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Your Car accident stories - here

This will give you all a laugh ;)

My dad used to live on 5 acres and bought my step brothers and I an old Datsun 120Y to drive around.

He cut out the front seats and then welded the car back together with just the back seat :p AND ... to save us the hassle, he jimmied the car so that to start it all you had to do was twist the cigarette lighter ;)

Story goes ...

My step bro and I are driving around in the "burner" and my brother and other step bro are trying to hit us with a footy ... The ball is thrown and misses ... my step bro (who was drivin) jumps out to get the ball .. and hands me the wheel ..

I'm all out of the breath, giggling and carrying on ... flying around the dirt track ... and I was soooo preoccupied with watching had the ball that I didn't notice the tree in front of me ;)

With a farkin hUUUUge bang, I smack into the tree .. the car bends into a V shape where dad had welded it back together .. and me not having a seatbelt on gets the biggest shake of my life ...

Even funnier... my first instinct (bear in mind I was like 11 or 12) I got outta the car screamed at my brothers "don't tell dad" and went to hide under my bed ...

Dad and the boys found me and were absolutely pissing themselves laughing ... Dad reckons people 10 minutes away would have heard the bang ;)

So yeah, didn't get in trouble (thank fuckin christ) just happy not to be hurt ;)

RIP: The Burner!
I've been in SO many car accidents it's ridiculous. The worst was in a VW Beetle. We were stopped waiting to turn right and a BMW didn't see us, didn't slow down, hit us at 60. The Beetle rolled and my seat broke off resulting in me still being upright even though the car was upside down. Everyone was fine but I was shaking for hours afterwards.

Another one was when my friend and I were driving the backstreets home after a big night because she'd had a bit to drink. I guess she just didn't see the intersection and we ended up going through a fence and into a paddock, narrowly missing a very frightened looking cow. So its 4am, we're both drunk as fuck and bogged in the middle of someone's paddock. *sigh* (thank god her dad owned a truck and could drag us out). The most tragic thing was she told me to get out of the car and try to push but when i stepped out my foot sunk in the mud and I destroyed my favourite pair of high heels. :(
Oh holy shit... I'm laughing so much tears are welling up in my eyes.

Ant bites, mad Kangaroos, crazy men yelling at fire hydrants.... I cannot tell you how much better I feel about my stupid little bingle!!

babydoc_vic, that story is just too hilarious. A film crew turned up??

I know what you mean about that second of impact and the moments afterwards. Your accident sounds like mine - I was going across Springvale road and the car hit me at about 80km on the driver's side. I spun out too, and ended up on the nature strip in the middle of the road. I couldn't get out my drivers' side either.

I remember when it hit thinking "Shit.", and having a small moment of frustration at the fact that I obviously wasn't going to make it to the Vill for drinks with my friends that night. Then my head hit the door frame and I felt the car go out of control, and I just accepted I was going to die. It was really surreal. You think that when you face death you'd be panicked or scared, but it was a really calm moment. I just closed my eyes and waited for it. I remember thinking "Oh well, I've had 28 years. This is where it ends then... " - and not being particularly concerned.

When I opened my eyes the radio was still going too, which was confusing. So I turned it down. Put the car in Park, then sat there like a zombie staring at my steering wheel. Now, I can see I was probably in shock.

I think the reprecussions of that moment will be pretty long lasting. I had a whole long weekend stuck at home with no transport to contemplate what's important to me...

So ... car's at the panel beaters' today... cross your fingers for me... :D
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I don't drive, so I've never actually HAD a car accident, as it were, but!

When I was a very small baby (say 3 months old), Dad wanted to take me to get some Chinese food (I guess he really liked my company). At this point Dad drove an absolutely delightful brown '81 Pulsar. Mum refused to let him take me, she said she had a "bad feeling about it". On his way home with the Chinese, Dad's car was completely cleaned up and the only part that wasn't crushed was the driver's seat. I would've DIED! 8o So, that was an indirect car accident.


Then I managed to avoid being in car accidents for my whole life, but I've always been TERRIFIED of cars. Especially teenage boys in V8 Commodores.

Being driven back from my parents' house (Bayside) to my house (East) one evening along Hotham Street. Car in front of us was turning right and I could see this. I mean, the car was half way turned and had its right indicator on. And Michael just ploughed right into the back of it. I remember thinking "oh hey, we're going to hit that car, that sucks", and then apparently I let out a "most Godawful scream like I was going to die", and then I remember taking my wallet out of the car in case the car exploded.

The car we crashed into (an old Toyota Corona, which is basically made out of paper) was written off and the driver (who, and I mean no disrespect, was a psycho, awful, greedy Orthodox Jew) made us pay for his glasses, which he claimed cost $450 and were broken in the accident. Our car was also a write-off. Dad came and waited for 3 hours with us while the tow truck came, and he thought I'd quit smoking so I couldn't even have a bloody cigarette after the accident. Geez.

