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Sep 10, 2008
i took 2 xanax a 10 mg vicodin and smoked 4 blunts,. and should i snort or pop it?
I wouldn't recommend snorting xanax. Just take it as it's meant to be used.
I would be messed up on that much, whats your tolerance like for all of them?
Crush it and parachute it if you want to do something a little more effective. But its pretty fast onsetting anyway.
Xanax too potent to making it into a placebo rubbish wasting it like that... Just pop the damn thing.
im just chillin ima just pop it. i know im realy out of it but whatever i feel happy lol. this isnt a dangerous amont right? 3-4 mg bad?
Xanax is one of the nastiest things ive ever snorted. Its close to pointless, and im not newbie to snorting but after a night of snorting those things i could barely breathe out of my nose for 2 days.

Ive snorted much more than that (coke mdma ect) and never had it as bad when I snorted xanax