Social Would you rather?

Sit on your ass Saturday. Would you rather:

Have a B-B-Q with friends or go out for dinner ?
Go out for dinner
Eat a small jar of green olives or a small jar of dill pickles?
Dill pickles
Eat 5 tablespoons of mustard or 5 tbs. horseradish?
Smoke joints for life or ciggies? ( can't do both ) ?
Have sex with your ex or spend 10 days in jail?
Sex with my ex
It's that time my TDS and BL peeps. Another Whacked out Wednesday Would you rather. So........Would you rather:

Go without wi-fi for a week ( no phone, no TV, no nothin' ) or go without running water. ( Can't do dishes, can't flush toilet, can't shower etc ) ?

Be in pain with no pain meds or have a severe itch with no creams or anti-histamines?

Eat a cold can of chef boyardee ravioli or eat a cold can of corn beef hash ?

If you HAD to be one for a week would you be a policeman or a fireman?

Last but not a grasshopper or a cockroach?

Me: go without wifi, be in pain, chef boyardee, fireman, and grasshopper.

Happy Wednesday my lovelies. xoxo
Go without running water (growing up on a farm we were not connected to the town water supply, we had our own tanks, and we frequently had issues with the water tank pumps. So I am no stranger to living a couple of days without running water. I reckon I could stretch it out to a week)

Have a severe itch (I quite like scratching itches)

Chef boyardee ravioli (we actually have neither product in Australia but I'm assuming corn beef hash has potato in it and I HATE potato)


Grasshopper (I've actually eaten fried crickets before, they weren't that bad lol)
It's that time my TDS and BL peeps. Another Whacked out Wednesday Would you rather. So........Would you rather:

Go without wi-fi for a week ( no phone, no TV, no nothin' ) or go without running water. ( Can't do dishes, can't flush toilet, can't shower etc ) ?

Be in pain with no pain meds or have a severe itch with no creams or anti-histamines?

Eat a cold can of chef boyardee ravioli or eat a cold can of corn beef hash ?

If you HAD to be one for a week would you be a policeman or a fireman?

Last but not a grasshopper or a cockroach?

Me: go without wifi, be in pain, chef boyardee, fireman, and grasshopper.

Happy Wednesday my lovelies. xoxo
A few years ago I was a camp counselor in the mountains and went the entire summer with no wifi, cell phone, tv, radio, or anything electronic save for a HAM radio used to communicate with base camp. I could do it again.


I eat ravioli out of the can already so bring it on!

Fireman because who wants to be a cop?

A little bit free of online dependence...without any net somewhere is great.Even now often abstain it for a couple of days.It'sbsoke kinda a tiring.
Man, this is FUN!!!
1. Go without WI-FI
2. Be in pain, as I am already in pain with no dope!
3. Ravioli. I think I ate it cold anyway as a kid??
4. Totally be a copper. I would keep all the drugs I confiscated;)
5. Grasshoppers are cool, man. I would have to fucking eat the roach. One less roach in the world is a good thing. Those fuckers die hard.
go without running water.

Be in pain with no pain meds. (the distress from shingles pains is far less than allergic itch)

Eat a cold can of chef boyardee ravioli.

The only kind of cop I wanna be is the one that helps people find their lost(not stolen, not robbed, just lost) items, so fireman.

grasshopper. I know some people would fry and eat them but I never know ANYONE cook and eat roaches unless they were bullied.
No wifi, everyone needs to unplug sometimes. I think I need a break right now myself.

Hmm... Itchy I guess 😬

Cold chef boyardi actually sounds pretty good right now lol, made me hungry thinking about it

Fireman for sure, maybe I'll get to save a kitty stick in a tree 🐈

Grasshopper 🤢
It's that time my TDS and BL peeps. Another Whacked out Wednesday Would you rather. So........Would you rather:

Go without wi-fi for a week ( no phone, no TV, no nothin' ) or go without running water. ( Can't do dishes, can't flush toilet, can't shower etc ) ?
Without Wi-Fi. It would probably be good for me, honestly.
Be in pain with no pain meds or have a severe itch with no creams or anti-histamines?
Severe itch.
Eat a cold can of chef boyardee ravioli or eat a cold can of corn beef hash ?
Corn beef.
If you HAD to be one for a week would you be a policeman or a fireman?
Fireman, ACAB.
Last but not a grasshopper or a cockroach?
Grasshopper I guess...
Go without wifi ... I cannot survive without showering, doing dishes, or flushing the toilet.

be itchy ... I'm used to it. Annoying side effect of my anxiety that doesn't go away with creams or antihistamines anyway.

cold chef boyardee... but I'd love to have both. Room temp / cold canned goods are the bomb. I eat room temp spaghettios by choice.

fireman so I could climb trees and rescue kitties

grasshopper... a better would you rather would have been eat a cockroach or die ;)
Go without wifi ... I cannot survive without showering, doing dishes, or flushing the toilet.

be itchy ... I'm used to it. Annoying side effect of my anxiety that doesn't go away with creams or antihistamines anyway.

cold chef boyardee... but I'd love to have both. Room temp / cold canned goods are the bomb. I eat room temp spaghettios by choice.

fireman so I could climb trees and rescue kitties

grasshopper... a better would you rather would have been eat a cockroach or die ;)
Gotta quickly insert a catastrophe i had last week. The kittens in the tree prompted it.

So last week I was sitting here on the laptop reading BL and all of the sudden i heard a crash, bang and jumped out of my seat. One of my cats ( Fluffy ) had seen another cat outside and busted headfirst right through the screen. And that screen was on tight. He tore right through it like it was flimsy cotton.

Anyway that wouldn't have been so bad but my youngest and smallest ( Brindle Bug ...shes a tortoise shell and was a runt so she's very small for her age ) looked out the window to see what the fuss was about and was knocked out the window by my other cat ( Bear ) jumping out after Fluffy. So now Fluffy and this strange cat in the yard are outside fighting and run off to the other yard. Bear turns around and walks back up on the porch so I let him in. Fluffy finishes his yowling and wants a treat for running off the invader and now he's back as well. Mind you all my felines are neutered or spayed so their hormones should be cool.

But my little ( and favorite ) Brindle Bug are nowhere to be found. She was rescued as a kitten who lost it's mother in the woods behind my house. Her feet have never felt grass ( it was Winter when I found her ) and she is a cuddly little homebody that has never tried to get out.

So I proceed to call and call her. Walk the neighborhood calling. Post on all the lost pets sight. Call her all day until I am hoarse. Go home crying. Now it's getting dark and Michigan nights get chilly. It can be 90 during the day and 50 at night. It was one of those nights. I'm getting up every hour and checking the porch but because she doesn't know the hood i know she can't find her way back. More crying.

Next morning I walk the hood again and call and call. The woods are thick but I got heavy clothes on and went in. Had already called in the woods the previous day to no avail. I get about 20 yards in and I hear this faint mewing. I'm looking everywhere on the ground thinking she is hurt. Spent 20 minutes looking under dead piles of wood and brambles and such. Finally look UP and there 75 yards up in a tree is Brindle Bug. Holding on for dear life. In her fear she had scaled a tree with absolutely no limbs on it until way up there. tree is probably 150 feet tall or more. Theres one branch ( that she is on ) and because the tree is smooth I can't climb it.

I call the Fire Dept. and they wont help. I call Animal control....they won't help. Finally called a tree service and they will get her but not until the next day. And it's gonna be another cold night. So in desperation i went to my neighbor and asked if he had any ideas. He went into the woods with me and looked up and said I think i can scale this tree ( like natives do for coconuts ) but I'm not sure how i can grab her and scale back down. He went and got a toolbag ( to put her in ) and proceeded up the tree. He had to stop and rest 3 times on the way up because I'm sure scaling a tree with no cleats and just shimmying is hard work.

He finally reaches her and grabs her. Stuffs her in his toolbag and she jumps out. He snatches her and throws her back in . She is yowling like a banshee the whole time. Mind you she has been up there for 30 plus hours. He reaches the ground and I hug him and scoop up Brindle and put her in my hoodie. She curls up to my chest and is absolutely traumatized but calm now that she is down. I walk in the house with her and she eats 2 cans of fancy feast and passes out from her ordeal.

