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Yet another one about Opium


Oct 24, 1999
(don't let it fool you, it's COMPLETELY about opium... right?)

And as I layed down in the vibrant grasses I felt the passions of the world float right out of my chest and enter the global stream of energies. I was neutral and ready now to accept the positive and overwhelming beauty of nothingness with structure.
Ahh yes, God must have planted the first opium seed. Satan came up to me and shook his head in pity, "Foolish mortals... always trying for escape from me. All I do it want to help? All I care for is your happiness." And at the Devil I waved with comfort in my movements, I drifted... or he drifted away and I floated into the sunset and as the sun went down I chased it through the heavens. Unwilling to accept the loss of the sun, but more for my own amusement.
My own mortal amusement.
And the devil came once again and offered me sobriety saying "Come, I will show you the paths of man" and with a smile on my face I puffed again and again until I could no longer see his grinning face in the night sky.
In the arms of Jesus I fell asleep, comforted and caressed by the heavenly resting place. And the sun smiled one last time, winking as it's days end behind the mountians.
Anyone else seem like they're 'growing up' with bluelight?
2) and I revisited the opium
I fell backwards into a spiral and became pure. I was not alone. I was everything, I was with everyone.
I fell forward and put my hands in front of me and flew until I could no longer stay in the sky. So blue, so bright. Into and out of the clouds, resting on the mountian side. Then I got the urge to fly again and I lept from the edge of the plateau. I became air and sky and found the ocean eventually. The sea breeze washed my face clean. It washed my skin clean and there in front of me was a raft. I landed on the raft and all around me now was ocean and it was calm. The flatness of the ocean became the roundness of the earth.
There off in the distance was a small island. And bearly I could see her waving to me, kissing her hand and waving eagerly. I held onto the shaft that came out of the middle of the raft and set the crude sail. A wind picked up as soon as the sail was set and I drifted towards the island. As I came close to the shore the image of her disapated into the mist and the fog.
Goodbye my love, maybe I will find you again one day?
Maybe our love wasn't meant to be. This love I have created in my story and mind. Maybe she does not exist... but even the fleeting image of her waving to me and kissing her hand keeps me alive.
I entitle this writing "Hope"
Anyone else seem like they're 'growing up' with bluelight?