastard thought the officer asked if we were smoking 'bud', instead of 'butts'. Another friend reconciles the situation by calmly telling them that we are, indeed, smoking cigarettes. The officers then told us they got smell complaints from inside of the building, and to keep the door closed when we're smoking cigarettes or some bs like that. And then they left. But it was scary as hell-- I was sure at least one of us was going to get written up for having weed on our person.

Needless to say, I haven't smoked there since.
Super close call at school last semester:

Smoking on the back steps of one of the academic buildings on campus at night-- this may sound like a stupid idea but somehow it has been a safe smoking spot for almost two years for me, until this occurrence. We've been smoking a fat blunt for a while, a bowl has been going for a little, and someone else is packing another piece. Now we're smoking in this kind of alcove, it's great because it protects you from the wind and rain/snow/etc. But there's slits on each side and suddenly I'm the only one seeing a public safety officer strafing the side of the building towards us. Somehow I have enough time to throw the blunt, tell my friend to hide the bowl (she was holding it out in the open, trying to pass it), and in general warn everyone. We think he's going to say something or bust us, but he passes by and keeps walking. Strange. We collectively exhale in relief, and all drugs and paraphernalia are hidden out of sight.

We all light up cigarettes because it clearly smells like a blunt of dank weed was just smoked there, and chill on those. As we're doing so, the original public safety officer returns, with reinforcements, pointing flashlights at us (which is always the most unnerving thing to me). One of them looks at us and asks "You guys smoking butts?", and one of my friends immediately blurts out, "Nonono, of course not." Mind you, we're all sitting there obviously holding cigarettes. My friend the high bastard thought the officer asked if we were smoking 'bud', instead of 'butts'. Another friend reconciles the situation by calmly telling them that we are, indeed, smoking cigarettes. The officers then told us they got smell complaints from inside of the building, and to keep the door closed when we're smoking cigarettes or some bs like that. And then they left. But it was scary as hell-- I was sure at least one of us was going to get written up for having weed on our person.

Needless to say, I haven't smoked there since.

These public safety officers, are they campus security, rent a cops? I mean if they caught you do they have any authority to detain you or search you?
Posted this in another thread but whatever

1. Lucky escape

A heavy night at a strip club, way to drunk to drive, and I lost my glasses as well so i cant see shit at night and and im fooked.
I am literally just driving through stop signs and traffic lights, cant function. Very stupid.
I get pulled over by cops in the suburbs, they let me go, and i proceed to do circles in the area (way to drunk, got lost) and get pulled over by the same cops 3 more times, somehow avoiding arrest. Usually its as easy as a quick bribe but i didnt even need to do that, not sure why! I mean I was obviously broken beyond measure. Thing is the cops here will arrest your ass if you are dangerously drunk, like i was, but just try and get a bribe if just a little over and "safe". Dont know how i got away, cant remember details or conversation.

2. Got arrested 2 weeks later DUI. Go to police station a week later to find the investigating officer for documents for defense. She tells me to chill, my blood sample got destroyed when the testing center burnt down. Case closed. Goto love africa.

3. Another roadblock with breath tests. Pretended i could'nt blow hard enough and showed them my athma pump, weak lungs... Somehow they bought that lol.
Never been caught by cops except for tobacco a couple of times when i was like 14 or 15. cool judge let me off for both of those times cause he said i was "just trynna have a good time, and i cant punish this kid for that" haha what a cool dude
These public safety officers, are they campus security, rent a cops? I mean if they caught you do they have any authority to detain you or search you?

They are campus security, so if I was lucky I would only get in trouble with the school, except at the time I was already on probation with my college because the year prior I had been caught smoking in a dorm room. However, more than one of my friends got caught smoking on campus and public safety got the cops involved, they had to go to court, get drug tested, all of that stuff that I managed to avoid.
They are campus security, so if I was lucky I would only get in trouble with the school, except at the time I was already on probation with my college because the year prior I had been caught smoking in a dorm room. However, more than one of my friends got caught smoking on campus and public safety got the cops involved, they had to go to court, get drug tested, all of that stuff that I managed to avoid.

I made this mistake my freshmen year of college. Got a weed posession ticket because some kid smoked in the dorms and they came to the room i was in instead and found my jar. Like an idiot, we let them in after the knocked and then just stood there waiting for the cops. Man I was pretty clueless back then. I mean...it's campus security. You better believe I would be running/not talking and dealing with campus security at all after that happened. Like really, what are they gonna do? Shoot you with their flashlights?
^Yeah, a good amount of them are fat and could be outrun anyways, although there are some young fit ones. Now I simply refrain from smoking in dorm rooms (although I plan on smoking in my suite next year, but that seems much safer), and I've found better places on campus to smoke outside. I definitely do not want to be put on probation again.
But that sucks man! I was always afraid of something like that happening, especially because I usually have more than just weed in my room.