Write a thank you letter to somebody


Jan 9, 2005
Hey guys,

ive been really troubled lately wishing i could thank some people. sometimes its too late to thank people or they arent in our lives anymore. if you feel like writing an anonymus thank you letter to someone feel free! im no goin first lol sorry.
I wrote a thank you letter to Daniel Johnston (look him up) just yesterday. I never met him but he may very well have saved my life on multiple occasions.

You know, I find many people to be forgiving over time. Making amends is a far better thing to do in my opinion, let it be participating in a discussion with someone you had conflict with in high school years ago on a social networking site, etc. I honestly find facebook really useful for this type of stuff.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the entire point of the post though, it's been about a week since I last slept.
nope your not misunderstanding my point.

i wish i could thank my friend who understands that addicts arent bad people and that they have alot of pain sometimes. cherish the person who cares and understands u.
Well from the opposite perspective, it can be difficult. My sister is clearly becoming alcoholic, unpleasant types to be around and hard to forgive. I do forgive her internally because I've been there, yet I am not willing to actually confront her about it until she realizes how dire her situation is (seems to usually take a couple years) out of fear of hostility and rejection. And of course, the classic denial. Perhaps by the point where she becomes lucid enough to realize the reality of her situation, a letter would be a great idea as a prelude to a direct route of comfort especially given our similar experiences in life.

Friends may be different of course, but regardless you have helped me rethink things here, it's not just a matter of one side giving thanks (though that is still great) but ideally both sides giving thanks.

I apologize for any incoherency.
I wish I'd have done this for my one buddy who overdosed. Fucking embarrassing. She was the nicest, most principled person I think I ever knew.
to someone on this site:

Hey, thanks for being a great and caring friend though this mess. It means more to me then most things do, you mean more to me then most people ever could. Thanks for forgiving even though I diddnt really deserve it, but you did anyways. and thanks for being so easy to (playfully) troll :p