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Harm Reduction Xylazine Megathread - WARNING!!!! - Tranq Dope has contaminated much of the heroin/fentanyl on the East Coast USA


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
I wanted to open a thread specifically to start conversation about Tranq Dope, as it has changed the landscape of the overdose epidemic and has rocketed it into a whole other plane of destruction. Not only will it kill you through overdose, but using it IV/IM will cause horrible side effects like scabs, sores, I mean it very literally eats your flesh away. Even using it nasally for a prolonged period will cause a lot of skin irritation eventually.

This is the next war in Harm Reduction. This stuff is killing generations and turning entire cities into Night of the Living Dead. I'm not exaggerating. It is an animal anesthetic. Not intended for human consumption at all.

But what can we do about it? Well first off, we should compile some information about the basics, and then next we need to look into harm reduction techniques and tactics. Figure out how to determine whether your drugs are contaminated with Xylazine. How to isolate it. These are things beyond my present knowledge, but my plan is to update this post with more information the more that we learn about the stuff. Please lend any knowledge or insight you have to this thread and help get the word out to the people that need it.

I've seen the sores first hand. These are the worst injection side effects I have ever seen, and I wasted years of my life injecting cocaine and methamphetamine. I'm talking about massive, permanent scars from a slight miss. Necrotic flesh that hardens over. It's fucked up. If you're a heroin user and this happens to you, please check into the ER as fast as you can.

I am blessed that I was able to get off of heroin a couple years ago, with only a one off relapse, but it was devastating and I woke up in the ICU. And I had a massive tolerance at the time. Last year, I lost the love of my life to an overdose. It destroyed me and I went into a year long downward spiral until I finally got sober from everything, it took weeks of detox. This shit out there is no longer heroin, it's not a joke and it's not playing. The Shrine is filled with beautiful humans gone too soon from this beast. I say all that to say, I don't want to see anymore friends or loved ones die. It hurts too much. I will always make myself available to support anyone here that needs help or just someone to talk to. Please reach out to someone, anyone... you have nothing to lose.

Wishing you all the best, and I hope everyone stays safe out there 🙏❤️

Dance Safe Xylazine Test Strips

Bunk Police Xylazine Test Strips -----> Use Discount Code "BLUE LIGHT" to get 10% off your order
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Situation on USA drug scene, namely opiate scene, looks like someone is testing addicts limits when it comes to choosing poison to get high. I guess even africas jankem users would be shocked as to how bad can get what's sold as dope in USA.
Even suggesting someone to rather go on the route of duster use seems like a HR if alternative is tranq. Everything seems like HR if tranq is alternative.
I don't think removing xylazine out of unknown mixture of chemicals of unknown purity is a viable option for non-professionals. More so with chemicals and equipment needed to do so, both cuz of price and availability.
And to think in the past people were complaining about little strychnine lol
Kratom on every corner, loads of pure opiate RCs (of which even nasty ones tent to result in longer lifespans than street dope), methadone clinics, cheap and pure meth everywhere etc etc
Idk to an outsider it seems that either average USA street junky has a death wish or there's more to play than just greedy mexican cartels..
I think even bad synth krokodil users would think twice about using stuff that turns streets into real life horror scene.
It’s come up ina couple recent threads and no been confirmed but I think it deserves its own thread

Xylazine test strips exist see link below .

I know addicts dependent on xylazine or fent where they are too poor to buy fent that doesn’t have xylazine don’t have many options.

But if people can start using these strips and put the scumbags state side cutting fentanyl with this flesh wasting poison on notice that a customer base refuses to use their poison in favor of fent only products…it could send a message to cut that shit out.

Also anyone connected into the harm reduction world…are these being provided? Can they start getting distributed? By now everyone knows heroin doesn’t exist and it’s all fent so the only need for fent strips is for stimulant or Xanax addicts to test their gear for fent. Actual opioid users have no use for fent strips anymore and should just assume all gear is fent.

