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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Xanax bar and 40mg Adderall

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Dec 21, 2016
I took my prescribed Xanax bar at 830 this morning and then my 40mg Adderall @1230. Will the Xanax cross out the Adderall or will I be able to feel the Adderall? I haven't taken either in a while.
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It feels a lot better to take the adderall after the Xanax has already kicked in, especially you're at 4 hours later. When you take Xanax after the Adderall just started its a very gunky feeling and overlaps the stimulation. Whichever one kicks in more Recently will overlap and work as the primary instead of Secondary effect.
Yeah.. While I don't take Xanax much anymore, I am prescribed to both Adderall and klonopin and take both of them on a daily basis.. I also take subutex as well with those... But I too, like the feeling of taking the Adderall once the klonopin has kicked in.. I usually wake up. Drink my morning coffee, and down a 1mg-2mg dose of klonopin, then slam 2mg of 'tex, then rail 20mg of Adderall.. In that order.. I have tried many, many times to get Adderall working properly oral how its supposed to be taken, but it just doesn't work that well for me oral.. only intranasal can I achieve the maximum effect of my 20mg of Adderall I am scripted daily, I take the IRs too btw. The subutex, is just icing on the cake, as an ex-opiate user, it keeps me well and makes me happy all day! I love the combination of Adderall and klonopin, and in my case subs too... wonderful feeling!

I wake up every morning, just so excited to take my meds hahaha... I get that same feeling I used to get on xmas morning as a kid lol. It just feels, that good! IME at least...

However, whenever I make a change and take the Adderall first, then the klonopin... I do not like the way I feel all day.. it fucks up the entire synergy of the 2 drugs.. or in my case 3 drugs, if I mess with my normal order I take them in. Its kind of weird how just something as simple as taking meds in a different order than your used to taking them, can make them feel so much different, never really thought about it before... but its true.
I would ask doc for Clonazepam. Xanax has short half life and is truly for panic disorder. Klonopin lasts much longer and works well with aderal. My wife is prescribed 3mg klonopin and 60mg aderal a day. She does great.
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Yeah.. While I don't take Xanax much anymore, I am prescribed to both Adderall and klonopin and take both of them on a daily basis.. I also take subutex as well with those... But I too, like the feeling of taking the Adderall once the klonopin has kicked in.. I usually wake up. Drink my morning coffee, and down a 1mg-2mg dose of klonopin, then slam 2mg of 'tex, then rail 20mg of Adderall.. In that order.. I have tried many, many times to get Adderall working properly oral how its supposed to be taken, but it just doesn't work that well for me oral.. only intranasal can I achieve the maximum effect of my 20mg of Adderall I am scripted daily, I take the IRs too btw. The subutex, is just icing on the cake, as an ex-opiate user, it keeps me well and makes me happy all day! I love the combination of Adderall and klonopin, and in my case subs too... wonderful feeling!

I wake up every morning, just so excited to take my meds hahaha... I get that same feeling I used to get on xmas morning as a kid lol. It just feels, that good! IME at least...

However, whenever I make a change and take the Adderall first, then the klonopin... I do not like the way I feel all day.. it fucks up the entire synergy of the 2 drugs.. or in my case 3 drugs, if I mess with my normal order I take them in. Its kind of weird how just something as simple as taking meds in a different order than your used to taking them, can make them feel so much different, never really thought about it before... but its true.

Kinda surprised your doc gives you subutex and klonopin. If you take it right you're ok but if you overdo either or both of those you can go to sleep, your brain in a very basic sense, forgets how to allow you to breathe while sleeping and you don't wake up. Numerous cases of subutex/suboxone coupled with benzos & people ceasing to breathe while asleep have been reported. The VA will NOT prescribe benzos with suboxone or subutex. They give me aderal and hydroxyzine, gabapentin, bupropion and blood pressure and cholesterol meds. Works ok but my anxiety is still an issue. Not as bad but still a problem. Good luck to you
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Kinda surprised your doc gives you subutex and klonopin. If you take it right you're ok but if you overdo either or both of those you can go to sleep, your brain in a very basic sense, forgets how to allow you to breathe while sleeping and you don't wake up. Numerous cases of subutex/suboxone coupled with benzos & people ceasing to breathe while asleep have been reported. The VA will NOT prescribe benzos with suboxone or subutex. They give me aderal and hydroxyzine, gabapentin, bupropion and blood pressure and cholesterol meds. Works ok but my anxiety is still an issue. Not as bad but still a problem. Good luck to you

