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Benzos Xanax?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
What is the feeling like?

Are they close to Zopiclone or 10mg blue Diazepam? (I always black out on those & not really get anything from them, I just black out & end up doing dumb stuff like getting into fights with no memory of doing it)

I've got a few coming to me soon but I've never done them myself, people seem to love them for some reason but like I said I've had no experience with them. If they really aint nothing special I'd prefer to keep my money so I can buy my most loved DOC Afghan #3
I can tell you that they are not like Diazepam at all. You will feel it suddenly hitting within 30 minutes. If you have those issues with Diazepam, don't get Xanax. I never got much intoxication from even considerably higher doses of Diazepam but Xanax is just a different animal.
xanax is a good drug. if you’re getting 2mg bars, chances of them being counterfeit are unbelievably high unless you know exactly how they got to a legit brick and mortar pharmacy to you. i’ve even seen people posting safety sealed bottles on here that were obviously fake. it’s an ultra in demand drug like roxi 30s, so the fakes are above and beyond in manufacture quality.

if you black out on diazepam, you’ll certainly black out on xanax.
Xanax is the "lets hide knives in all strategical places in my house" or "I better keep my hand on these scissors if he decides to move too quickly" of benzos.
If valium hits you hard xanax will fuck you the fuck up.
I don't get anything from Diazpam, but Xanax really hits me - it's much stronger stuff than Valium so be careful. Make sure the ones you get are genuine and not fake, and start off with a low dose.

I took too much Xanax recently, blacked up and woke up to find I'd lost the use of my left hand (wrist drop) and I still have it. So be careful
You’ll probably blackout depending on dose if you usually blackout in Benzos. Take too much too often you can definitely feel some loss in IQ ie bar tards. Just don’t over do it I’ve seen too many go down that rabbit hole.
Personally I think diazepam is the more recreational benzo. The calm warmth and muscle relaxation is lovely.

Alprazolam hits hard like everyone says, but the overall feeling of it is just plain sedation without any euphoria to speak of. It's very good for acute treatment of panic attacks (it's original clinical purpose) but it's not something I really consider a recreational drug.

Then when it wears off you get hit with some nasty rebound anxiety. I find it's especially bad if you take it in the evening, when you wake up the next morning you feel very anxious and almost hungover. Never had this from any other benzo and I've used basically all the well known benzos.

The whole Xanax hype trend is something influenced more by the media than the actual drug being any good if you ask me. Temazepam is a far nicer benzo.
Unfortunate reality is that it's extremely unlikely you'll be getting Alprazolam at all.

If it's a 2mg xanax bar' then it's almost 100% chance of it being an amatuer press from the uk which may contain an unknown amount of Alprazolam but ius more likely to be Etizolam,, or flubromazepam or whatever. If you get some brand name 1mg from a blister then you might be in luck

For HR purposes (or even for shits n giggles) why not send 1mg off to Wedinos to see what's in it? It's a free service. It might even be good for your source to know whats in the pills too.. Win win
Unfortunate reality is that it's extremely unlikely you'll be getting Alprazolam at all.

If it's a 2mg xanax bar' then it's almost 100% chance of it being an amatuer press from the uk which may contain an unknown amount of Alprazolam but ius more likely to be Etizolam,, or flubromazepam or whatever. If you get some brand name 1mg from a blister then you might be in luck

For HR purposes (or even for shits n giggles) why not send 1mg off to Wedinos to see what's in it? It's a free service. It might even be good for your source to know whats in the pills too.. Win win

Yeah the bars these days are dodgy as fuck, more likely to contain flualprazolam (a decent benzo in its own right but more potent than alprazolam) or etizolam (which personally I rank as better than alprazolam anyway) while some contain random mixes of like three different antihistamines (which you'll definitely notice because this isn't benzo-like recreational in the slightest).

If they're bars it is smart to send one off to WEDINOS to see what's in there, because 100% of bars in the UK and even a majority in the US these days are presses.

If they're blistered 1mg Galenika Ksalol, Pfizer Xanax, or some other brand, they should be legit. Can't say they definitely will be as a blanket statement, but personally I've always had good luck with Galenika benzos and I have a few blisters of Ksalol right here, they're legit shit. Even had one of them EC tested before and come back as bang on 1mg alprazolam so I know with reasonable certainty that this brand from my source is pharma alprazolam. I've also had Pfizer Xanax 0.5mg blisters which again were perfectly fine legit alprazolam confirmed by WEDINOS, but I will say that Pfizer branded stuff is more likely to get counterfeited for obvious reasons.
@Zopiclone bandit they do make you back out more easily than diaz, but are more pleasant at first if you can be responsible with dosing. Max dose is 1-2mg or things start getting silly, especially with alcohol!!

If Diaz is the methadone of benzos, alprazolam is crack.
IV diazepam (vials not pills, it's not soluble in water) although it doesn't have a rush, it's a bliss. Xanax on the other hand it's ok, I did shit for more than 20 banks on xanax,clonazepam and tramadol, it all depends on the tolerance and your metabolism,

I always do Pfizer Xanax although I got other options of generic alprazolam but I guess that I'm just fixed on this brand, although the price is higher but not that high, it's really a little differenc. Anyway it's like axe said, it's shortlived and meh, I prefer chiller benzos but when I wanted a confidence boost I popped some.

Start low, I usually do the 1mg pfizer ones, those are not bars at all, we don't have 2mg bars like the americans do, for a starter a half of a half would be a good option and work your way up if you want. but man with the gear you do, all you " need:" is benzos, beisde the zopiclone too. it's not worth it in your situation, you migtht end up dead due to respiratory depression.

in my opininon , leave it as it is, if you want to try it, do it after a pipe to come down but the consequences are obvious in this case considering your situatiion, you can't stop doing gear without w/d so smoking and alpra after would be a start, but without the zolpidem in the mix, as it has a shorter halflife you might be lucky enough to do the gear afterwards.

btw today I spent some time with some homeless romas, I really dig their style of being sometimes, but fuck them, <- sorry for the off topic

bakr bark