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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

xanax then iv subutex?

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xanax and shooting bupe is actually not that bad if you dont have dope around. shooting bupe with midazolam....thats not bad at all, regardless.
bupe is not even a full agonist. its practically impossible to OD on.

This is definitely NOT an accurate statement, I've seen non opiate tolerant users sicks for literally days off ~1mg bupe, trust me it's strong shit and can and will kill you - especially if you mix it with downers :\.
^actually an accidental lethal OD from bupe alone is virtually impossible.

When you throw alcohol and/or benzos in the mix it's a completely different story.
go right ahead. if swiy can handle 10-20 bags o H a day. swiyou can definaltely handle a whole tex. just use like 90 U of water and let it sit , like you said for about 15 minutes. Then roll the cotton up as tight as you can , as to not get as much talc and suck it up. swim has banged a whole 8 tex before. used to do it everyday for like a week. then just got tired of it and started slamming d's (dilaudid) but yeah dillies are much better, swim says so...
oh and DO NOT MIX 8mg of Subutex IV with any amount of xanax.. swiYOU WILL DIE!
in response to IVing 8mg of sub on top of xanax, you have to be careful, true, but seeing how I have been doing it for weeks now, at 8 mg of sub, and 2.5 mg of xanax, with the xanax taken 30 minutes before the sub (so that it has time to kick in while i prepare my sub) death is not an inevitable conclusion. Personally for me, it makes the entire experience better. I must mention that I am prescribed xanax for an anxiety disorder, so my tolerance to the stuff may have something to do with it. My advice is just be careful, because like my esteemed colleague before me said, it CAN be dangerous...now where the hell did i leave the plunger to my rig...damnit!
IV Suboxone/Buprenorphine.....On xanax

Even though this is 3 years old, just for anyone whos reading it for INFO recently......if you have low to-none tolerance of opiates/opiods....taking alprozolam and then iving Subxone will give you a heroin like nod...........With that said be careful Buprenorphine is one of the most powerful yet underated opiods that exist.....stronger than morphine by many X's i think] NOTE* i do not condone shooting pills or any other substance.....In the interest of harm reduction i would use bottled water dissolve the bupe....Heat it to just about a boil......then filter until solution is clear......use lower doses of BUPE because i believe the bioavailability goes down the more you do .....so do .5-2mg shots.....depending on tolerance............i wouldnt recommend more than .5-2 mg of alprozolam for someone with a small tolerance to benzos....
* MIXING DRUGS CAN BE LIFE THREATENING, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS TRY AND STAY WITH SOMEONE WHEN YOUR DOING THINGS LIKE THIS IF YOU MUST*....any questions shoot me a message in the interest of harm reduction im willing to help anyone
This is 100 Percent chemical knowledge that can be backed up with research....and SWIM Knows for a fact because he does it all the time..............
^Please refrain from using red text and "SWIM". SWIM does nothing to protect you and makes your posts hard to read.

This thread no longer fits with the current BDD posting standards so I'm going to close it.
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