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Harm Reduction Yellowish/gray skin from iv?

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
So recently started iv route and it appears as if my skin is reacting to using the needle. Anyone know what its about? Is this normal and are there any ways to reduce it or does it happen after using a same place too many times?
Is it just happening in localized spots relative to injection area or more generalized?
Only in the areas Ive ivd in. If it matters Ive been iving buprenorphine. And some concerta but the skin issues are in more areas than the concerta I ivd.
Somewhat sounds just like bruising and lack of blood flow to those specific areas, especially if they're localized in those areas. The yellow is what throws me, and makes me think possible infection. Absent of any noticeable misses, it's possible there was slight leakage from the vein into the tissues. Either way, I definitely wouldn't say it's "normal" in the context typical for intravenous use.