Anyway, Michael was useless because he couldn't believe his beautiful car was gone, so I had to talk to the cops. We didn't have any insurance so the accident ended up costing us about $3500, and on top of that we had to buy a new car. 6 months later Michael got a $335 fine in the mail for Careless Driving, just to rub salt into the wound.


My brother had a cute accident though. When he was 3, and my sister was about 6 months old, mum was going to take them out somewhere. She had them both strapped into their carseats in the driveway, was ready to leave, took the handbrake off and the phone rang inside. She went to get it, came back out and the car was gone. Ran outside thinking someone had stolen her children, and saw the car on the other side of the road, crashed into the neighbour's gate with two doors broken off. Jono promptly said "I was driving!" - he'd climbed into the driver's seat and the car, handbrakeless, had rolled out of the driveway and across the road. Mum didn't leave anyone unattended in the car after that.
4 years ago I was driving down Pacific Hwy, lost control of the car, jumped over the concrete median strip and flew into an oncoming semitrailer, spun around in the air after I hit it and hit it again with the back of the car while airborne. Thank god it was a volvo. Apparently if the truck driver's reaction's were any worse and he was a second late to slam on the breaks I would've been killed. Or so the cops told me anyway. Obviously the car was totalled. A third of it was missing when i climbed out to look at it.
Did I mention it was my parent's car? Did I mention they didn't know I took it? Did I mention I had no lisense?
Oh well live and lean. 4 years down the road and I'm still paying off the truck damage.
well the other day my frind nearly smashed into me, and then blamed me for it, and got really pissed off, when you hear what happened you will agree with me, i was on the main road, she was on a side road, we were trying to get to a friends as fast as possible, she didnt give way, and we came within centremetres of each other.
she was pissed and said. 'well you should have given way to me, you saw me coming. ' and i was like ' i was on the main road i was right'

i think she has realised she was wrong though, coz she started talking to me again, i see why she was angry, it was a 2 week old new astra, oh well it would have been her fault


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i've never been in an accident, but my car's had a few smashes when parked :(

the first was my first car, a little 88 corolla :) which had its rear windscreen smashed to shit while it was parked at the Glen shopping centre. no note left.

the second was my current car (my sister had the corolla written off when an old lady turned in front of her coming the other way at an intersection). this second car was new and shiny, and parked outside my girlfriend's house. i came outside and discovered a big smash in the side of it. horrified, i ran inside, and my gf's mum put two and two together, and rang my gf's brother. turns out he'd backed straight into my car, and instead of coming to tell me and apologise he just drove off . his mum paid for the repairs ($1100), but he didn't apologise for over a year.

the third was AGAIN in the carpark at the Glen shopping centre. someone hit the side of my car near the front passenger side wheel. the panel is pushed in and i only noticed when the passenger door wouldn't open. no note left, and i still haven't got around to getting it fixed (no money).

these three experiences lead me to the conclusion that most people are arseholes who don't take responsibility for their own fuck-ups.

my only other experience of car accidents is in the "Super Important" thread which stays right at the top of the social page. if you haven't already, please read it.
SLM: well it was just two dudes from channel 10 news - I guess it was a slow night news wise.:eek:

DQ: thanks for reminding everyone about that thread.

It is one thing being able to laugh after an accident where no one was hurt, but being able to laugh because you got away with an accident despite being pissed or off your face is a whole different matter. I hope those whos accidents happened while intoxicated have learnt something....
In my misspent youth, I had quite a poor record with automobiles. Few other people I know can say they wrote off two cars before their 20th birthday. It’s not a story I’m proud of but it goes something like this. Driving my Dad’s care to T.A.F.E. I was approaching an orange light, which as we all know means gun it! Except that the person on the other side of the intersection turning right didn’t think I would be so bold. How wrong they were… The impact at 60ks and increasing hit the rear axle of their station wagon and slewed them across the intersection spinning them 180 degrees. Wait the best part is still to come; the driver was a police officers wife, and guess who was in the passenger seat? Yes hubby, he was a bit concussed and went to hospital. Needless to say I don’t run red lights anymore and I was charged for driving without due care.

Dad being the forgiving caring type gave me the insurance money from the wreck and gave it to me to buy a new car. It wasn’t much $2000 and I bought a total shitbox, Nissan Bluebird, it had one good thing about it a recon series 2 engine that was good. So one rainy day on tyres bald to the canvas, I took on a little hatchback on our local back roads. At 140k’s heading downhill the rear driver’s tyre blew out. I skidded sideways into oncoming traffic, overcorrected, went up an embankment flipped side over side twice, and crashed into a tree luckily landing right side up. The car was a wreck; the roof was crushed onto the backseat so hard I couldn’t touch the cushion. My passenger and I both walked away. The first thing the police asked when they arrived on the scene was “how many people died”.

I now have a brand new car and drive like a royal chauffeur.
you are all horrible.

life lesson #142.

1. do not drive on the federal highway at 130km/ph

2. if you should be driving on the federal highway at 130km/ph - do not, i repeat, do not try and reach for a packet of gum on the bottem left passanger floor.

3. the human brain works in such a way that the body will tend to follow the rest of the body. ie - right hand pulls to the left if you lean over to the left.

