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You Might Be A Junkie If... v. Oops, I nodded with the needle still in.

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^ that's ridic! But I get energetic (for a while) from 250 mgs of bomb china so maybe not.

You might be a junkie if you make threads like you might NOT be a junkie to rationalise your sometimes OTT drug use!
You watch your own shots like a porn as you get off during the rush.


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u might be a junkie if you first hear about current events in the how-high-are-you thread
Bumping cause I gave myself a chuckle.....

You might be a junkie if Bluelight is your homepage, lol. >.>
Your body has finely tuned itself to expecting that fix no later than 24hrs after the last. Where you're abruptly, almost instantaneously, thrown into hardcore physical withdrawals. All dissipating into non-existence once your eyes are fixed to the needle and spoon the moment you start prepping that shot.

Fucking junky behavioural learning.
Your last completely sober week was over 5 years ago, or closer to ten.

Your life is in ruin and you'd rather get high than fix what's wrong.
When you cant even tell if your last sober week was 5 or 10 years ago
When u work ur ass off at your job abd blow almost your whole paycheck on dope and then compromise to yourself that it's ok bc if u were still a Junkie u wouldn't have a job!

The cycle goes on... get a job start doing dope slow until one day u wake up sick bc u thought u could handle the DT abd say Fuck work lose ur job become a full time junkie realize u fucked up slow down again get another job, so on so on. ....

Word. I've been somehow managing to go to work while sick, but don't know how long that will last. Lol, my manager told me today that I'm the employee of the month… and so they have to take my picture and hang it up. Sometimes I forget I am a junkie off the clock (and I guess on too).
^find music helps a lot when functioning sick.

u might be a junkie if convos with your dealer (H) on the phone consist of: wadup *****, good, u, can I get the usual. and I needn't say anything more, I'll be met the same spot 30 mins later.
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^find music helps a lot when functioning sick.

I listen to music all the time when sober and fucked up. Music when I'm trying to get clean sometimes makes me want to use dope even more because all the songs are triggers, or I think about how I can be nodding off with my headphones on. Ughhhhh. My favorite thing to do when high is loop around my apartment outside listening to music.
Feel good music I mean't, not ur usual stuff.^

If your doc writes u an rx for a 120 oc 80s and u tell him this is a bad idea and get the script changed to weekly. Still not entirely sure I made the right call there, it felt right! I know me (gone through 84 ocs in 4 days many times).
When I have my period more often than a bowel movement, time to clean out the pipes, lol
That's IF you can find a spoon, never could in my house, lol
Yeah, I made all my goddamn spoons Houdini, too.. -.- I'm sure were not the only ones, I went thru 3x buying new sets of spoons before that habit dissipated.
I'm on bupe now and stable and going to meetings but here's a few from the last year trying to get clean.

- You get high your third day in rehab despite your family choosing said rehab because it's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

- You end up leaving rehab cause you snuck out one night to shoot up in your buddy's car (who you met in rehab before he got kicked out) and forget to go back cause you're too busy getting high.

- You get kicked out of sober living, twice. The second time it's cause you relapsed and shot up dope/crystal all night then passed out for 12 hours cause of all the damn Seroquel they put you on. And woke up to your house manager standing over you.

- You were a newcomer 10+ times and finally just stop telling anyone because you're sick of standing up announcing yourself as such in AA/NA.

- You did 90 meetings in 90 days 3x.

- It's been a year since you were a daily IV user and medical staff still has to draw blood from the most random spots if at all.

- No matter where you move, you can find someone with dope within 3 days max. Even if you're not looking.

- You don't think of drugs as fun or glamorous anymore and can only remember the daily misery of being an IV drug user, unable to get high or even get well. But you'd kill for another speedball.

ETA: shit and I coulda kept going too... addiction really takes over every aspect of our lives.
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