Normally my doc, doesn't, and if she does for anyone, no more than 1mg or so a day! But, I went in there on my first visit, already dependent/taking daily, over 5mgs of kpin a day! so she felt compelled to give me my normal dose of kpin and sub, I had been taking already for 2 years prior to coming it there from my previous sub doc... so she, dropped me to 3-4mg day(3mgs a day with a few extras.) and kept me there..

What really surprised me was the Adderall, along with those 2!!! I was like, no fucking way!!! when she just up and scripted me Adderall IRs, as soon as I showed her my ADHD evaluation confirming I indeed had ADHD.. No vyvanse, no XR anti-abuse stimulant meds.. Just told me I will put you on Adderall IR 10s, and see how you do... well that didn't work, so I tried 20... and that was my golden Adderall dose, for the most part! I feel perfect taking those 3 drugs, and have been on them for over 5 years, Adderall only for ~1yr or so.. more or less? So I see your point on mixing the sub and benzo, but I think its a relatively safe mix for most people... or for those who aren't on stupidly high doses of both.. I take 8mg of sub, in 2mg increments throughout the day..1mg of klonopin 3x a day, one in the AM, one in the afternoon, and one at night (usually!). and one 20mg Adderall IR every morning..

So its possible for people to OD from that combo, but its not like taking a full agonist with benzos everyday! that is real bad... subutex with benzos, could prove to be bad for someone who is opioid/opiate naïve and took the 2 together... but, only because I have been on them both so long, my doc didn't want to just up and take me off them.. ya know?
Drink my morning coffee, and down a 1mg-2mg dose of klonopin, then slam 2mg of 'tex, then rail 20mg of Adderall.. In that order

Damn, that's quite the drug breakfast! lol

My favorite drug breakfast back in the day was a 30 mg Adderall tablet & black coffee. Meth would wake me up too but then I'd be too tweaked to actually be productive...
Normally my doc, doesn't, and if she does for anyone, no more than 1mg or so a day! But, I went in there on my first visit, already dependent/taking daily, over 5mgs of kpin a day! so she felt compelled to give me my normal dose of kpin and sub, I had been taking already for 2 years prior to coming it there from my previous sub doc... so she, dropped me to 3-4mg day(3mgs a day with a few extras.) and kept me there..

What really surprised me was the Adderall, along with those 2!!! I was like, no fucking way!!! when she just up and scripted me Adderall IRs, as soon as I showed her my ADHD evaluation confirming I indeed had ADHD.. No vyvanse, no XR anti-abuse stimulant meds.. Just told me I will put you on Adderall IR 10s, and see how you do... well that didn't work, so I tried 20... and that was my golden Adderall dose, for the most part! I feel perfect taking those 3 drugs, and have been on them for over 5 years, Adderall only for ~1yr or so.. more or less? So I see your point on mixing the sub and benzo, but I think its a relatively safe mix for most people... or for those who aren't on stupidly high doses of both.. I take 8mg of sub, in 2mg increments throughout the day..1mg of klonopin 3x a day, one in the AM, one in the afternoon, and one at night (usually!). and one 20mg Adderall IR every morning..