I would be great if certain distributors became known for xylazine fent and other become known for fent only fent…hopefully hurt the business of the xylazine crew and make them reconsider this moronicness

I’ve never tried xylazine but nothing about it sounds remotely euphoric.

Just wanted to point out a few things about the test strips. The organization I work for was recently involved in a pilot study to test the effectiveness of XTS and we’ve ultimately come to the conclusions that they’ll be useful but only in the right circumstances and hands. A few data points.

1. XTS were effect in detecting “major” levels of Xylazine but poor at “minor” or “trace levels. (These levels are based off of the major/minor/trace distinctions we use during FTIR testing. So essentially major would be 15% and higher by weigh, minor would be 5-15% by weight, and trace would be 5% and lower due to the LOD of the spectrometer)
2. XTS were effective in detecting positive presence of Xylazine. So if you got a positive result you could trust that it was a correct positive.
3. XTS were poor at reporting proper negatives. If you got a negative result there was a high chance it was there and undetected.
4. Testing had to be preformed ina specific manner with specific concentrations to get consistent results. Testers needed to know what they’re doing and analyzing. Essentially the range in which you can fuck up the testing process but still get an accurate result was very small, unlike FTS where you could use random amounts of powder and water and still trust the results.

The org I’m at is definitely going to use them to bolster our accuracy in our drug checking program but will only be giving them out to people who are willing to sit down with myself or another staff person and learn all this info and proper testing.
Just wanted to point out a few things about the test strips. The organization I work for was recently involved in a pilot study to test the effectiveness of XTS and we’ve ultimately come to the conclusions that they’ll be useful but only in the right circumstances and hands. A few data points.

1. XTS were effect in detecting “major” levels of Xylazine but poor at “minor” or “trace levels. (These levels are based off of the major/minor/trace distinctions we use during FTIR testing. So essentially major would be 15% and higher by weigh, minor would be 5-15% by weight, and trace would be 5% and lower due to the LOD of the spectrometer)
2. XTS were effective in detecting positive presence of Xylazine. So if you got a positive result you could trust that it was a correct positive.
3. XTS were poor at reporting proper negatives. If you got a negative result there was a high chance it was there and undetected.
4. Testing had to be preformed ina specific manner with specific concentrations to get consistent results. Testers needed to know what they’re doing and analyzing. Essentially the range in which you can fuck up the testing process but still get an accurate result was very small, unlike FTS where you could use random amounts of powder and water and still trust the results.

The org I’m at is definitely going to use them to bolster our accuracy in our drug checking program but will only be giving them out to people who are willing to sit down with myself or another staff person and learn all this info and proper testing.

Thanks for the info.

Can you just make the test solution as concentrated as physically possible so that the xylazine is more likely to show up?

Do you have any data on what percent by weight xylazine typically is in the street product which is a mixture of fent, xylazine and excipients of caffeine or mannose as I understand?

Also I know solvents aren’t easy to come by by xylazine seems like it can be easily removed via acid base extraction. I’d have to check the PkAs and solubility to see which solvents would work but there should be a procedure developed that even the untrained person can perform to at least eliminate some or most of the xylazine using acid base liquid liquid extraction.

I have my own methadone script and don’t fuck with this street garbage anymore but i was ver upset to see that nothing is being done about it…but you have informed me that there are ppl in harm reduction addressing the issue so i applaud you.

You can DM me if you want to talk more. I have never used xylazine nor used fent in almost a decade, but I have a professional skill set that I might be able to contribute some ideas to help with this issue.

I hate seeing it. I hate seeing ppl that will NEVER get clean even if they want to because even 300 mg of methadone won’t touch a xylazine WD since it’s a different drug class altogether. And I hate seeing the sores and poisoning of such a large amount of the population that just wants to use fentanyl.
Is there a way to tell if tranq is in the Fent without test strips?? Buying in South Georgia/Florida specifically
Im a smoker and a snorter (honestly much prefer snorting, smoking poison while having asthma isn’t exactly conducive, im sure you can imagine)- like I’ve mentioned in other threads, I’m truly desperate to find a detox, but in the mean time (hopefully short time.. but you know how it goes..) im goin to have to continue to use to avoid being sick and functioning.

