Ok so I need some input from the BL community. Last night I found an old “pharmapram” 2mg Alprazolam (xanax) and decided to take it. I’m prescribed Clonazepam and Diazepam as well as eszopiclone… at around 7:30pm I took the xan in hopes to get some good sleep (I have insomnia and RLS every night). To boost it I decided to make my gf and I some Kava and Valerian root extracts mixed with a peppermint tea. I took my eszopiclone around 10 and fell asleep just after taking it which never happened because I usually have to wait for the eszopiclone to kick in but the xan put me out. Now here’s where it gets weird. I woke up around 1am FREEZING, dehydrated, body anches similar to an benzo/opiate like withdrawal, and with a headache like I drank half a bottle of vodka. This shirty feeling continued until about 8am getting bits of sleep here and there. Oh and I forgot to meantion the nausea was unbearably but I didn’t puke… Finally this morning at around 8:07 I took 600mg ibuprophen whuch helped with the headache and body aches. But now at 9:20am I still have extreme residuals from the Xan and the Lunesta (ezsopiclone). I just spoke to my girlfriend and she said she couldn’t fall asleep until around 1am due to nausea (she’s in ozempic and also drank the tea I made us bithe before bed.) Anyways, what do you think this incredible expermiemce for me and or her was from? Was it the Kava and Valerian Roth extracts for her? Was the extremely painful and sedating night for me from the xan and Ezopiclone? Was it a combo of it all? The Ezopiclone hangover is pretty normal for me. I’ve always had pretty sub par experience with these Mexican xans… Currently drinking matcha for the sedative hangover but am also contemplating either Kratom or Adderall. And\y and all thoughts appreciated and welcome.