So its possible for people to OD from that combo, but its not like taking a full agonist with benzos everyday! that is real bad... subutex with benzos, could prove to be bad for someone who is opioid/opiate naïve and took the 2 together... but, only because I have been on them both so long, my doc didn't want to just up and take me off them.. ya know?

glad your med plan is working. I really could use benzos but VA told me I had to choose, Suboxone or Klonopin. The VA in Hawaii was the one that started me on klonopin in 09. 2 mg a day up to 4mg a day. Got back home to Tennessee and needed BUP clinic and he took me off klonopin in one month with a rapid taper. I spent 7 days in the psych ward before my next appointment with him to get my subs. I was pissed but the VA is directly under the executive branch, the president. He gets an email every time a vet dies of either 1) their disability 2)suicide 3) meds prescribed by the VA. I can see why he's scared. And I had to sign a form allowing the VA to see if I have visited and acquired doctors and controlled substances in 6 states surrounding TN. Since starting this veteran overdoses have dramatically reduced so I'm ok with it
I'll just chime in here and echo what I'm sure others have said. I always have Benzodiazepines available if I'm going to use stimulants of any kind. If I don't have sedatives, I don't use them. I'm speaking mostly of the comedown phase though, but I also like to take them while I'm still high. Levo/Dextro Amphetamine Salts (Adderall) have always been inferior to pure Dextroamphetamine. The former just causes so much unnecessary peripheral stimulation. I'm talking the shakes, tremor, anxiety etc. It's never anything terrible, but having a Benzodiazepine on board definitely helps smooth out the process.
^Yeah, Keif... I gotta say I feel the exact same way about stims... if I do not have any benzos, opioids/bupe, or THC on hand, but mainly benzos, I wont even think about taking/doing any stimulants! I have learned the hard way, when I first tried cocaine/crack(tried them both at the same time.) and didn't really realize the comedown would be so bad so I freaked out, like 10-20 mins after finishing what I had used... and just lost it! I felt like pulling out all my hair, and just doing anything I had to do to get more of it, as its so fucking short acting, especially crack.. until my friend I was with, gave me a couple Xanax 1mgs, when I had just started to take benzos and had hardly any tolerance back then. I felt so much better. I then vowed to never touch another stimulant as long as I lived with out having some sort of sedative type drug on hand..

Now, I have pretty much stopped using cocaine of any form, and just stuck with my Adderall.. which, is a rare drug to find where I live and prior to being put on it, roughly a year ago, I have only ever tried it like 3 times, and always had benzos on hand.. but since being on it daily, and also taking kpin daily, I haven't really experienced any discomfort from the Adderall.. The only one time I had any issue with it, was when I ran out of my klonopin, and had to wait for the pharmacy to open, so instead of taking the klonopin, since I had none, then the sub, then the Adderall... I took the sub, then the adderall then finally got my klonopin over an hour later after the wait... and wow until I got my first morning klonopin that day, after having took my normal 20mg IR dose of Adderall, I really didn't much like how I felt with just subs, and Adderall... I wasn't in WD from the kpin or anything, just a little off.. then I took the Adderall, which I should have waited to take, for sure, and felt so wacked out.. it was insane, how different it felt with no sedative in me, except sub... which isn't too sedating for the most part, once it really kicks in, I was too edgy/anxious to like the feeling of it on its own and with sub only...

So basically.. I am not ever touching another stimulant drug again, without having klonopin handy.. all I do is have a terrible fucking anxiety attack, and hate everything without the benzo.. then once the comedown hits, depending on what stim it is, it is pure fucking hell, and I feel terrible.. never again... ever.. will I make that mistake.
Benzo with Aderal

