TDS Xanax Withdrawal Question


Feb 14, 2013
My question is - Am I experiencing Xanax withdrawal if I were to abuse only ~16mg within four or five days? I have only messed with the stuff very few times in my life, [because,]however I am a depression/anxiety patient and the feelings I have today are very familiar. It is now the third or fourth day without the drug, and although I only tampered with it for such a short period of time, I am wondering if its possible for me to have a physical dependence already.

I have not slept for two nights and I can not eat either. The panic attacks and chest pains are extraordinaire, I can not even attempt sleep. I am all too familiar with the heart-attack fear of the panic attack, so I am relatively content, just uncomfortable. I have developed great coping skills over years of therapy and I have been on paxil for nearly 6 years. That's not to say that I can not relapse on depressive feelings and anxiety, but I believe this would be too coincidental. I have not altered my paxil dosage but what I am feeling is very similar to paxil withdrawals. I'm sorry if I'm not making much sense, the sleep deprivation is killing me.

Some final information I'll supply... I understand fully that addiction/dependence of this drug is subjective, relative, not exactly predictable. I am a 22 y/o male near 200 pounds and a moderate drinker, however I do ruled out alcohol withdrawals. Paxil, No other drug use.
No, you won't have a physical dependency from just three to four days.

You might feel a little different the day you stop, but it won't be due to withdrawal.

It sounds like you are just experiencing rebound anxiety, which is common for people who use xanax for a few days and then stop.
Thank you. I was sure it wasn't a dependency but I needed a reason to justify my rebound. Can't eat or sleep still but panic lessened. Light at the end of the tunnel
Take it as a warning signs, benzos are really fucking addicting and dangerous. GABA withdrawals are the worst type of withdrawal by far IMO. Worse then opiate WD.