I go in my stash ( bill money ) and pull out $100 and promptly walk over and give it to my neighbor. He wouldn't take it at first so i just put the money on the table, gave him another hug and went home. Brindle was still passed out !!

About 3 hours later the guy comes over with a quarter ounce of primo weed. And gives it to me. He says he couldn't accept $100 so the weed is to pay back a bit of it. I hugged him again. And now I have a neighbor that is not only a great tree climber but has good weed. Damn shame he is really young.....and married.

I have since fixed the screen and my Brindle Bug is home safe.
It's that time my TDS and BL peeps. Another Whacked out Wednesday Would you rather. So........Would you rather:

Go without wi-fi for a week ( no phone, no TV, no nothin' ) or go without running water. ( Can't do dishes, can't flush toilet, can't shower etc ) ?

Be in pain with no pain meds or have a severe itch with no creams or anti-histamines?

Eat a cold can of chef boyardee ravioli or eat a cold can of corn beef hash ?

If you HAD to be one for a week would you be a policeman or a fireman?

Last but not a grasshopper or a cockroach?

Me: go without wifi, be in pain, chef boyardee, fireman, and grasshopper.

Happy Wednesday my lovelies. xoxo

1. No wifi no problems....i need the water for sure
2. i'll take the itch because i can manage those - i get bad headaches sometimes so i'd rather have the advil
3. i'll take the corned beef hash - i cant eat chef boyardee - heartburn for sure
4. i'd be a cop for a week - bad lieutenant
5. fried grasshoppers are tasty
And now I have a neighbor that is not only a great tree climber but has good weed. Damn shame he is really young.....and married.

holy shit nurse . Let me get this straight... he's young, athletic, heroic, generous, loves kitties, and smokes good weed? What the hell.

I loved that story though. So glad it ended well and bugsy is home safe.
Gotta quickly insert a catastrophe i had last week. The kittens in the tree prompted it.

So last week I was sitting here on the laptop reading BL and all of the sudden i heard a crash, bang and jumped out of my seat. One of my cats ( Fluffy ) had seen another cat outside and busted headfirst right through the screen. And that screen was on tight. He tore right through it like it was flimsy cotton.

Anyway that wouldn't have been so bad but my youngest and smallest ( Brindle Bug ...shes a tortoise shell and was a runt so she's very small for her age ) looked out the window to see what the fuss was about and was knocked out the window by my other cat ( Bear ) jumping out after Fluffy. So now Fluffy and this strange cat in the yard are outside fighting and run off to the other yard. Bear turns around and walks back up on the porch so I let him in. Fluffy finishes his yowling and wants a treat for running off the invader and now he's back as well. Mind you all my felines are neutered or spayed so their hormones should be cool.

But my little ( and favorite ) Brindle Bug are nowhere to be found. She was rescued as a kitten who lost it's mother in the woods behind my house. Her feet have never felt grass ( it was Winter when I found her ) and she is a cuddly little homebody that has never tried to get out.

So I proceed to call and call her. Walk the neighborhood calling. Post on all the lost pets sight. Call her all day until I am hoarse. Go home crying. Now it's getting dark and Michigan nights get chilly. It can be 90 during the day and 50 at night. It was one of those nights. I'm getting up every hour and checking the porch but because she doesn't know the hood i know she can't find her way back. More crying.

Next morning I walk the hood again and call and call. The woods are thick but I got heavy clothes on and went in. Had already called in the woods the previous day to no avail. I get about 20 yards in and I hear this faint mewing. I'm looking everywhere on the ground thinking she is hurt. Spent 20 minutes looking under dead piles of wood and brambles and such. Finally look UP and there 75 yards up in a tree is Brindle Bug. Holding on for dear life. In her fear she had scaled a tree with absolutely no limbs on it until way up there. tree is probably 150 feet tall or more. Theres one branch ( that she is on ) and because the tree is smooth I can't climb it.

