You know you're a raver when...

I forgot one!!!
.. When a trip to Toys R Us with your little brother turns into more fun for you..

~*~* irishgurl ~*~*
You know your a raver when.....
Your little brother gets a chemistry set for christmas, and you and your sister just look at each other and can't stop laughing.. because you're both thinking... "can we make E with that?"

When you spend the entire week calling info lines, scanning the internet, collecting flyers, getting your friends together, getting drugs together. All while you should be working... but the boss is out of town:)
hahaa...i love these

You know youre a raver when:
You always consider every new place you go to as a possible location for a party.
You can DANCE.
You know how to SMILE.
You can understand the art of bathroom conversation.
You choose your clothes by texture, color, and size.
You have a one track mind. It goes "thump,thump,tweet,thump.tweet.thump".
You constantly point out the trippy visuals in everyday life.
You never know the name of your favorite track.
You are good at playing "guess what he's on".
You begin to think of blow-pops as a separate food group.
You can't see your shoes.
You have an evil grin every time you see commercials for "E: the entertainment network"
You can keep a straight face when you tell people "really, not that many people are on anything....Im serious!"
You almost cry when they flush 20 hits down the toilet in the movie "Go"
Youve ever been to "strobe light land"
your favorite board game is Candyland
when you not only dance to the beat of your clothes in the dryer, you argue whether it's jungle or trance....
you meet at least 10 new people at every party, half of whom recognize you at the next party...
you can start a conversation with "What didja eat tonight?" or "wanna light show?"
you've ever wandered around a party/gas station/bathroom/wal-mart asking, "got vicks?"