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XTC BUST..Senior Cop charged

55,000 is significant, but its not top of the heap (think 250,000 busts from last year and half a mill early this year) so hopefully the very top hasn't been hit. Will probably mean these guys don't bring out anything else for a little while though, DOH!
The thing that would make me unable to sleep at night, was if i had bought a shitload of green ?'s recently. It means you've been buying from cops. And crooked ones at that. If that's you, i might move state for a while.
If you get coloured speed too, i'd leave the country
excellent, thanks horsey......
that's all we need confirmed, that these are indeed mdma green ? and find in the haul a couple of alphas, a honda, a yinyang and.....
this could be serious. at least it'll keep things seasonal.... i think times were pretty tough this time last year.
anyway if this syndicate controlled the thru put of all those qual pills in melbourne. i wonder how many people are in panic mode NOW.
if you dont answer the door they're coming in anyway!
if it was confirmed... then shit?
Cops know their drugs!
Deep down, the cops were responsible for one smooth pill

Wonder if they were responsible for any of the other "great pills" out on the streets.
*bounce bounce bounce*
Oh the irony; this bust of green ?s has put one big fat ? over the integrity of people in the police force

and green too!! whats there motive...MONEY.
rather comical i say!
(except the tragedy that they arent coming our way
...so, next time a cop wants to take you down for Qing at HQs it might just mean they wanna get you loaded on some sweet sweet bikkies...
specially if they're driving you back in a mitsi...
*wonders if this is as funny unbent or not*
I was just watching the evening news on Channel 10. and they showed a pic of the bags of pills that were seized from the bad cop!
was a big bag full of what seemed like white, pills. with a star as a stamp...
Looked nowhere near green, and looked nothing like a question mark.
*bounce bounce bounce*
I aggree with Tesi,
was watching the news tonight
they were (if anythin) a very very pale green and had a star on them
it looked like the star was out of the pill (raised), (e.g not indented... shit i know theres a word for this heh)
long live the green ? =]
embossed ?...
rhythmatic movements in unison with others prolong an act of sensation with no limits or boundaries >
Sounds like it might be the ninja stars that were about to hit here and are VERY popular in the states???
It was probably file footage, if the stories of 55,000 green pills are to be believed. When televised news stories lack footage, quite often the network will supply old footage from similar stories - therefore a story about any bust that went down in the absence of cameras may be accompanied by video of any official holding any big bag of miscellaneous pills.
There are a couple of articles in today's Age about an official review of the Vic drug squad following this bust; the Ombudsman says if endemic corruption is discovered within the squad it may be disbanded altogether:

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
They probably couldn't show the real pills on telly because all the rest of the dodgy cops would have too much trouble selling the seized pills...
Now just wait a couple weeks and see which user hasn't been posting since yesterdays bust

(just thought I'd mention that - quality stuff wazza!)