I call the Fire Dept. and they wont help. I call Animal control....they won't help. Finally called a tree service and they will get her but not until the next day. And it's gonna be another cold night. So in desperation i went to my neighbor and asked if he had any ideas. He went into the woods with me and looked up and said I think i can scale this tree ( like natives do for coconuts ) but I'm not sure how i can grab her and scale back down. He went and got a toolbag ( to put her in ) and proceeded up the tree. He had to stop and rest 3 times on the way up because I'm sure scaling a tree with no cleats and just shimmying is hard work.

He finally reaches her and grabs her. Stuffs her in his toolbag and she jumps out. He snatches her and throws her back in . She is yowling like a banshee the whole time. Mind you she has been up there for 30 plus hours. He reaches the ground and I hug him and scoop up Brindle and put her in my hoodie. She curls up to my chest and is absolutely traumatized but calm now that she is down. I walk in the house with her and she eats 2 cans of fancy feast and passes out from her ordeal.

I go in my stash ( bill money ) and pull out $100 and promptly walk over and give it to my neighbor. He wouldn't take it at first so i just put the money on the table, gave him another hug and went home. Brindle was still passed out !!

About 3 hours later the guy comes over with a quarter ounce of primo weed. And gives it to me. He says he couldn't accept $100 so the weed is to pay back a bit of it. I hugged him again. And now I have a neighbor that is not only a great tree climber but has good weed. Damn shame he is really young.....and married.

I have since fixed the screen and my Brindle Bug is home safe.
Unreal!!!! I have experienced the fear, trauma and devastation of losing an animal. I truly hold animals above humans. My cat, Scrapper, was an indoor/outdoor
cat. All my cats were also neutered or spade as well. This cat got stuck in my neighbors garage for TWO WEEKS. Every day I was slowly losing my mind. I was starting to give him up for dead at the nearly 2 week mark, yet still clinging to hope because I couldn't imagine living without him.

One day I was looking out my front door, there were glass panels on the sides of the frame. And guess who is out there??? Totally emaciated, don't even know what he used for hydration. BUT HE MADE IT OUT ALIVE!!! Holy shit. It's like a mixture of relief and complete exhaustion and exhilaration. Needless to say, all cats since are indoor. Scrapper lived to be 20:)
" Because I hate Mondays." 16 year old cites this as the reason she stood in her bedroom with a rifle and started shooting at the schoolyard across the street from her home. Circa 1970's or thereabout.

So.................because it's Monday...........Would you rather?

Cliff jump or Skydive? ( landing in one piece and alive is the outcome)

Work all day in the heat and sun digging ditches or all day in the snow and cold shoveling sidewalks?

Eat a large pine cone off the ground or 1 level cup of dirt?

Amtrack across the Country or Drive?

You have to eat this for 30 days. Nothing else. WYR eat Cheap bologna and govt. cheese sandwiches dry, no condiments no extras. On stale white bread. OR cold Spam sandwiches on stale wheat bread ....also dry.

me: Cliff jump, shovel snow, pine cone, Amtrak, and bologna and cheese.

Happy freaky Monday all my TDS peeps and poops.
Cliff jump or Skydive? ( landing in one piece and alive is the outcome)
Skydive, it’s on my bucket list.
Work all day in the heat and sun digging ditches or all day in the snow and cold shoveling sidewalks?
Done both, despite being Canadian I prefer the heat and sun. At least that way I get a tan :LOL:
Eat a large pine cone off the ground or 1 level cup of dirt?
I was gonna go with pine cone, but on second thought dirt sounds easier.
Amtrack across the Country or Drive?
Drive, that is on my bucket list too actually.
You have to eat this for 30 days. Nothing else. WYR eat Cheap bologna and govt. cheese sandwiches dry, no condiments no extras. On stale white bread. OR cold Spam sandwiches on stale wheat bread ....also dry.
Bologna and cheese sandwiches on stale bread ain’t THAT bad.
Because I hate Mondays." 16 year old cites this as the reason she stood in her bedroom with a rifle and started shooting at the schoolyard across the street from her home. Circa 1970's or thereabout.
1.very,very difficult a fear from got me..nurse...none of them2.Work in the snow3.eatin' dirt,ain't got enough teeth to chew the con4.Drive-like to drive and drive from a long time5.don't know what is bologna(know only the city),nor government sandwiches