Unfortunately for me the VA doesn't prescribe benzos with suboxone. My doc does however write me 40mg aderal a day. It really helps me get things done, keep my depressed ass off the couch and interact in society. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place though. My doc gave me hydroxyzine POM for my anxiety but it doesn't come close to cutting it. I'm forced into a situation where I have to obtain benzos off the street. The whole purpose of the suboxone clinic was for me to stop breaking the law. So...about 5 days before my suboxone visit I have to quit the klonopin cold turkey to pass my stat urine drug screen. He sees results, then writes next nonths Rx's. Right now I'm on half a box 12 atavan and 2 hydroxyzine. Feeling pretty good. It's a merry Christmas.
I don't want to sound like I know everything, but I think it's cruel prescribing antihistamines to folks with severe anxiety. When they end up not working, or doing anything at all, it can make patients feel even more fucked up, broken and anxious then before they tried the medication.
Seriously^ IF at all possible, Wideangle, I would search for another doc whom, would prescribe you all 3.. benzos, subs, and Adderall.. they do exist, I am an example of one of many people whos doctors, do not at all mind prescribing benzos with bupe... and Adderall.. I'm not exactly sure how the VA works, and am not trying to sound rude, just saying, if you can go to another doc... look up sub doctors in your area using google.. see what their ratings are on there, or any search engine.. usually people have reviews on doctors if they are really good/bad, 1 to 5 stars.. my doctor has 5 stars, and that is why when I had to switch docs a while back I checked them out on google, and they had nothing but good ratings... so I went there, and wasn't disappointed! I love my current sub doctor, she is awesome!

So yeah, there are doctors willing to script you the meds you need... if you have no adverse reactions to benzos, bupe, and Adderall, they will feel much more inclined to script you those meds.. the only problem being you don't have a benzo script on hand now, to prove you have been legally taking all 3 and are fine doing so, with no side effects.. Its rather expensive for me to see my doc, and pay for my meds, out of pocket.. due to losing my health insurance, when I was on the family plan originally getting on bupe and kpin, then my parents retired and along with that went my insurance... I now have no insurance and its like ~$400 a month to see my doc, get my meds, and get my med refills. That really sucks. But its well worth it to me and it could suck a whole lot worse being still, stuck on dope and coke(which I used to be very addicted to!), and taking benzos off the street daily, a very deadly combo, which almost killed me once.

Hope you can figure out another way, to get a doc who will actually give you what you need... I'm going to agree with keif' in how I don't see how an anti-histamine like hydroxyzine could possibly help anyone with anxiety issues! that aint right, and you should get the meds you need, not have to take some shitty substitute for a benzo.. I mean hydroxyzine is good for other things like sleep for one... but anxiey, no! doesn't work... not for me at least.. and neither do SSRIs which I also tried before being put on benzos, they didn't help with my anxiety at all! that's another thing a lot of sub docs will write instead of benzos, is anti-depressant SSRIs... some people, they do work for! I however, have like 10/10 anxiey on a 1 to 10 scale, its extremely bad anxiety, that lasts all day long if left untreated or treated by using the wrong meds..
Seriously^ IF at all possible, Wideangle, I would search for another doc whom, would prescribe you all 3.. benzos, subs, and Adderall.. they do exist, I am an example of one of many people whos doctors, do not at all mind prescribing benzos with bupe... and Adderall.. I'm not exactly sure how the VA works, and am not trying to sound rude, just saying, if you can go to another doc... look up sub doctors in your area using google.. see what their ratings are on there, or any search engine.. usually people have reviews on doctors if they are really good/bad, 1 to 5 stars.. my doctor has 5 stars, and that is why when I had to switch docs a while back I checked them out on google, and they had nothing but good ratings... so I went there, and wasn't disappointed! I love my current sub doctor, she is awesome!

So yeah, there are doctors willing to script you the meds you need... if you have no adverse reactions to benzos, bupe, and Adderall, they will feel much more inclined to script you those meds.. the only problem being you don't have a benzo script on hand now, to prove you have been legally taking all 3 and are fine doing so, with no side effects.. Its rather expensive for me to see my doc, and pay for my meds, out of pocket.. due to losing my health insurance, when I was on the family plan originally getting on bupe and kpin, then my parents retired and along with that went my insurance... I now have no insurance and its like ~$400 a month to see my doc, get my meds, and get my med refills. That really sucks. But its well worth it to me and it could suck a whole lot worse being still, stuck on dope and coke(which I used to be very addicted to!), and taking benzos off the street daily, a very deadly combo, which almost killed me once.

