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  • Words Moderators: Mysterier

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into the Ball Room they go dancing
towards the sound of ringing diamonds singing
neath a swaying chandelier containing
the nights fire breathing

at the crack of dawn, in autumn
i sit in my cream-coloured car
and observe a man walking his chihuahua
on chrunchy golden leaves.
chlorophly-tinted light filters
through the canopy of conifers
onto the canal, revealing a
caucasian child cruising on a canoe;
crap! i dropped a crepe and some coffee
on my crimson-coloured corduroy shoes!
2 minutes late for class
fucking class
i'm too stoned for this shit

3 minutes late for class
there's an Asian girl in my periphery
I want to fuck her in the face

4 minutes late for class
time to go...
time lapses
as do i

portraying the manifolds that meet the eye

your disguise young blood
is the red in your eyes
and the black of the guise cracking your imagination into

is what you wish it was
That idea that what is lost cannot be found,
Those who fear being buried alive underground,
They don't make a sound, parents that were so proud,
At rest they lay, underneath the soil of the graveyard.

Ash. <3
"Virgo, don't go where I'd go."

Says Pluto from the South West Atlantic

You cant take anything with you,
along the farm roads of Ohio;

Only birds and clouds on the horizon there.
I watch my inner landscape change colour
From blue sky to green grass then grey
For them, one foot goes before the other
It’s simple as children at play;
So it may come as a surprise, to those with closed eyes
With lives so contrived, who hide behind guise
My landscapes of colour, melting purple and pink
My internal vistas of rich space to think.
I sit within the grey city square
I stare at the pigeon shit
And then at the people:

At them talking,
At the space between them,
At the meaninglessness.

Everyone is alone . . .

Their imagination
Resists reality.
What's more bitter this morning?

The coffee, cigarette, or me?
He breathes life, and exhales poison.
He reads literature; he never writes.
She inhales poison and encourages words.
She dances to unwritten songs.
He eats the planet, and lays infertile waste.
They are incompatible.

She sits between a coloured future and a greying past
Essence of Cocaine etched beautifully on her geisha face
Different worlds colliding
As she corrupts me with her soft hand
Passing out from sofa to sofa
Dates of dread, love and substance
My mind forever altered
Needing further modification
In the season of bright lights
We will be complete again.
Don't Go Outside

I knew it was over, but not before it began,
Moving too fast, like things sometimes can,
No doubt, disaster would rear its ugly head,
And you'd been taken under your covers,
Safely in bed.

Ash. <3
mine to me is what i value
although what i value is not mine

after taking the word of so many, my own has become insignificant to myself

and so i wonder more about what takes less thought of mine