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Would you rather be perscribed 10 mg morphine pills, or 2 mg hydromorphone pills?


Aug 12, 2019
I'm dealing with calcific tendonopathy and I have a doc who gets excited to write me up prescriptions.

At the hospital, they gave me 5, 10 mg morphine pills and they worked a treat. Really took the edge off the pain. The only issue was they pretty much only last for about 2 or 3 hours, you're supposed to take one every four hours according to the package. When the pain is 11 out of 10 it's really tough, but it can be done.

I had to go back because the swelling and pain was out of control, so I went literally just for pain management because my appointment with the doctor is scheduled for the following day, but anyways they gave me 5, 2 mg hydromorphone and I've taken one and it seems kind of shit compared to an OG 10 mg morphine pill. I honestly can't tell how long it lasts because I haven't noticed it doing anything yet.

What do yall think? I'm leaning toward a request for some OG 10's. Unless she'll write me up a script for 10 mg hydros. I fucked myself by being a junkie years past, and now regular doses of "heavy duty" pain killers are like gingerale to an alcoholic to me. It's such a shame that opiates are a dirty word in the medical system. It's legitimately difficult to get a prescription for medication when you actually need it no matter how much pain you're in but I guess I got lucky getting a little bit of a break here.

And I know this is probably too much information, but it just makes me angry that they'll throw up to 60 mg of Dexedrine or Adderall per day at a 13 year old, but the apprehension to prescribe somebody 10 mg or more of a real painkiller, for real pain, is something that they are super sketch about. I don't think there's any statistics out there that exist outlining how many kids who get prescribed ADHD medication become meth addicts later, but I guarantee the number is high. Higher than they would even imagine, but that's another conversation for another thread. All drugs should be legal, the solution is education, not prohibition. But again, too much of my opinion is working it's way onto this inquisitive post.


10 mg morphine
2 mg hydros

Who would you sick fuckin beauties pick, if you had a choice.
i think the oral bioavailability of hydromorphone is like 10%, so if you iv it, 2mg iv is as powerful as 20 mg oral, while morphine is only about 3 times more potent than oral when injected
Well here's another query for you then, when plugging Hydros be almost as effective as slamming? I used to slam hydros all the time and I found that plugging was almost as good without any of the trouble of trying to get your liquid all clean and you know risk infection and all that shit.

All I have left is 4, 2 mg hydro pills, so I'm a little bit apprehensive about trying things I'm not sure of with them, because it's actually for pain instead of for getting high.

But let's be real here, I want to get high a little bit at least. Share the wisdom.

My previous minimum plugged dose used to be 15 mg hydros. Would usually get me almost to where I wanted to be. Not quite but almost.
Not sure what the plugged bioavailibility is, but your probably right, it probably works just as well
I'll see what's up and report back... for science.

Imma whack 2 in there (a measly 4 milligrams) before bed.

It's mostly just to kill this crippling shoulder pain just before I go to sleep and the only reason I'm not going to do them all because I don't have any more coming to me for sure yet. If I had more for sure, I would pound them up there and say f*** it
Hydro has no legs. If you are looking for pain relief that lasts, not a high, go for morphine in my humble opinion.
I have some straight up ketamine. I should just blast a fattie to pass some time.

I just went through about an 8-ball in a 3 week period about a week ago and then I grabbed another 8-ball before I left the last city I was working in, man my tolerance is high on that shit now

What were the doses you were using?

Actually the other day I tried 40 mg of ketamine plugged and it was "meh" and then I tried 80mg plugged in the same thing, pretty lackluster. I was disappointed.
no, but i mix dxm regularly with poppy pods, subutex, and kratom
That actually sounds pretty smooth. That would be a good time for sure even at low - moderate doses.

One thing I did try was 40 mg of K about an hour after 10 mg morphine. Really potentiates both, so I see the potential for sure
60 mg daily, but up to 500 mg when im really getting high
i'm doing it right now,
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Ya that sounds about right, I tried 440 mg of DXM solo once and it was a pretty difficult experience.

60 mg with a quarter hit of acid was magic

I loaded the liquid from 2 Dillies (4 mg) into a syringe for before bed. I'll get K steppin now and plunge it on the tail end of the K. See if it comes close to what 20 mg of the OG morph achieves for pain relief.
I'm very disappointed to report back that 2, 2 mg Dillies (4 mg) plugged is pretty much a zero on the effect threshold scale. Some beginnings of some resemblance of something, but failure to really develop into even a mild analgesic effect.

2.5 g of Kratom is more effective than 4 mg of Hydromorphone hands down.

Also, 10 mg of OG Morphine orally is more effective.

And now I know this first hand.
I'm very disappointed to report back that 2, 2 mg Dillies (4 mg) plugged is pretty much a zero on the effect threshold scale. Some beginnings of some resemblance of something, but failure to really develop into even a mild analgesic effect.

2.5 g of Kratom is more effective than 4 mg of Hydromorphone hands down.

Also, 10 mg of OG Morphine orally is more effective.

And now I know this first hand.
Sorry to hear that...what a bummer
I'm very disappointed to report back that 2, 2 mg Dillies (4 mg) plugged is pretty much a zero on the effect threshold scale. Some beginnings of some resemblance of something, but failure to really develop into even a mild analgesic effect.

2.5 g of Kratom is more effective than 4 mg of Hydromorphone hands down.

Also, 10 mg of OG Morphine orally is more effective.

And now I know this first hand.
Sorry to hear that...what a bummer
Haha, I don't know if that was deliberate, but it was punny.

Applause ^.^
Seriously, not joking now, that is horrible news. At least you know, I guess. I hope you have enough to be comfortable and your evening is a noddy one. 💗
snort the dil