Hope you can figure out another way, to get a doc who will actually give you what you need... I'm going to agree with keif' in how I don't see how an anti-histamine like hydroxyzine could possibly help anyone with anxiety issues! that aint right, and you should get the meds you need, not have to take some shitty substitute for a benzo.. I mean hydroxyzine is good for other things like sleep for one... but anxiey, no! doesn't work... not for me at least.. and neither do SSRIs which I also tried before being put on benzos, they didn't help with my anxiety at all! that's another thing a lot of sub docs will write instead of benzos, is anti-depressant SSRIs... some people, they do work for! I however, have like 10/10 anxiey on a 1 to 10 scale, its extremely bad anxiety, that lasts all day long if left untreated or treated by using the wrong meds..
I hear ya. I can't afford clinics around here and I can't go to a doctor outside the VA and get prescribed anything controlled because they monitor all my surrounding states and mine, I had to sign an agreement with the VA that I wouldn't go to other doctors and they monitor it. I give all my BUP to my mother, drive over there every morning and get my prescribed doseage. If my doc prescribed me benzos I would do the same. The VA is freaked about benzo/BUP due to some vets that have overdosed on the benzos while on BUP. As you know, you really can't overdose on BUP. But if you take too many benzos while on BUP it can affect or stop your breathing. Some vets have died and some have been sent to ER. This has resulted in strict prescribing of benzo and BUP. There is 1 veteran out of 200 in my hospitals BUP program prescribed klonopin. The aderal helps with my motivation but I'd honestly give it up to get klonopin. I have no fear of overdose because my medication isn't in my control and is handed out daily to me. Maybe something I can talk to doc about and have him talk to my mother...I don't know. I hate breaking the law. And yes, the hydroxyzine isn't helping. The neurontin does, but not like a klonopin in the morning and a klonopin in the evening. Thanks for input guys
Love taking them both together. Benzo negates any negative sides from the adderall.

.5mg of benzo and 20mg of adderall. I prefer a longer acting benzo such as klonopin though. Doesn't seem to matter when I take them. I prefer at the same time, or the benzo just an hour or so after the adderall.

Puts me in a focused, motivated, yet relaxed state. Which is perfect for presentations etc..
I don't want to sound like I know everything, but I think it's cruel prescribing antihistamines to folks with severe anxiety. When they end up not working, or doing anything at all, it can make patients feel even more fucked up, broken and anxious then before they tried the medication.

I couldn't agree more. The first day or 2 they helped. Now I feel nothing off of them. So.........back to breaking the F'ing law to feel normal. To feel like interacting with people, to feel like doing things I love and to not feel the urge to put a bullet in my head. I don't think my doctor understands the depth of my anxiety. Funny thing is the aderal doesn't increase it. It makes me happy to get things done, interact with society. But coming down off the adds I feel horrible. Borderline panic. Just might have to check into psych ward again so my doc gets the picture. I have kids...both boys. One is 8 and other is 6. Youngest is autistic so it's paramount I function. My wife has the worst depression I've ever seen. Doesn't get out if bed anymore so it's all on me. I've broke down in his office, told him everything. I might have to drop add to get benzos and stop breaking the F'ing law if he'll do it. I'm so close to having perfect med plan but.....
From personal experience I'd say yes the xanax will weaken the adderall
i have to say you are right on, i am prescribed xanax (prefered) 150 2mg pills, adderall 90, 30mg ir pills, and methadone 10 mg pills, 40 mg total at once...... and damn what a great combo, every morning its fantastic.....li have noticed that klonopin and adderall work better together.....because klonopin has a longerr half life, which means it wont kick in like xanax which is nearly 5-10 minutes while klonopin can take 45-1 hour. But I have been on xanax adderall and subutex...... and subutex is great too but way to expensive. I only got 60 pills of subutex because of price then moved to methadone which is only 8 dollars, and subutex was 200 with aetna. now all my prescriptions are so low its awesome. but honestly those combos work wonders in school and work.
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