written before i became a cocaine addict

I've never seen a description of dried and crusted semen used so elegantly. seriously
Thanks for the bump chrissy, Mini this is really fucking good!!!! It had such a feeling of need to it but still managed to come across sort of sexy :) great
Most of the words that I could use have already appeared in everyone's responses here. This makes me breathless, angry, happy, so many things at once. Truly mind-blowing, sweetie.
i'm still around, but now i'm on the west coast.
love to you all.
ps: i now sleep on 600 thread count sheets. *yummrrrrz*
This is one damned fine piece of work. I love it, and i think i'm going to stick it on my wall, as so to remind myself of how not to do stupid things again. LoL ;)
"So we meet again!" and I offer my hand
All dry and english slow
And you look at me and I understand
Yeah it's a look I used to know
"Three long years... and your favourite man...
Is that any way to say hello?"
And you hold me... like you'll never let me go
"Oh c'mon and and have a drink with me
Sit down and talk a while..."
"Oh I wish I could... and I will!
But now I just dont have the time..."
And over my shoulder as I walk away
I see you give that look goodbye...
I still see that look in your eye...
So dizzy Mr Busy - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the silly frilly things have to first get done
In a minute - sometime soon - maybe next time - make it june
Until later... doesn't always come
It's so hard to think "It ends sometime
And this could be the last
I should really hear you sing again
And I should really watch you dance"
Because it's hard to think
"I'll never get another chance
To hold you... to hold you... "
But chilly Mr Dilly - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the tizzy fizzy idiot things must get done
In a second - just hang on - all in good time - wont be long
Until later...
I should've stopped to think - I should've made the time
I could've had that drink - I could've talked a while
I would've done it right - I would've moved us on
But I didn't - now it's all too late
It's over... over
And you're gone..
I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you so much

But how how many times can I walk away and wish "If only..."
But how many times can I talk this way and wish "If only..."
Keep on making the same mistake
Keep on aching the same heartbreak
I wish "If only..."
But "If only...."
Is a wish too late...