So my question is, I know injecting anything with xylazine can cause horrific wounds. So what is the “best” way to inject if my dope supply is indeed infiltrated by the tranq? Snorting? Smoking? What will do the least harm 😵‍💫 help please
To clarify, I absolutely do not WANT tranq at ALL, I just don’t know how to avoid it and I’m so scared, I just want to know what will hurt me the least :/
I would start off smoking very small amounts. Easiest way to gauge potency without going too far too fast. I exclusively switched to smoking my pills after my semi-recent hospitalization from tranq pills. Didn't have any further scares.

Please please please, do everything you can to be careful. at this points managing your wd's is the most important part, not getting high. If your tolerance is already high, you will make the chance of hurting yourself with tranq pills higher.
yes it’s totally just about staying well- my tolerance is too high at this point, I would need some really quality stuff and that’s not what I have. I pray there’s no tranq I just have no way to know. But you think smoking Is the best way to go, as far as harm reduction goes?
Yes definitely smoking in my opinion. Maybe break a pill into 4 pieces and just run a lil bit of a quarter of a piece and slowly work your way up. And from what I think I remember you saying in another post, your SO uses as well? would perhaps be a good idea to have one person babysit.

Do you have Narcan on hand? If not, please look into it, there are lots of free ways to obtain it if you don't want to purchase it, but that information will be local to you usually.
If you are going to inject or ingest anything illicit it’s always best to homogenize it and more to that point dissolved in water you better make a volumetric solution and titrate the dose upwards.If these words are new to you and you don’t have the time to research them (which I understand is hard when sick or high)…make time or start prepping your funeral. You can put the solution into a nasal mist inhaler or recal use

You should buy xylazine tests they are like 1$ each on Amazon.

Good choice on getting on methadone or bupe.

You’ll find that after a while, especially with methadone, you can actually get high on it but function in life, not go broke and not go to jail over it. So much less stress than what you’re doing now.
youtubers keep going to this city in america where there is the biggest (i think) open drug market in usa, and everyone wants to shoot up xylazine.

from some brief reading on it it seemed like a sedative similar to clonidine, not having recreational value, and unsafe to inject possibly.

why would drug addicts be attracted to a drug like this? is it a sign of the desperation of times? or is it worth it in some way?

i don’t get it.
The complications from injecting it are awful, I have seen the sores both online and in person. It's the worst shit I've ever seen. It's definitely becoming more prevalent, at least on the east coast.

Whereas fentanyl is such a strong opiate, some users eventually began to start seeking it out even when it became more prevalent, I don't think anybody is actually seeking out xylazine as far as I know. Sure it knocks you out, but that's it. Not very recreational or euphoric, and yeah the side effects are awful.
This guys goes in depth and doesn't dehumanize them. And talks about why its so popular.

i was actually watching that vid not too long ago, and i had to nope the fk out when they got to the guy with the arm abcess and stuff,
There has only been one case in the media here in the UK of somebody dying after using it. AFAIK it isn't cut into opiates (ours come from Afghanistan - brown so not an effective cut I wouldn't think). But the phenomenon reminds of me when we had the "spice" epidemic here, mainly concentrated in Manchester. "Spice" was a term for synthetic cannabinoids which, after the "New Psychoactive Substances" ban, became far more potent, dangerous and no one knew what they were taking. But much like what we see in the media regarding "tranq", it seems to be a similar phenomenon: homeless people, people dealing with unimaginable trauma and people who just want to forget. Spice got people off of heroin due to its potency and efficacy in doing what heroin was always meant to do (as in make life more bearable) and so I imagine that it is a similar phenomenon. Living on the streets is fucking horrible and you'll take anything to make the days pass. I imagine that Xylazine made its way into the market via a cheap source, was cut into the fentanyl (do you guys even get real heroin any more?) but some dealer found out that people would take it on its own and so it becomes a new street drug for the poor souls living that life.