• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

wtfffff did i just do?


Oct 11, 2011
OK here's my story its a long one so I hope u guys take the time to read this and help me out.

Ive worked for my employer for ten yrs. I love my job and the guy I work for. He would bend over backwards to help u out and compensates me very well for my duties. Prior to joining this company I worked for another company and the VP over there recently moved to a new company who is our rivals in the buisness we work in. The other day the former VP let's call him Damon which is a common name for a snake left me a note on my carto call him he may have an oppertunity for me over at this other company. So I called him and we spoke and I told him how the owner of my company treats me very well and I'm happy where I am and that I wasn't really looking for a move but Damon says just come meet with me tom and meet the owner of this company and hear what we have to offer and if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out and at least u know u have an option with us in the future. Feeling good bout myself that someone else recognized my hardwork I said sure I'll swing by tom.

Today rolled around and I go there and were talking and he starts asking questions about certain accounts we have. I said Damon I don't feel comfortable telling u who we do buisness with a nd who we don't that's something that u would need to speak to the main office about. Well at that point he changed the subject and we made small talk for bout 5 more minutes and then he got a phone call and said I got to take this it was nice seeing u and keep in touch. I felt like complete shit realizing he wasn't interested in offering me shit it was all to try and get info out of me.

I left that place A. Feeling bad bout myself because he didn't want me he just used me and B. Feeling horrible cause I felt like I betrayed the guy that I owe everything I have in my life today. I know that I didn't give out any info but I'm just worried that certain info could potentially be used against my company to steal accounts away from us.

I wana call the owner and come clean and tell him what happened my girlfriend says I should if it will make me feel better my bro in law says its nutin to be worried bout people go on interviews everyday to see what options are out there for them and to just let it be. But I feel horrible that I even met with this guy knowing that I was happy where I was and never planned on going anywhere. Even if this guy had a good offer I was just planning on calling my owner and asking how secure my job was and explain the situation but not ask for more money. I'm already well compensated for what I do and would never wana put my owner over the barrel so to speak.

What should I do? Any advice would be appreciated
that dude is a snake, he knew u for a long time and prolly figured u guys had a good relationship built up enough for u to tell him all that inside information bout your current employer. Look at it this way, if somehow your boss finds out u talked to him (which i doubt he will) and u didnt come clean to your boss, then hes gonna feel like your goin behind his back leaking info out which could potentially cost u your job. honestly i would come clean with your boss, maybe not telling him u went for an interview, but just that he ran into u somewhere and started shooting the shit and the topic just came up.
Yea my girl said the same thing but with my shitty luck they'll talk and the truth would come out. I failed to mention that the 2 do know eachother and have done buisness in the past bout 10 years ago.
in what way did you betray your current employer?

also, if you are sure you divulged no privileged information, then why are you worried "that certain info could potentially be used against my company to steal accounts away from us"? that part doesn't add up.

ask yourself why you went to meet the guy (damon)? there has to be some part of you that thought he may have something to offer you that's better than what you have now. if you were 100% happy at your current job, you would not have met him so you have to take some responsibility for your own decision to meet the guy.

i disagree with crobarkid99 that you should lie to cover this up because that just starts a circle of deceit from which it's hard to escape...

i would just ignore it, learn a lesson and move on.

I know I didn't give any vital information but I did tell him how many hours I work and how I'm stretched thin down here. There's more info that I left out just because it would've been a 2 page thread had I wrote it all. Damon's company also does buisness with one of our clients. We have half the clients buisness and they have the other half so my concerns are that he could potentially go to that client and tell him u know those other guys are stretched thin maybe u should let us take over. Completely and we can give u more reliable service. Idk maybe I'm over analyzing this whole thing.

And really I had no intention of leaving my job even if they offered me more money I am completely happy with my job now and enjoy the freedom that I have where I am. The only reason I went to talk to this schmuck was because he said to me even if it didn't work out now he implied if I went and met w him and met the owner I would always have the option of joining there team if something went wrong at my current job. And with the economy the way it is nd the owner being older if he was to pass away or sell the company that would pretty much leave me without a job so I needed a backup plan ice that were to ever occur.

Btw alasdairm I'm glad u replied we may not agree on a lot of things but I was hoping that u wojld see this cause I kinda value ur opinion. Why I'll never know and I'll deny i ever said that in the court of law lol