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Would you like to be a doctor?


Dec 27, 2005
Would you like to be a doctor? Just that you could prescribe anything you want, and they also have a pretty good salary

I've thought about that, but I couldn't probably motivate myself to study things that don't interest me for six years, just that I could prescribe any pill I want.

Wondering if other people have thought of the same thing. :)
For morphine and amphetamines it would be nice. Everything else is crap. But the real rub lies as a chemist who can make any drug he/she wants. MDMA, LSD, cocaine. This is the good stuff.
Organic chemistry with a side of advanced pharmacology would be cool.

But I wouldn't have minded being a doctor. Give all my friends lots of low level CIV prescriptions...... probably make other doctor friends to script me a few quality uppers. ( dexedrine anyone? ).

And get paid good for doing it.
Nope, don't want to be a doctor, assuming you're talking about MDs. It takes the right combination of personal qualities to be a good doctor and I don't have 'em

Also, pretty sure that getting a bit too free with the ol' prescription pad is frowned upon in today's era...the fantasy of being a doctor like Elvis' or Trump's doctor is fun though, one of those guys who's known as "Dr. Nick" or whatever lol. JFK had a doctor like that too. This country needs more degenerate doctors dammit, more doctors with the "Dr." title immediately preceding an abbreviated first name! Less goody-good eggheads, more degenerate doctors!
Some cops back when I was in my late teens jammed me up for some weed. The lady cop opened up the baggie, sniffed it and said "yeah this is good stuff", I shit you not. They said that I'd receive something in the mail from the court system but I never did

I'd like to be a cop like that
Some cops back when I was in my late teens jammed me up for some weed. The lady cop opened up the baggie, sniffed it and said "yeah this is good stuff", I shit you not. They said that I'd receive something in the mail from the court system but I never did

I'd like to be a cop like that
Decriminalized state?

I was strip searched and sent to county for 1g of Mexican brick weed and a tiny pipe in AZ before it was legal.

But they found heroin and coke which they pinned on my buddies. Maybe that's why. Idk. Cops were fucking dicks tho
Those goddamn cops stole my weed and probably toked up somewhere and laughed about it later. Wait til the boys back at the station hear about this one!

ACAB, Black Lives Matter, etc!

It's amusing to me (considering my life experiences) that all of the negative interactions I've had with LEO over the course of my life have had to do with weed. All of the things, and it's weed that was my downfall with johnny law. Thank goodness we live in a less ignorant age, in that regard anyway
One time I had a state cop let me go after finding a .2 of dope. It was in the center console and I couldn't get to it in time without looking suspicious. I told the cops I was on my way to the hospital while they were searching. When they let me out of the back of their car the one told me my property was in the trunk. Dope was in the trunk.

I think he didn't feel like the hassle over such a small bag. Plus maybe my sob story about the hospital.
One time I had a state cop let me go after finding a .2 of dope. It was in the center console and I couldn't get to it in time without looking suspicious. I told the cops I was on my way to the hospital while they were searching. When they let me out of the back of their car the one told me my property was in the trunk. Dope was in the trunk.

I think he didn't feel like the hassle over such a small bag. Plus maybe my sob story about the hospital.
Afaik police doesn't give much thought to Opioids,
because they think it's a lost cause anyways.
They only want the dealers.

If you look at Vancouver Downtown for example, the Police is actually there to help the Opioid addicts, not lock them away or take their dope away.
Yes (in direct answer to the topic).

Just as long as I'm not subject to oversight by any agencies and human rights organizations and have a mandate to source, prescribe, administer, and test or retest any existing or new or experimental pharmaceuticals as developed by the major pharmaceutical manufacturers from time to time. 🤣

Needless to say: immunity from prosecution due to unforeseen or unexpected outcomes would also be a prerequisite. 🤣
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Yes (in direct answer to the topic).

Just as long as I'm not subject to oversight by any agencies and human rights organizations and have a mandate to source, prescribe, administer, and test or retest any existing or new or experimental pharmaceuticals as developed by the major pharmaceutical manufacturers from time to time. 🤣

Needless to say: immunity from prosecution due to unforeseen or unexpected outcomes would also be a prerequisite. 🤣
Kind of rights that Josef Mengele had during WW2, just being much more caring and benevolent than Joseph? Yep, not see you becoming MD in peacetime with that kind of prerequisites. :ROFLMAO:

Would you like to be a doctor? Just that you could prescribe anything you want, and they also have a pretty good salary
If it's only about "prescribing anything and having a good salary" I would like that kind of doctor so I can get the stuff I really need. Being a doctor brings a lot of other (ethical) things into consideration and I would reply - no. Researcher in a lab - yep.

That doesn't mean that I don't possess better qualities than some doctors, but the ethical standard in that field should be really high and I would torture myself to death regarding decisions I made.