4. do not attempt to change you tire and supsension in the middle of nowhere on the Federal Highway at 3am.

5. do not assume that trucks will pull over and help you.

6. do not assume that sleeping in the back seat is safe.

7. do not assume that NRMA insurance will see the lighter side of your story.
I nudged a brick wall containing the letterboxes of the apartments I lived in at the time... Myself, my father and plazma realigned it. It didn't even scratch the paint on my car, so it was fuck all really...

Many years ago, my dad was driving a girlfriend home in his model A ford. His girlfriend, observant one she was, said "look, hehe, there goes a wheel!" and pointed at it excitedly at a wheel rolling away from the car. At the time when she said that, the front left side of the car was on the road, spitting out sparks & screeching as the car swung to a holt... Thankfully, she ain't my mother...

A ute with 6 blokes sitting in the back comes around a corner... My dad is in a phone box at the time. The blokes were sitting with their legs apart, interlocked or something like that... Anyway, the guy fucked the corner, ran onto the wrong side of the road and hit a lamp post... No one was seriously hurt, but every single person sitting in the back copped a foot in the balls from the person sitting opposite them.

On a less humorous note, a friend I used to work with was driving up the Pacific Highway toward Sydney one afternoon. A semi which was two cars infront of him swung onto the wrong side of the road... Seconds later it had a head on collision with a commodore. Both were going at approx 120km/h. The semi rolled, and my mate pulled a handbreak turn to get off the road and stop. The drivers climed out of the upturned semi, and started running as some part of the engine was spewing out vapours/gas of some sort and they thought it might blow. That stopped soon, and my mate approached what used to be the commodore... If you're faint hearted, stop reading. Now my mate is a bit of a rev head, and he knows engines... He said it didn't even look like one anymore, and it was basically occupying the entire inside area of the car. It'd gone straight through the passenger at stomach level, and her head had smashed open on the windscreen... Her neck was broken too, and hanging limply as it leaked. The engine totally occupied the drivers seat... However, his right arm and head, loosely connected by skin and some fleshy bits was sitting on the road not far from the car. The rest of him was nowhere to be seen.

Now, anyone wanna hear some motorcycle accident stories?

Well, one drunk cocky dickhead was showing off out the front of a pub one evening... Not wearing his leathers or helmet and on a rough road. Upon departing, he pulled a wheelie on the front wheel of his bike at about 80km/h. Well, he fucked up... Went straight over the front... The gravel was like coarse sand paper which spread a bloody mess out over the next 50m or so.

Bloke riding late at night down a country road... Sees a truck pulling out of a side road, figures he doesn't need to slow down - by the time he gets there it'll be out of the way and he'll pass it heading in the other direction. It was towing a trailer, which caught his bike and sent him flying... They found 6 inches of his thigh bone on the other side of the road... He's still alive.

There's plenty more where that shit came from, but I think that'll do...
Hee hee, car accidents can be so funny. I've been in a few, but none were my fault. Most of them are realitvely boring and thankfully no-one ever got badly injured. The first accident I had I am told happened when I was six-months old and happened whilst my parents were driving from Newcastle (where I was born) to Victoria. A drunk driver had hit us, luckly for me my mother noticed my restrainers seat belt was undone only twenty minutes before the crash. My next one didn't come until I was 15, my dad pulled into a intersection at the perfect time to get T-boned... and he did. He was rather sore fellow for a few months, my sister and I came out of it fine.

My only funny one happened a year later when I was back passenger in a VW beetle and to say the least we were hooning up to Wahalla (the place most famous for being the absolutely no-Olympic's mountain town in Victoria). Plenty of sideways action on the dirt road, it was great but rather fightening too. But the laughter soon stopped when he stuffed up and the car skidded on striaight on a left-hand-turn. With a steepish cliff and the odd white post on the right hand side being the only thing between us and the afterlife, we somehow managed to hit a white post (that was firmly in place) and it stopped us from going over the edge. I was astounded, how the hell could a 1kg block stop a VW full of people? But we were only a few inches away from another real nasty all teenager statistic.
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you crack me up!!!
i can't believe you went to the trouble, to do that shitty little picture, how funy!!! ;)
i haven't been in a car accident. but i witnessed one... sheesh.

i had just smoked a j in this lane.. came out onto the main road and suddenly heard this almighty screech! i turned around (in what felt like slow motion) and i saw this car just go crashing into 3 other cars.. it just kept going, i couldn't understand why.. one.. two.. three... the whole time i could see the woman inside the car who looked like one of those crash test dummies just jolting forward...three times.. bham.. bham.. bham...

i was pretty stoned and it scared and confused the hell out of me.

i felt really sorry for the woman, but then she got out of the car (wasn't injured) and started abusing this poor man.

i was also pretty worried that I had caused the accident.. and then thought it was a sign for me to watch out.. because if I didn't finish that j when i did i wouldn't have come out and seen sumthing that you don't see everyday. i got pretty paranoid thinking it was some sorta warning. but yeh.. it turned out all good! 8)